Tag Archives: the blessings of God

Morning Mercies And Tea

His mercies are a daily blessing.

His mercies are new every morning.

God and I have a little ritual that we play every morning. I must have my cup of tea and a bite to eat before I try to get anything done. So I have my tea and read the paper and then it happens. I never know exactly when, and because I’m intent on reading the paper, I’m not paying attention. God sends His mercies.

It hits me like a jolt of joy. I always have to stop and look up because I know what just hit me. It’s His gift to me every day and I receive it with happy thanks. I admit that there are days when so many other concerns crowd my mind that I miss it. I’m crushed when I eventually realize it, but it’s ok. The mercies are new every morning.

This gift feels like a new dress that I put on everyday, fresh with promise and sparkling with the dawn. Every day is full of hope because my God is with me. Everyday He is ever loving and faithful. I give Him my plans, my hopes and dreams, and He breathes on them.

I never have to wonder if I am His, because He sends His love to me every morning. (Lam 3:23)


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart



  • New Mercies

What If Your Dreams Are Too Small?

Press in to what you know is your destiny and don't look back.

Press in to what you know is your destiny and don’t look back.

If you happened to meet a billionaire at the airport and he liked you and decided to fund you  in anything you wanted to do, what would you do?
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Let God Bless You At Work

Lord blessI’m a baseball fan. I love to watch the catcher look down and think about which pitch to call for next.  He only has seconds to decide and his concentration is intense. Then, quickly, he will look up and make the sign to the pitcher. It’s over in a matter of fifteen seconds, but it’s awesome to watch.
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Don’t Walk Away From Blessing

Choose to receive all that is yours.

Choose to receive all that is yours.

What are you going to do with all that blessing? What blessing, you ask?  Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ. Eph 1:3. That’s a lot of blessing.

Every spiritual blessing. Just think for a minute about how much blessing there could be in heaven. Now realize that God has given all of it to you. Whether you believe it or not, it’s true. It won’t just rain down on you, you have to receive it. If you just don’t believe that God would bless you like that, then you walk away from everything that Jesus died for.

No, we don’t deserve it, but that’s all been covered on the cross. Now we get to enjoy the bounty of heaven. Living in His blessing is all part of His original plan. How it must grieve God’s heart when we don’t take what He is trying to give us. He is constantly blessing us, but we will only receive what we choose to receive. I say, go for it – arms wide and heart open. I’ll take anything and everything He has to give me. I choose to walk in blessing.