God gave us all the good stuff.
It’s easy to look at a sunset and know that God loves beauty, but stop and think about everything that is good in the world and realize where it came from. Continue reading
God gave us all the good stuff.
It’s easy to look at a sunset and know that God loves beauty, but stop and think about everything that is good in the world and realize where it came from. Continue reading
The more I see God in action, the more I want. I am not satisfied to dip my toe into the kingdom, I want to dive in and live submerged. Sound fanatical? I hope so, because the alternative is dry and empty. Continue reading
Where the presence of God is, there is righteousness peace, and joy. (Rom 14:17) In His presence, there is healing, comfort, salvation, and grace. There are no bad things in God. So, why doesn’t everyone feel that? Continue reading