Let the joy of the Lord out!
Let the joy of the Lord rise among us. Lord, this is your plan for life. It’s always been – to have a people who love and trust in you, so your joy can rise. It’s a great plan. I like it. Let your joy rise in me. Rise in my house, my city, my nation. There is healing in your joy.
There is wisdom and grace. There is life. Your joy is a dimension we have not yet discovered in ourselves. It’s in us, in our spirits. You put it there when you breathed life into Adam. It lies waiting for the sound of Your voice to rise up. Deep calls unto deep. Let the joy rise.
Teach my spirit to enjoy the joy you’ve given me. Let me give myself to it and give it freedom in my life. How can I respond to life in arrogance if your joy sings in my soul? No matter what happens, no matter what tragedy, let your joy always be my guide. I will follow your joy and sing with you and you will guard my heart and my thoughts.
Be our God and rise among us. We need you. Let joy flow like falling drops of water in the fountain of life. I love your joy. It brings clarity and revelation when we embrace it. You said make a joyful noise all the earth. I want to hear that. I want to hear the earth respond to you in joy. I can’t imagine the sound of that. I”m sure it wouldn’t sound as heavenly as we think it would. I think it would sound like joyful noise. Rise up in me. I’ll make some noise.
Another post on carrying joy: Kingdom People Carry Joy
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