Category Archives: God

The Word Of God Can Clean Us Up

Meditate on the word.

The word of God is powerful to change.

What do you do when you know you need to clean up your life, but you don’t know how? It’s not easy to become another person. I’m not sure it’s possible without God. The Bible asks a straight forward question: How can a young man cleanse his way? (Ps 119:9) Immediately we find out. By taking head according to Your word.

When we come to salvation through Christ, we walk by faith, not by sight. How do we develop faith? Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. (Rom 10:17) We need to get the word into our heart. God’s word is alive and active. It’s powerful to change.

Keep reading Psalms 119: I will meditate on Your precepts and contemplate Your ways. I will delight myself in your statues. (v 15-16) It’s not enough to say you read the Bible, you need to digest it. It has to mean something to you. How can you be delighted if you don’t let it sink in?

Once you have the word in your system, so to speak, the Holy Spirit can begin using it to transform you. Those scriptures will come to mind when you need them. You can declare them for promises in your life. You will feel conviction to repent in areas you need to and rejoice in the blessings. The word of God should be your daily delight


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Learn To Trust Your Spirit

Listen to your spirit.

Your spirit knows God’s will.

We all want to know if we’re doing what we’re supposed to do. We want direction. We want the handwriting on the wall to tell us exactly what God’s will is for us. Wouldn’t that be wonderful? We could stand in front of a blank wall every day and wait for the message to appear and we’d be good to go.

Sadly, we don’t live quite like that. However, we can go to God for direction. Sometimes we really hear Him. He speaks to our mind or through the scriptures or some other way. But what about the times we ask and we don’t hear Him?

Sit quietly with Him and listen. Start with confirmation about what you already are doing. How does that feel inside? If it feels unsettled, then press in for more. Does an idea pop in your mind? Something you never thought of before? The timing is not coincidental. Does it feel peaceful? Then keep doing what you are already doing. Peace is a great sign. Sometimes God points in the direction we should go and doesn’t say much until it’s time to change.

Pay attention to what your spirit is telling you. That’s the part that hears God better than your mind. It’s easier to know God’s will than you think.

Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


  • Study – Have you tuned yourself to the God’s Spirit today

God Makes Us Better Lovers

Bless those who frustrate you.

God will help us love when we can’t on our own.

The nature of humanity is such that we will not like everyone we meet. Personality differences alone  will put us at odds even with other believers. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s how you respond to those people that matters.

There is a vast chasm between our human nature and the kingdom of God. We are  naturally selfish. The kingdom is naturally loving and generous. We can “work” at being more loving, but that will ultimately collapse under its own weight. Fortunately, God has given us all that we need to live perfectly in His kingdom.

The Holy Spirit is our source for love and kindness. If there is someone in your life  that you are at odds with, bless them. Set aside your defenses and your rights and bless them. Ask the Holy Spirit for His character to be released in your life.

You will soon see a change in your attitude. Someone you used to feel antagonistic towards will become someone you dearly love, even if that love is not returned. That’s the wonder and the power of being transformed into His image. We become lovers through His presence in our lives. When you submit yourself to being changed, you come into a closer agreement with God, and that opens you to a world of blessing.

Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Don’t Be Careless With The Truths Of God

Meditate on the truths of God.

The truths of God are gems to be treasured.

When you listen to good teaching, don’t let truth slip through your fingers. It’s too easy to hear something profound, nod in agreement, then pass on to the next gem. Hold onto those. They are given out for a reason.

Write things down. Keep  a notebook of thoughts on truth that you collect. Meditate on them. When you’re reading the Bible, it’s ok to make notes and underline parts that speak to you. They will continue to speak to you when you come upon them again.

The great truths of God are valuable and we are so quick to be on to the next great thing. It’s part of the ever learning, never coming to the knowledge of the truth syndrome. Don’t take in what you won’t consume. If you’re going to listen, or read, then learn from it.

Allow the truth to be absorbed into your spirit so it becomes part of you. Truth is meant to lead you to godliness. If that is not happening, then you have wasted the gems. Go back to them. Dig them out and allow the Holy Spirit to give you deeper meaning. You will gain wisdom and insight that you won’t get any other way.

Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

It’s Good To Be A Hungry Soul

God satisfies the hunger of our soul.

God fills the longing in our soul.

There are people who will take their five talents and make five more and people who will bury it in the ground and do nothing with it. For the ones who want to invest, to find more of what they’ve been give, God has promise. For He satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry soul with goodness. (Ps 107:9) Continue reading

God Remembers His Good Works, Do You?

Remember His blessings and answered prayer

Write down all the things God has done for you.

There’s a reason that the Israelites built monuments when God did something miraculous. We forget stuff. We forget important stuff. We need a way to remember the things that matter. When God does something awesome in your life, write it down. Keep a notebook, or a Word file, or something to track the answered prayer and blessings you receive.

Remember His marvelous works which He has done, His wonders and the judgments of His mouth. (Ps 105:5) So it’s not just a good idea, God says to do it. He knows we’ll forget. He knows we’ll get discouraged at some point and need a point of reference to go back to.

Reviewing the good things that God has done will help tremendously when you feel like He’s forgotten you, when everything seems to fall apart. Pull out that list and remind yourself how He moved for you. Look at that list of blessings and your spirit will lift as well. Tell yourself to bless the Lord as you remember what He has done.

There’s power in the testimony. When you repeat what God did before, you set the stage for Him to it again, for you and others as well. God remembers His good works, do you?

Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart
  • The Peace of God in Your Life

God is Always Good, Despite Our Pain

 God is good, even when we hurt.

God is good all the time.

When you chose to not be offended at God for situations you weren’t prepared to accept, you gain a victory you would never get any other way.

It’s a bad idea to put God in a box and expect Him to act according to your will. When that doesn’t happen, you’ll be mad at Him for not obeying. That’s the wrong side of the fence. That’s in the camp of, Not everyone who says to Me Lord, Lord, shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father in heaven. (Mat 7:21)

When situations arise that you are not happy about, you have to know that God is good, no  matter what. If someone dies, God is good. When you can declare that despite your hurt, you overcome a huge onslaught the enemy had planned for you.

God is always good. If you are mad at God, lay it out to Him. Confess that you are mad and give your hurt to Him. He totally understands and He can heal your pain. You’re not going to always understand why He does what He does, but He is always good.

Holding onto offence is poison and it’s going to kill you if you don’t let it go. God is good. There is no end to His goodness. Grab hold of that and don’t let go.

Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

The Greatness of God Trumps Your Bad Day

Find you rest in Him

God can fix any mess.

Yes, we’ve all had them–the flat tire on the way to an interview, the screaming child on an airplane, and he belongs to you, the toilet overflowing when guests show up at the door. There never seems to be a rock to crawl under when you need one.

Please be comforted by the fact that you are not alone in your hour of frustration, panic, and horror. God is with you. You may not remember it at the time, but He is with you when reality seems to spin out of control. He’s always with you.

God is always good and His goodness brings peace to every mess. Take a moment and settle your spirit in Him. Lift up a prayer for Him to take care of things and carry on. When you trust Him with all the issues, you’ll find that He’s very good at helping out.

Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. (Mat 11:29) Finding rest in the middle of chaos is the best thing you can do for yourself. Speak peace to the storm. God can help you find your way when you cannot.

Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

God Fills the Deep Need to be Wanted

What is the love of God

God loves you and wants you.

Remember being a kid and hoping to be picked for a team? Kids all around you have been picked and you hope against hope that you won’t be the last one left standing alone. You want to be wanted. You want other people to like you and want to be with you. How amazing it is to know that God has wanted you from before creation. Continue reading