Tag Archives: Salvation

Balancing Heaven And Earth

We live here and heaven is our home.

We are citizens of two places.

As believers, we live with a dual attitude. We live in a corporeal world with real needs and desires. We are also citizens of heaven with a future in eternity. Our hearts are divided between what we see and what we don’t see. Our attention must be evenly balanced. Too much on one side will harm  the other.

Salvation is all about knowing that when we die, we will go to heaven. That is a hope that keeps us looking up with longing and expectation. We must never lose sight of the reward being prepared for us. But if all we do it wait to die to be with the Lord, then we miss out on the joys that we’re meant to have now.

On earth as it is in heaven. Jesus made it very clear that we can believe for the things of heaven today. The blessings of God are ours in abundance. We are meant to live in destiny today, enjoying  the life we’ve been given. But if we focus too much on our life here, we lose track of our heavenly calling.

We walk a fine line between enjoying our lives and living with hope. We have dual citizenship until the day we release one for the other.

Another post on the meaning of salvation: Salvation Is Not About Avoiding Hell


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

Your Helmet Protects Your Thoughts

about salvation

helmet of salvation

Your helmet of salvation is essential. It is what grounds you in the kingdom. The hardest, most devastating attacks of the enemy will come not so much to your body but to your mind, and it’s interesting that there is a specific piece of armor to protect your head. Continue reading

Using Your Keys Of Authority

kingdom of GodSalvation is not about being saved. Yes, there is an element of being saved from death in the very name, but salvation is so much more. It is entering into a relationship with the God who made us. It is knowing Him as a friend and helper. But it is even more than that. Continue reading

What Is Salvation?

what salvationSalvation is not believing in God and going to church. The demons in hell believe in God, and going to church doesn’t save you any more than going to the corner deli. Jesus didn’t preach about salvation. He preached about the kingdom of God.  Continue reading

I’ve Been Set Apart. Have You?

God has a plan for you.

We are made to love God

There is something very moving about looking at our salvation from God’s perspective. Jesus’s death on the cross was intentional, planned before the foundations of the earth for a reason. He has drawn us to Himself because He adores us and it is His goal for us to understand that and love Him back. Continue reading