Category Archives: Kingdom of God

It May Take Time To Love In The Family Of God

Love is key to the family of God.

You may have to learn to love your new family.

We are the family of God, so that may take some reconditioning. I don’t know about you, but my sister and I used to fight when we were young. My mother and father used to fight as well. Yes, we had lots of good times, but I doubt that we had the family that God intended.

It’s hard to love each other as brothers and sisters if you didn’t have a great model growing up. We aren’t meant to hold grudges or compete against each other. We’re meant to love and bless each other. We’re to rejoice when we see someone get breakthrough in the exact area we’ve been struggling in. We’re be there for the late night phone calls and emergency mess clean-ups.

We don’t keep score–if I do this for you then you owe me. We’re to honor each other above our own interests. Family should support and help and celebrate. Family should have open arms and short memories.

If this is really hard for you, ask God to help you forgive and repent for old hurts. It may take time to let it all go, but it will be worth the freedom and blessing. Allow a Christian brother or sister to walk with you and help you along. That’s what we’re here for.

Another post on the family of God:The Body Of Christ Is There To Help


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


We Were Never Meant To Judge Each Other

Ask God to show you when you judge other people.

A loving heart does not judge others.

Judgement is dangerous and destructive. It hurts not only you, but the person you judge. And we all do so easily, never giving any thought to how often we do it. Someone does something we don’t approve of and we close a part of our heart and claim a bit of superiority. That hardness creates a shell over our heart which prevents us from expressing kindness and also blocks any real honesty with the other person.

Judgement is a weapon used by the enemy to separate the family of God. Sometimes we call our judgments jokes made in jest, but once we speak them, the judgment has been given. Other times, they are called gossip, hurt feelings, or insecurity.

Ask God to show you ever time you say or think something judgmental about someone else. You’ll be shocked at how often it happens. A heart of love will not judge other people. A heart of love will look for the good in them and help them in their weakness and failings.

We are not perfect, but we can work to live better. God has given us His love to help us be more than we are. Repent when you know you need to and ask for a greater heart of love to be a blessing to others.

Another post on loving others: God Loves Through Us When We Can’t


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

You Determine Your Level Of Blessing

When you put others first, God will put you first.

How you treat others will determine your blessings from God.

The culture of the kingdom of God is that we get as good as we give. We are forgiven to the same degree that we forgive others. We are blessed according to our level of generosity and kindness to others.

The key behind this kind of thinking is to get our eyes off of ourselves. When we stop thinking of ourselves first, we receive the blessings that God wants to give us.

Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you. (Luk 6:38)

The measure that you put others first will always be the measure that you receive what you need. And not just to other people, what you give to God is the ultimate measure. How much will you give Him of your time, your tithe, your praise and worship? Will He be ignored and slotted into your busy schedule, or will He be honored and sought after?

Spiritual growth in God’s kingdom requires a change of attitude that can only come from putting others first and giving everything from your heart.

Another post on the law of giving: Getting What We Pay For


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart
  • Growing Fat with Blessings

God Is The Greater Power

The word of God is a powerful weapon.

God within you is always more powerful than the enemy

Satan is not the opposite of God. Satan and God are not diametrically opposite powers. That implies that both have equal powers, and that is not the case. Satan is a created being and God is the one who created him. Satan’s powers are limited, and God’s powers are endless. Don’t assume anything different.

Satan’s huge weapon is deceit. Without real power, he can only use guile to gain advantage. If he can convince us to stop believing the truth of God, then he wins. But his weapon is all cloud and vapor. There is no substance to it.

When we walk in the truth of God, we carry the power that created the worlds without end. The enemy has no power to create life, while Jesus resurrected from the dead. Prayer can cast down strongholds. Those strongholds are not as powerful as you think they are. They are not more powerful than the word of God.

Strongholds are the areas of strong resistance that you keep butting up against in the spirit. Declare the name of Jesus and tell them to leave. Cast them down and they will be cast down. Don’t  be flippant about it. Soak yourself in the presence of God, and take enemy ground for the kingdom. If you believe in the word of God, then you are armed for warfare.



Another post on warfare: Joy Is A Weapon Of Warfare

Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

The Spiritually Mature Can Hold Their Peace

Learn to hold your peace and inherit the earth.

God honors those who can hold their peace.

Have you ever heard anyone say, Hold your peace? It means to hold back from losing your temper.  When you lose your temper, you lose your peace. He who is devoid of wisdom despises his neighbor, but a man of understanding holds his peace. (Prv 11:12)

It’s a sign of maturity when you don’t have to say what you think all the time. Even a fool is counted wise when he holds his peace. When he shuts his lips, he is considered. perceptive. (Prv 17:28) Says a lot doesn’t it?

The meek shall inherit the earth and live in the abundance of peace. (Ps 37:11) I have to think that it is a characteristic of a meek person to hold his tongue, regardless of being right. I think there is a lot to learn from a meek person.

If if it is not natural to hold your tongue when you have a point to win, then it will take the Spirit of God within you to change your ways. God holds a very high value to anyone who can hold their peace. If you need help, ask Him for it. If you need to be more meek, ask Him. I will. I’d like to be with the ones who inherit the earth.

Another post on spiritual maturity: The Smart Ones Know How To Be Corrected


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


The Marriage Supper Of The Lamb, Sort Of

Jesus is all that we need.

