Category Archives: Blog

Can You Handle A Little Harassment For Your Faith?

Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake.

Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake.

As much as we love the power of God’s love, there is another message that takes a little maturity to fully receive. Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (Mat 5: 10)

I’m not sure that means being thrown to the lions, but it can definitely be deadly even today. Christians in many parts of the world are not only persecuted, but killed for their faith. That is the kind of faith that God is looking for, even if your life is not on the line.

In light of our brothers and sisters being martyred for what they believe, can we even handle a little harassment? For many of us, it’s not even harassment, it may be a little ridicule, or even silent judgement. We’re so sensitive to needing acceptance, that it’s too easy to hide our faith in case we’re not included in the crowd.

And what if you are harassed? What if you are openly ridiculed or judged? Would that change what you believe? Would that change who God is? Would it matter? No one is saying it’s easy being openly judged, but if you know the truth of God, then you have a very firm foundation to stand on. No matter what, the truth will set you free, and that is awesome.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Dude! It’s Time To Celebrate! Jesus Won It All For You!

t's time to celebrate! Jesus won it for you.

It’s time to celebrate! Jesus won it for you.

There’s a great quote by Bill Johnson in his book. A Life of Miracles, “And since Jesus has all authority, that leaves none for the devil. The all that Jesus possesses has been handed over to us.” None for the devil because it’s all yours! He has nooo authority.

So when the devil walks around like a roaring lion, he’s doing everything he can to scare you because he knows, if you don’t, that you don’t have to put up with him. If he can make you doubt at all, he wins. If he can make you scared, he wins. If he can get you frustrated with God’s timing, he wins.

Don’t get me wrong, he’s very clever at using all the tools at his disposal, but it’s just smoke and mirrors. You have authority. All of it. All you have to do is say no. No to fear. No to doubt, No to frustration, anger, resentment, poverty, pain. Anything that comes from the hands of the enemy can be blessed and turned around.

Satan doesn’t have any power over you unless you give it to him. You get to win, not only for yourself, but for everyone that you pray for. It’s what Jesus died for. Receive that authority with great thanks and use it.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Doubt Is Insidious | Trust God To Be God And Watch Your Faith Soar

Get rid of doubt and trust God to be God.

Get rid of doubt and trust God to be God.

Doubt is insidious. It lies and insinuates itself into your very belief system. It twists truth just enough to pull the foundation out of your faith so what you once believed seems shallow or baseless.

If you have any doubt about God at all, settle it now. The word of God is His truth. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. (2Tim 3;16) Either that is true or not. If you don’t believe it, then you have no basis for believing anything about God.

If you do believe it, then believe it. God is who He says He is. He is the top of the pyramid. No one is higher or more powerful. Period. So why does it seem like He’s not there or doing anything?

Free will. He lets us decide what we will believe. If we trust Him and put our lives in His hands the way He told us to, He will be everything we ask Him to be. But if we doubt, nothing will happen. In fact, very often, if we doubt, the opposite of what we want will happen.

Trust God to be God, because He is. Trust that He loves you wildly, because He does. Get rid of doubt and let your faith take hold of truth and you will see the heavens open for you.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


How Different Would Your Life Be If You Were Filled With Righteousness?

I just love the Beatitudes. They keep me so grounded in what the kingdom of God is all about. They are so full of challenge and promise. Like this one: Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled. (Mat 5:6) 

Being righteous is living cleansed.

Being righteous is living cleansed.

The definition of righteous is: clean-handed, good, guiltless, innocent, just, moral, sound, upright, virtuous, worthy. I kept wanting to shorten that list of definitions, but I didn’t want to leave off any of them. I’ll take them all.

And we can have that kind of righteousness if we want it, but we have to really, really want it. Hungry and thirsty want it. Remember the last time you fasted? That kind of hungry and thirsty. You have to want righteousness far more than you want to hold onto the things that are wrong, but familiar in your life. It’s hard to let go of what we know, even when we know it’s not good for us.

But when we do, when we want the righteousness of God more than anything, He promises to FILL us. Imagine being filled with moral soundness, goodness, worthiness. Imagine your decisions and relationships being effected by those qualities. How different would your life be?

How hungry are you?


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Embrace Peace And The World Will See That You Belong To God

If you are salt and light to the world, you will be noticed. You cannot be effective in the kingdom without people outside the kingdom seeing that something is different. If that’s not happening, then you’re not being salty enough.

Blessed are the peacemakers.

Blessed are the peacemakers.

One aspect of your difference should be the massive quantity of peace that you carry. Peace that calms the atmosphere. Peace that brings a sense of perspective and honor. Peace that brings divergent sides together in a rational manner.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. (Mat 5:9) That’s an amazing statement. When you carry the peace of God in you, other people will see it and know that you belong to God. Only God can bring the supernatural peace that the world longs for.

All those wonderful aspects of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23 are not just to bless you. They’re meant for you to change the world around you. When you embrace the peace of God and carry His presence on you so strongly that the enemy cannot stir up strife, it will be noticed. There’s something about you. Something God-like, and it will be seen. Seek to be a peacemaker. Your world needs to see God.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Turning The Other Cheek Takes Humility, And It’s Not Easy

It's not easy to turn the other cheek

It’s not easy to turn the other cheek.

