Tag Archives: Humility

Why David Is Such A Great Role Model

God honors humility.

David’s humility established his throne.

In Psalms 132, God promises to keep the sons of David on his throne forever if they keep God’s covenant. (v 12) That is a remarkable promise to make to a man. This is a man we need to view as a role model. Why was David so valued by God? Look in Psalm 131.

Lord, my heart is not haughty, nor my eyes lifted up. Neither do I concern myself with great matters, nor with things too profound for me. (Ps 131:1) For all that David did to save his nation, he never let it go to his head. To me, this sounds like an older, mature David comfortable with humility. He knows that it was always God’s strength that did the real work. There was no way he would take credit for what God did.

David also had an ability to rest. Surely I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with his mother. (131:2) He was intentional in calming his soul. He chose to be quiet because it is in that state that we commune with God the best.

The attributes of David that I will take away are his humility and peace. It made him a truly great man in God’s eyes. Enough to establish his throne forever.

Another post on finding peace in God: Listen To The Quiet Of His Grace


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

Why Is The Kingdom Of God Backward?

humility humilityI can’t help but notice that there is a common thread running through all the backward ways of the kingdom. We give God our tithe and we live with more. He makes us kings and priests yet servants that wash feet. He tells us to ask, then expects us to wait. What gives?
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