The simplest prayer is no prayer at all. It is loving and being loved. It is looking into the eyes of the Father while trying to say thank you. You may try, but when his love floods your soul, the best you can do is smile through your tears. No words have to be spoken in a moment like that. The words are necessary for other times, but when you are locked into the heart of God, the best you can do is try to absorb it all. He knows that and it’s OK. In fact, you may go through seasons were all you do is weep when you think of him. It does something inside. I’m not sure what, but I feel it. Sometimes I choose to be wordless with him so I can just sit in his peace. Other times I couldn’t speak if I had to. The loving, the listening, the tears, and the wonder – it’s all prayer and it all matters.
Tag Archives: God’s love
The True Meaning Of Love

Only God can love with real love
It’s a sad state things when we have to be told what love is. We all have a filter for how we view the world and that helps define what love is to us. Unfortunately, because so many people have troubled lives, it’s difficult to have a clear understanding the true meaning of love.
Love is patient and kind, not jealous, not proud, not rude, not selfish, not easily angered, doesn’t remember wrongs done, is never happy when others do wrong, is happy with truth, never gives up, never stops trusting, never loses hope, and never quits. (ICor 13)
What does it say when we have to be told that love is not selfish or rude? Our humanity has a twisted perception of love and it’s totally wrong. That’s why so many people are skeptical when they’re told that God loves them, because they don’t understand what love is.
Only God can love with real love. Only He can love without hurting or judging. Ask Him to help you understand and take in the meaning of Him loving you. When you begin to really get what the love of God is in your life, your love for Him will grow enormously. That’s when you really get to know Him and enjoy being His.
Another post on God’s love: Everlasting Love
Low On Love?
We’re supposed to love God with all our hearts and love our neighbor as ourselves. But what if we don’t know how to do that? Continue reading
Everlasting Love

God’s love is greater than any imagination.
Don’t judge God’s love by how people love. Continue reading