Please pass the lamb.

Years ago, I taught Sunday school to 8, 9 and 10 year-olds. I remember one of the kids, I think it was the pastor’s daughter, drew a picture of the marriage supper of the lamb. The picture was a long table with many people seated down both sides. A stick figure at the head of the table had a word bubble that said, “Please pass the lamb.”

It was funny then, but now it has great significance to me. Jesus said, I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever, and the bread that I shall give is My flesh, which I shall give for the life of the world. (Jhn 6:51)

That grossed a lot of people out and they left Him. What they failed to understand was that He was speaking in spiritual terms. We must consume the Lord. That is, we must take in His word, His Spirit, His presence so completely that it is like we literally eat of Him. He must be our sustenance. We must seek first His kingdom and all that we need will be supplied.

If you say, “Please pass the lamb”, you are asking for the Savior of this world to some live in you. It’s a great request to make. One that will save your life.

Another post on going after God: It Takes Guts To Be Hungry


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Thankfulness Opens Doors To Promise

Thankfulness opens doors to promise.

Cultivate an attitude of gratitude.

God said He would take care of all our needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. (Mat 6:33) Part of living righteously is having an attitude of thankfulness.

If someone gives you a hundred dollars, you would probably thank them. If you had a mother like mine, you would sit down and write a thank you card immediately. But what if you were told, you’ll get the hundred dollars later? A thankful heart would show gratitude now, before the money came.

Trusting God with all your heart, is really believing that He will be there for you when you need Him. If you know He’s taking care of you, then be grateful for what you haven’t seen yet. Thankfulness opens doors to provision. If you need a lot, imagine that big answer coming to you and thank Him with as much excitement as when you finally see it happen.

Thankfulness allows you to live joyfully because you know that God is faithful to His word and you never have to stress. When you can put your trust in Him, you can finally relax and be excited for your future, not afraid of what might happen. God is good and has your life in His hands. Thank Him for that.

Another post on thankfulness: The Secret Power of Thank You


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

Ask For Wisdom, Live In Safety

God has stored a supply of wisdom to those who ask.

Ask for wisdom and live in safety.

If you’re anything like me, you feel like slapping yourself sometimes for saying something stupid, or failing to do something you should have. What is needed is some wisdom. I’m so grateful that God gives wisdom to those who ask.

He stores up wisdom for the upright. (Prv. 2:7) Whenever something is “stored”, it’s usually in volume. This makes me think of a huge grain silo, filled with wisdom. God has saved up a vast supply to give to those who ask for it. You can get more than you can carry–more than you can take in. There is a lot!

When wisdom enters your heart, and knowledge is pleasant to your soul, discretion will preserve you, to deliver you from the way of evil. (Prv 2:10-12) That is an amazing statement. You can be safe from disastrous decisions, from choices that would cause serious harm.

You have to want it. You have to want God to help you in every area of your life. You have to be thankful that He can speak to your soul  and guide you through life. Ask Him for wisdom, every day. .Ask Him to help you, and discretion will preserve you and keep you safe. Always ask for more.

Another post on wisdom: Wisdom As A Way Of Life


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart
  • When You Do Not Know What to Do…

It Takes A Lot Of Strength To Be Meek

It takes strength to lay down your ego.

Living humbly is not easy to do. The meek shall inherit the earth because they’re the really strong ones! Jesus said, Do not resist an evil person! If someone slaps you on the right cheek offer the other cheek  also. If you are sued in court and your shirt is taken from you, give your coat, too. (Mat 5: 39-40)

It goes against what we feel is right. Everyone hates being taken advantage of or being robbed. But Jesus wants us to live with light attachment to possessions and pride. These are not the things of value in the kingdom.

Where ever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will be also. (Mat 6:21) What we value most should be the things of God, because they are eternal. Turning the other cheek will actually accumulate treasure in heaven because the heart that can humbly refuse revenge is a heart that is filled with the knowledge of God and His peace.

That kind of humility can only come from the Holy Spirit. Only with His presence can you truly lay down your rights with a heart of love. God will be your defender. He will bless where the enemy has stolen. In your weakness, He is made strong.

Another post on humility: How High Will Humility Take You?


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart
  • Blessed are the Meek

Holiness Takes Intention

Work at living in peace with everyone, and work at living a holy life, for those who are not holy will not see the Lord. (Heb 12:14 NLT) This verse is a minefield. There is one way to go through it in safety and another way that will get you blown up.

Only God can make you holy.

The path of holiness takes intention.

Working at holiness will get you nowhere. If you act a certain way, never say certain words, eat the right food and never drink certain drinks–that should do it. Shouldn’t it? No. It’s not what goes in someone’s mouth that defiles you. (Mat 15:11) Your actions should reflect a lifestyle of holiness, but that won’t make you holy. But without holiness, you won’t see God!

Only God can make you holy. Only by the blood of Jesus can you be cleansed and sanctified. Jesus must be your Lord and Savior. Working at living a holy life is to pursue Jesus, to want more from Him everyday. If you ever get complacent in your faith, you’re in danger of walking off His path.

Work takes intention. You don’t maintain holiness casually. You must allow the Holy Spirit to convict you when you sin. Humility must be a lifestyle. And as you pursue holiness, your life will reflect peace.

Another post on holiness: Yeah, You Can Be Holy


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart