It is human nature to want to protect ourselves. It would be unhealthy not to. But as Christians, protecting ourselves is actually deadly. Continue reading
Category Archives: God
A Big Piece Of The Peace Of God
What does peace really mean? When God asks the question, you do a double take. Is it a trick question? Continue reading
Your Daily Dose Of Awesome
Emmanuel is with you. When you are filled with His Spirit, He is literally with you. You are not alone, ever. Continue reading
How To Find Your Way
Do you wish you could hear God talking to you? Doesn’t it makes sense that if you could hear Him, He would know exactly what you need to hear? Continue reading
Being Bendy Is A Good Thing
Which do you think is a better way to live, being rigid or being flexible? Continue reading
God Is Not Surprised By Our Humanity
Sometimes I’m a little horrified by my own thoughts. I’ll think something or say something completely selfish or unkind. I may catch myself at the time and repent, or it may be much later that I feel the conviction of what I did. I wonder like David, Lord, what is man, that You take knowledge of him? Or the son of man, that You are mindful of him? (Ps 144:3) I am so imperfect, how can You love me, let alone let me live? Continue reading
Holy Spirit Is The Best Teacher Ever!
But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things. Continue reading
Don’t Limit God

Don’t allow others to limit what God will do for you.
We are a skeptical people. We believe that God is great, but only slightly greater than us. Continue reading
Don’t Give Up Your Dreams To Love God
When I was younger, I thought that if I was going to be a real Christian, I would have to give up all the creative interests I had to follow God. Continue reading
Who Is God?
We’ve been taught to believe that God is a concept, that He is love–an emotion, or a power figure too remote for us mere humans to understand. Continue reading