Category Archives: Blog

What Will It Take For You Trust God?

The angels already came to announce that God is with us.

The angels already came to announce that God is with us.

Wouldn’t it be perfect if God sent angels to us to announce His presence and tell us all the things we need to know? Then we could nod and say, “That’s what I’m talking about! Finally, God is letting me know He’s for real!” We could really put our trust in Him, if we could see a sign with our own eyes. We all want the writing on the wall to make things perfectly clear.

The thing is, God already did that. The angels did come and announce His presence with us, and He did tell us very clearly what we need to do. He’s not going to do it again. The fact is, we are responsible for the message He already gave.

And the writing on the wall? The only time that happened, it was not a pretty message. (Dan 5:27) God has already promised to be everything that you need Him to be. All you have to do it take Him at His word. He is God, so He can’t lie. If there’s a problem, it’s with your faith, not His promise.

What will it take for you to believe Him? It’s going to take you finally letting go of the flimsy control you think you have. Give it all to God and let Him show you how it really works. There is blessing in that trust to protect you so He can be everything you need.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Why Is The Narrow Gate So Hard To Get Through?

The gate is narrow, but not impossible to get through.

The gate is narrow, but not impossible to get through.

You’ve been warned. Jesus said it up front: Narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it. (Mat 7:14) He came to bring salvation, not a path of rose petals. The path is tricky to follow,  and only those who stay with it will find the salvation He promised.

Why is the road so hard? Two reasons. 1. Our nature is selfish. We live to satisfy our own desires. We can’t help it, we’re born to think of ourselves first. And it’s a very strong desire to save ourselves and satisfy our own wants.

2. We have an enemy who lives to see us fail. Since he lost his place in heaven, satan’s only thought is how to hurt God by hurting us. He works against us in every single place he can. Those areas where we actually feel good about giving to other people come under attack so it gets harder to do than it should.

The gate to salvation becomes very narrow indeed, because God calls us to be selfless. It goes against our own desires, and the work the enemy presses against us. Only putting everything in God’s hands gives us the strength and courage we need to follow Him as we should. Daily prayer, daily commitment to the One who loves us best, will fill us with all we need to rise up in blessing to those around us. It may take effort, but it’s not impossible.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


The Kingdom Of God Is Not About Argument, It’s About Power

The kingdom of God is not about argument.

The kingdom of God is not about argument.

Which do you think is more effective in showing the kingdom — debating abortion or praying for someone’s migraine and seeing them relieved of pain? How about a biblically correct argument against gay marriage, or praying for someone’s lost wallet and seeing it returned with nothing missing?

No one is ever swayed by debate or accusation. Ever. It just makes them mad and convinced that Christians are heartless and mean. That is polar opposite to how we should be viewed. They should know us by our love, not our hate. They should know us for the good that we support, not what we oppose.

But more than anything, people need to see the power of God in action to heal and change lives. That can only happen when you experience it yourself. You have to be praying for healing and seeing miracles in your own life, then you can release in others. Once you get started, it’s fun. Who doesn’t like seeing anyone free of pain or problems suddenly fixed?

The world needs to see the reality of God, not vindictive arguments that only serve to widen the gap. God is good, that’s the message. He wants to save, heal, and deliver. That’s what we should be showing. Get behind that message and people will be interested.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Unforgiveness And Fear Are Huge Enemies To Get Rid Of

Don't live with unforgiveness or fear.

Don’t live with unforgiveness or fear.

The two biggest enemies in your life will often be unforgiveness and fear. Both are sin and we tend to hold onto them with a tight grip. Unfortunately, when we do that. we block the blessings that we need in our lives.

Unforgiveness goes deep when we’ve been badly hurt. We may be willing to forgive small things someone has done, but if there is something that caused deep pain, we are unwilling to even touch it, let alone forgive for it. This is dangerous. Jesus was very clear: But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins. (Mat 6:15) Yikes!

Fear is another favorite weapon of the enemy. For some reason, we don’t tend to think of fear as a problem for us. We think it’s acceptable to worry about things. God doesn’t agree. There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. (IJohn 4:18)

If you live with fear and worry, then you haven’t had a true revelation of God and how much He loves you. If you really understood that He will take care of everything, if you let Him, you could live in peace.

Take a look at your life and see if you are holding onto unforgiveness or fear. It’s time to let go.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Some Mysteries Of God Will Never Be Revealed Because No One Asked

Ask to know the mysteries of God.

Ask to know the mysteries of God.

It has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven. (Mat 13:11)  How cool is that! God has kept back blessing and revelation for us to discover. He’s not hiding them from us, He’s hiding them for us. He wants to give them to those who hunger and thirst for more. He wants to reward those who are willing to go deeper.

What could those mysteries be? I don’t know, it’s a mystery. But I do know that God made the universe and He has all power, creativity, and genius, so His mysteries will knock your socks off. Imagine getting revelation straight from God about some area that you are intensely curious about. It could be a new medical breakthrough, social media concept, or a business decision that changes a company. It doesn’t have to be “spiritual” to be revelation from God.

So how do you get it? What’s the key? Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. (Mat 7:7) It’s that simple. God promises to give good things to His children. And He delights in those children who want to know more about His mysteries. Go ahead and ask. Somethings will never be discovered, because no one asked.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


What Would It Take For God To Shake Up Your Reality Of Him?

Do you have a reality of God? Is God as real to you as your morning coffee? So real that there isn’t any doubt and all your thoughts and decisions are shaped by how real He is? Me neither. But I wish that was true.

While I sat back and contemplated God, I had a picture of an angel appearing in front of me. How would I react to that? That’s the kind of thing that would shake up your theology. I could just see the angel looking at me in frustration and asking, “What are you doing!” As if I hadn’t been aware of God enough to value Him in my life as I should.

I want a greater reality of God.

I want a greater reality of God.

I could imagine that an angel appearing in front of me would change my life forever. I would see and know the presence of God first hand. But Jesus said, Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed. (John 20:29) We don’t need an angel to convince us of God’s love and power in our lives. That’s what the Holy Spirit is for.

But He makes me hungry to know Him more. And the good news of that is: Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled. (Mat 5:6) I’m ready to be filled.




Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Are You Disappointed In Your Life? It’s Never Too Late For God

It's never too late for God to use you.

It’s never too late for God to use you.

Do you ever look at your life and wonder, what happened? We have goals. We have dreams. We were supposed to be something else by now. It can be depressing if you are nowhere near where you wanted to be. But you don’t have to beat yourself up. It’s never too late.

It’s also good to remember that God is more impressed with your journey and how you are living as opposed to where you are. But He will use you anywhere. He can resurrect a field of dry bones and make an army. He can take an old shepherd and make him the leader of a nation. He can take a shy introvert and make him a general.

God takes people from all walks of life and opens doors that they never saw coming. The key is that they put their lives in God’s hands so He could do something with them. He can do the same thing for you. All you have to do is submit to Him. Let Him have your time, your talents, and your dreams. He can make suddenlies happen.

Life can be as exciting as you think it should be if you trust Him, no matter where you are or how old you are. God can do anything.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


There Will Always Be A Balance Of Priorities In The Kingdom

The dangerous part of experiencing the joy of the Spirit, is assuming that everyday should be joyful. I’m all for joy. I think it’s a bad idea to lose it, but I don’t think we’re supposed to expect it everyday, especially when we’re called to mourn with those who mourn.

It’s very easy to get caught up in certain aspects of the kingdom and set  up camp there. For some people, it’s all about power and miracles. For others it’s about compassion and serving. They get offended if they don’t have complete support from everyone around them in the area they’re excited about.

The kingdom of God is about balance.

The kingdom of God is about balance.

Don’t get me wrong, power and miracles and compassion and serving are all good. But there are seasons and times in our lives when we are called to one and then the other. We can’t get hung up on experience and demand more of that experience.

The kingdom is about balance and order. Jesus spent a lot of time healing the sick, then He hung out with the kids. There is a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance. (Ecc 3:4) God is multifaceted and so is our life with Him.

Enjoy the season that you are in now, but don’t expect it to be like that forever. There is so much more to learn and experience.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Ask God To Protect You From The Evil One, Because You Need It

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. (Eph 6:12) This is serious stuff. The unseen world has far more power than the natural world, but we forget that. Then we wonder why we’ve been slammed with problems, financial stress, and sickness.

God promises to keep you completely safe.

God promises to keep you completely safe.

The good news is that we have ALL authority in Christ. All we have to do is resist the devil and he has to leave. But the devil isn’t stupid. He knows how to twist truth. He knows how to insinuate himself into what is good and pervert it. He’s not always easy to recognize.

That’s why Jesus said to pray, deliver us from evil. We need God to watch out for us where we cannot. He’s got eyes and ears in places that we don’t. But God is waiting for you to ask Him for help.

The minute you turn to the Lord, He responds. Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler, and from the perilous pestilence. He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge. (Psalms 91:3-4)

When you ask for protection, you literally pull those big wings down over you and you are snug as a bug in a rug. And very, very safe.



Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Your Faith Is Your Responsibility | With What Food You Are Being Fed

Salvation is a decision that only you can make.

Salvation is a decision that only you can make.

We are each responsible to work out our own salvation. (Phil 2:12) That means that it’s our decision to receive salvation through Christ. We can’t rely on our spouse or parents, or even our church. No wonder the Lord often called us sheep,  because we are so ready to follow anyone with a loud enough voice and let other people tell us what is right and wrong.

Pay attention to who you listen to. Is the message Biblical? Or is it Biblical to a point? Is it a message that includes part of the Bible, but not all of it? The Word is very clear: All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. (2Tim 3:16)

Don’t be a hearer and not a doer. (Jam 1:22) You are responsible for knowing the truth and acting on it. God will send you the help that you need, if you are willing to find it. Blessed are those who are hungry and thirsty for righteousness, for they shall be filled. (Mat 5:6)

If you sit back like a baby bird and wait for other people to feed you, you are in danger of being fed unhealthy food. Ask God to show you truth. Be hungry for it. Rise up and take hold of your place in the kingdom with both hands, and I promise you, God will meet you there.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart