Category Archives: Kingdom of God

It’s The Journey, Not The Destination

God is not interested in your success.

God is more interested in who you are than what you are.

Your life is not about your destination, it’s about your journey. Seriously. At the end of your life, what matters is who you are, not where you are. It’s awesome if the journey comes with a pool and private tennis courts, but how you got them is more important than having them.

God is not interested in your success. I know, that sounds harsh, but it’s true. He’s interested in your relationship with Him. If you can be trusted with success and still honor Him, then you are wise indeed. More often, success lures us away from the things that have eternal importance. There’s a reason why Jesus commented on how hard it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. (Mat 19:24)

The road you take is fraught with pitfalls and roadblocks. How will you manage them? Can you walk with your hand in His? It’s in the walking with Him that you hear His voice and the invitation to come closer. That closeness changes you. You become molded by Him, not by what you achieved, but by obedience to His voice.

The journey will take you further than arriving at your destination if you keep your eyes on God. Success in this world does not compare to the heights you can travel in the kingdom.

Another post on growing with God: How To Make Good Decisio


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Miracles Come With Expectation

God moves for people who are looking for Him to move.

If you need a miracle, then expect a miracle.

If you need a miracle in your life, then study miracles. Read about miracles in the Bible and see what God has done. How much faith did the people have? How much did God do? If God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, then He’s ready to do something miraculous today.

Reading about miracles and hearing testimonies of what God has done in the past, builds your faith. Set your expectations that God will do something that defies the laws of physics or circumstance. God moves for people who are looking for Him to move.

Seeing a miracle should be common place for us. And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues, they will take up serpents, and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them, they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover. (Mk, 16:17-18)

If you are a believer, then miracles are to be expected. God said so. Just believe that He’s still the God who parted the Red Sea and raised Jesus from the dead. Then give Him all the praise when He does what you asked Him to do.

Another post on miracles: Time For More Miracles


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Being Generous Attracts Blessing

Generosity releases blessing

God is as generous as you are.

Generosity is such a powerful fruit of the Spirit. When we are generous, there’s a thoughtfulness that blesses far beyond the immediate giving. Generosity requires that we think of others, thereby taking our eyes off of ourselves. So much of the kingdom of God is learning to stop thinking of ourselves all the time.

Give and it will be given to you:good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. (Luk 6:38A) Put into your bosom because you’ll need both hands to handle the blessing you get back.

But the key to that verse is really the one after it: For with the same measurement that you use, it will be measured back to you. (Luk 6:38B) We should not give because we expect God to do something for us. We should give to help a need, without any worry that we will lack. God replaces in the measure you give. It’s a law of the kingdom.

And God’s measure is good. He doesn’t scrimp. He is honest, pressing the blessing into the measuring cup until it’s full, then He keeps adding more until it completely overflows. You really need to watch Him do this for you. He makes being generous fun.

Another post on generosity: Getting What We Pay For


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  • Growing Fat with Blessing

Break Off Occultic Ties

Ask God to cleanse you of all occultic activity.

Break off occultic chains that are harming you.

We are primarily spirits experiencing a physical existence. We live in a physical world, but our real concerns are spiritual. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. (Eph 6:12)

Any agreement with the work of the enemy has significant long term spiritual effects. Health issues, poverty, divorce, “bad luck”–there are so many ways that we can be effected by our own actions and not realize it.

If you ever played with a Ouija Board, Taro cards, a seance, or consulted a physic, you need to cut off the spiritual ties that may be harming you, your family, and future generations. Confess the involvement to Jesus. Renounce any agreement that you made with the spiritual action. Ask the Holy Spirit to cleanse you and your family.

Those “harmless” activities all have hooks that tie you to a life that God did not intend for you. Ask God to remind you of anything that you need to confess and cut off. There’s no reason not to be completely free, receiving the full benefit of God’s grace. Break off occultic ties and be blessed.

Another post on being free: You Never Have To Feel Guilty


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Looking For Joy In The Wrong Places

Seek first the kingdom of God.

If Jesus is your priority, everything else will work out.

You know what they call someone who’s waiting for someone or something to make them happy? Unhappy. The promises and prayers that you hold onto for your future are not what will fulfill your life. If you won’t be happy until “X” happens, then you’ve got your priorities in the wrong place. Jesus must be your great love and joy, Everything else will be icing on the cake.

Jesus died on the cross for your joy to be filled. It was the great sacrifice of heaven. To embrace who He is and all He has given will change you from the inside. He takes away all the sad and depressing issues and replaces them with His Spirit of love, joy, and peace.

If you expect to be happy later when your life is changed, then you haven’t fully embraced Jesus. He is all you need. He is the answer to every question. [Why am I sad? You don’t have Jesus. When will I be happy? When you embrace Jesus.]

Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you. Set everything aside and go to God. Decide to love Him above all things and joy will come so full you won’t be able to get your arms around it.

Another post on finding Jesus: Finding Jesus Will Change Your Life


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

Balancing Heaven And Earth

We live here and heaven is our home.

We are citizens of two places.

As believers, we live with a dual attitude. We live in a corporeal world with real needs and desires. We are also citizens of heaven with a future in eternity. Our hearts are divided between what we see and what we don’t see. Our attention must be evenly balanced. Too much on one side will harm  the other.

Salvation is all about knowing that when we die, we will go to heaven. That is a hope that keeps us looking up with longing and expectation. We must never lose sight of the reward being prepared for us. But if all we do it wait to die to be with the Lord, then we miss out on the joys that we’re meant to have now.

On earth as it is in heaven. Jesus made it very clear that we can believe for the things of heaven today. The blessings of God are ours in abundance. We are meant to live in destiny today, enjoying  the life we’ve been given. But if we focus too much on our life here, we lose track of our heavenly calling.

We walk a fine line between enjoying our lives and living with hope. We have dual citizenship until the day we release one for the other.

Another post on the meaning of salvation: Salvation Is Not About Avoiding Hell


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

Stop Listening To The Lies

The church is full of power.

It’s time for the church to rise up.

The biggest lie of the enemy is that we are powerless. It is his greatest fear that the church will realize her true calling and position in Christ. When we stand in our real authority and release the kingdom of God in love, everything and everyone is effected. There is no power that can stand against it.

The truth is that we are ready now to rise up, because we have everything we need to be who we are called to be: His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue. (2 Pet 1:3)  We have everything we need to world changers. The Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you. (Rom 8:11)

So what’s the problem? Why aren’t we changing the world? Because we listen to the lies. The lies say that we’ll be embarrassed if we say or do anything outside the status quo. Unfortunately, the status quo is letting the world go to hell. The lies say that there is no power in the name of Jesus anyway. The lies say that God doesn’t answer when we call.

It’s time to stop listening to the lies. Rise up church. You are powerful and ready to release the kingdom.

Another post on how to change the world: Pray Together, Change The World


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

Why David Is Such A Great Role Model

God honors humility.

David’s humility established his throne.

In Psalms 132, God promises to keep the sons of David on his throne forever if they keep God’s covenant. (v 12) That is a remarkable promise to make to a man. This is a man we need to view as a role model. Why was David so valued by God? Look in Psalm 131.

Lord, my heart is not haughty, nor my eyes lifted up. Neither do I concern myself with great matters, nor with things too profound for me. (Ps 131:1) For all that David did to save his nation, he never let it go to his head. To me, this sounds like an older, mature David comfortable with humility. He knows that it was always God’s strength that did the real work. There was no way he would take credit for what God did.

David also had an ability to rest. Surely I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with his mother. (131:2) He was intentional in calming his soul. He chose to be quiet because it is in that state that we commune with God the best.

The attributes of David that I will take away are his humility and peace. It made him a truly great man in God’s eyes. Enough to establish his throne forever.

Another post on finding peace in God: Listen To The Quiet Of His Grace


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

Grace Protects Against Sin

Temptation gets harder when you step away from God.

You are always safe when you keep close to God.

When we live in the secret place of the Most High, under the shadow of the Almighty, we are covered with His grace for safety and protection. When we commune with Him and look to Him for our daily bread, we are filled with all that we need to be, who we are meant to be. But when we knowingly move out from under that protection, we expose ourselves to attack.

It’s easier to resist temptation under the shadow of the Almighty because our focus is on Him. The temptation isn’t that strong a pull. Yes, we see it, but the consequences of giving into it are too great to risk losing what we have.

But when we take our eyes off of God and walk away toward our own desires, we step out from His covering of grace. We are no longer protected with His righteousness, so sin becomes easier to  give in to. It becomes harder and harder to come back to where we were safe and blessed.

The combination of the subtly of sin and our own selfishness is a powerful force to battle. Spending time with Jesus every day will keep you safe in His protection. Keep your eyes on Him and stay covered in His grace.

A related post on temptation: Temptation Is Not A Sin, Yet


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Speak Peace To The Storm

authority in God to speak peace

Speak peace to the storm.

When Jesus slept through a storm while crossing the sea, the disciples freaked out. It must have been a pretty bad storm for fishermen to be afraid. They felt they were in danger that the boat would capsize and they’d all drown. Jesus woke up and spoke peace to the storm and there was a great calm. (Mrk 4:39)

The disciples happened to be in a boat tossed by wind and waves. You may be in a situation that you could easily call a bad storm. Maybe it’s a fight that flares up. Maybe it’s a devastating financial loss. It could be anything that suddenly robs you of time, money, peace, or health.

Jesus was amazed that the disciples were afraid. Why are you fearful? How is it that you ave no faith? (Mrk 4:40) He expected them to know that they were always safe with Him. Even so, He expects us to know that we are always safe with Him.

Do what Jesus did. Speak peace to the storm. Declare peace in an unpeaceful situation. It’s no different from talking to the wind or waves, and if Jesus did it then so can you. You have the same authority. Take charge and release His peace.

Another post about using authority: Why Do We Say, In Jesus Name?


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart