What’s The First Thing To Do When You Get Stressed?

Be still and know that He is God.

Be still and know that He is God.

What’s the first thing to do when stress threatens to take over your life? Be still, and know that I am God. (Ps 46:10) No matter how nuts you life is, stop and find a quiet place where you can close your eyes and meditate on God. It doesn’t have to be long, just enough to settle your spirit and remind you where your peace comes from.

When we remember that God is God, that He is the greatest power in the universe, and He’s on our side, you know it’s going to be okay. That time of quiet, where you reach out with your heart to touch His throne, will keep you safely under the shadow of His wings where He promises to protect and bless you.

When we think that we’re too busy to take time to be still, we’re already in trouble. That’s when we’re listening to the enemy who wants to keep us from trusting God. If we make it a point to have our time of communion with the Lord, He does miraculous things with time so we do what needs to be done.

Be still and know that He is God. He is everything you need right now. Stop and allow His peace to bless you today. You need it more than you know.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


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