Tag Archives: the love of God

What in the World is God’s Great Plan?

God’s Great Plan decreed our inheritance before creation. “He chose us before the creation of the world.” Ephesians 1:4

His Great Plan laid the foundations for a supreme sacrifice. He knew. And he came. He wanted us to be with him. He wants us to be with him. All his desire is for us to be with him. All our desires should answer his. Imagine the unbounded greatness – the meeting of our great desire with his. Like worlds and galaxies colliding. The shockwaves of love that move mountains and shake the stars. Imagine living within the hub of that intensity in perfect peace. No harm. No fear. Not easy, but no fear. Life is still messy, but inside the hub is light and peace.

But there’s only room for one. We must each love him to the edges of our desire, our own worlds colliding with his. Only after we attain the hub do we join together to create an even stronger unity. Is it correct to say we live in a hub? He is a strong tower, a fortress, a wing of protection. I think hub fits.

Let the collision begin.

The True Meaning Of Love

1 Corinthians 13, love

Only God can love with real love

It’s a sad state things when we have to be told what love is. We all have a filter for how we view the world and that helps define what love is to us. Unfortunately, because so many people have troubled lives, it’s difficult to have a clear understanding the true meaning of love.

Love is patient and kind, not jealous, not proud, not rude, not selfish, not easily angered, doesn’t remember wrongs done, is never happy when others do wrong, is happy with truth, never gives up, never stops trusting, never loses hope, and never quits. (ICor 13)

What does it say when we have to be told that love is not selfish or rude? Our humanity has a twisted perception of love and it’s totally wrong. That’s why so many people are skeptical when they’re told that God loves them, because they don’t understand what love is.

Only God can love with real love. Only He can love without hurting or judging. Ask Him to help you understand and take in the meaning of Him loving you. When you begin to really get what the love of God is in your life, your love for Him will grow enormously. That’s when you really get to know Him and enjoy being His.

Another post on God’s love: Everlasting Love


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

God Fills the Deep Need to be Wanted

What is the love of God

God loves you and wants you.

Remember being a kid and hoping to be picked for a team? Kids all around you have been picked and you hope against hope that you won’t be the last one left standing alone. You want to be wanted. You want other people to like you and want to be with you. How amazing it is to know that God has wanted you from before creation. Continue reading

God’s Love Meets Every Need

Love Him like a joyful child and He will be your awesome Father.

Give your heart to Him and He will meet every need in your life.

The love of God is so complete, that nothing is ever left out. When we fall into His arms, He takes care of us completely. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you. (Mat 6:33) Our job, our housing, our family, our future–all are safe in His hands. Continue reading