Jesus gave us a command that goes against our human nature to follow. But I tell you not to resist an evil person. But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also. (Mat 5:39) That’s just hard to do. Not only do we want to defend ourselves after physical assault, we want to defend ourselves after any kind of offense or disagreement. But Jesus said don’t do it.

The attitude of the kingdom is humility and kindness. It may feel like being a doormat, but Jesus said not to worry about it. Once you start caring about your feelings in the matter, you start being less humble. If you have to be right in a matter just to prove a point, then your ego becomes more important than humility.

This isn’t easy. It takes the Holy Spirit to nudge us when we’re starting to get into trouble. And what if you do cross the line and step over into needing to be right or losing your temper? How you handle that will say a lot about how you view the kingdom. Heart-felt apology is always warranted.

Just decide that you don’t have to be the one with the last word. It’s ok if people don’t realize how smart you are. Make the decision to turn the other cheek. Jesus will take care of everything for you.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Understanding The Kingdom Of God In Three Easy Steps

To the world, God’s message may sound like a lot of rules and dos and don’ts, but in reality it’s very basic and simple. Love God and love people. (Mat 22:37-40) It doesn’t get any more complicated than that. If you can do that, then the rest just falls into place.

SThe kingdom of God is all about humility.

The kingdom of God is all about humility.

In the same Spirit, when Jesus sat down to give the Sermon on the Mount, He could have stopped with His first words: Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (Mat 5:3) Does He really have to say any more?

Love God. Love people. Be humble. Live like that and you will release the kingdom of God everywhere you go.

The Amplified version has an interesting way of putting it: Blessed (happy, to be envied, and spiritually prosperous—with life-joy and satisfaction in God’s favor and salvation, regardless of their outward conditions) are the poor in spirit (the humble, who rate themselves insignificant), for theirs is the kingdom of heaven!

You will be spiritually prosperous when you live in humility, and it will make you happy. That happiness, wrapped in the love of God, is what the kingdom of God is all about. If humility seems like the farthest thing from you, ask God to change you. Give yourself time to grow and mature. That kind of happy will be yours before you know it.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


We Are Meant To Live And Operate In The Power Of God

We are meant to operate in power.

We are meant to operate in power.

Jesus said that if we believe, we would do the same stuff that He did and even greater works than He did. (Jhn 14:12) The power of God is all part of living in the kingdom — healing the sick, delivering from depression and despair, even raising the dead. Jesus was our example, so nothing is off-limits.

But displays of power are not to impress anyone. Even when Jesus was being tempted by the devil, He did not give in to displaying the power of God just to satisfy the devil’s twisted demand for entertainment. Jesus never did a miracle that didn’t bless someone.

All things are lawful for me, but all things are not helpful. (ICor 6:12) The focus should always be to glorify God and bless others. The disciples understood that they had power, but they didn’t understand what it was for. Lord, do You want us to command fire to come down from heaven and consume them, just as Elijah did? (Luk 9:54)  Jesus was not impressed. But He turned and rebuked them, and said, “You do not know what manner of spirit you are of.

I look forward to the day when the church rises up to move in the power that is available to us. But we need to live with wisdom and humility to know how to use it.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Times Of Trial Are Not About God Being Mad At You

Even when you know you are hearing from God, it can seem like the rug has been pulled out from under you for no obvious reason. We usually think that when things go bad, it’s because something we’ve done wrong, or something someone’s done to us. We don’t tend to think that it’s God.

Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. (Mat 4:1) Jesus didn’t decide to go to the wilderness to fast, the Spirit led Him there. That cannot have been a fun time, but it was the kick-off event of Jesus’s ministry and God intended Him to go through it.

Trials will have you better than you were.

Trials will have you better than you were.

If you don’t see an obvious reason for why the trials have come, just hang in there. Be patient. There is a lesson in it for you, and if you will trust God to be with you, you’ll grow and be stronger in faith than you were before you started. He’s changing your character. He’s showing you just how big He is for your situation.

Trials don’t mean you’re in trouble. They mean that you are being polished. That the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ. (1Pet 1:7)


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


You Have Much To Offer, Even If It’s Just A Little

We are all expected to contribute in the kingdom of God. But just like in the real world, the church lives with the 80/20 rule. Twenty per cent of the people do all the work and ministry and eighty percent let them. We have made it ok to not be active in the kingdom. We’ve made it ok to let other people do what we don’t have time for.

No matter how little you have, God can use you.

No matter how little you have, God can use you.

To be fair, a lot of people feel that they just don’t have anything to contribute. When you are still learning, it feels like there’s nothing to give. I understand, but let’s look at what God did with a little boy’s lunch. It was not fancy. It was not professionally prepared. It was as plain and simple as you could make it. That’s the lunch that God used to feed His people.

If you feel like you have nothing to offer, you need to look again. Everything that you have learned to date is enough to offer. If you only know a little, then that’s what you share with others. And if you have learned a lot over the years, then you have even more to share. Just do it. Life is just as busy for the twenty percent as it is for the eighty. But when you give what you have to God, He does amazing things with it. Your little lunch can go a very long way.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart