Tag Archives: dreams

When Dreams Come True


May He grant you according to your heart’s desire, and fulfill all your purpose. Psalms 20:4
When I think about how wildly awesome God is, I love Him more. He wants to give me my heart’s desire. He wants to make my dreams come true. Not only does He want to guard and protect me, He wants me to be my perfect me. He wants me to fulfill my destiny, completely. He knows what’s important to me and He knows what will bless me. He knows what will help me grow and He knows all my favorite things. The closer I get to Him, the more He blesses me. He is my God, and He always will be. 

How Can I Hear From God? Part 6

God Speaks Through Our Dreams

Can God talk to me in my sleep? Most definitely. Dreams are a big way of communicating to you and there are lots of examples in the Bible of that. They may feel real, like your not sleeping at all. Sometimes those message dreams wake us up at night. Keep a journal by your bed and take the time to write them down before you go back to sleep. Same thing when you wake up in the morning, write down a dream that you remember that feels like a message. They don’t stay in our memory for very long. Look at everything in the dream for meaning—sound, color, numbers, order of things. Images can have special significance and there are good books to look up dream interpretation. Of course, we can get strange dreams because the pizza we ate or stress, so filter out what doesn’t feel like God. Next, making sense of it.

How Can I Hear From God? Part 1

God loves to talk to us.

Yes, God talks to us.

I don’t know why I was surprised to learn that God wants to talk to me. But when you stop and think about it, He set up a plan for  us to connect with Him through Jesus’ death on the cross. It was a huge move on His part, just to let us go directly to Him. If He was willing to do all that, why wouldn’t He want to talk to me now, today. It makes sense.

So, exactly how is He talking to me? Well, it turns out that He has all kinds of languages, and not just the kind that we speak. He will use any form of communication that we have—whatever we see, hear, feel, or think. He uses scripture a lot because He wrote it. Those verses that jump off the page? That’s Him talking. Keep a journal and write them down and date them. Go back and read them and see what He’s telling you. Next post, more ways God talks to you.

More on How I Can Hear From God: How Can I Hear From God? Part 2

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