Is there a problem between you and your friend, neighbor, co-worker? Continue reading
Tag Archives: kindness
The Law Of Giving

A giving heart releases blessing.
When Jesus told the rich young ruler to sell everything, it was to show first where the man’s trust and heart was, but also to show that we need to have a giving spirit. Continue reading
Gotta Love Stinky Feet
The matter of dirty feet is a big issue. Continue reading
Getting What We Pay For

Everything you do will come back one day.
Like it or not, everything you say or do is a down-payment for what will come back to you. Continue reading
Gesundheit, Indeed!
People sneeze and we quickly say a blessing of health to them. Continue reading
Hypocrisy At Home In My Heart
But why do you call Me Lord, Lord, and do not do the things which I say? Continue reading
The Hardest Change Of All
Giving your life to Christ is the single greatest decision you’ll ever make, but not the hardest. Continue reading
Are Doormats That Bad?

The meek shall interit the earth.
I started to say that God isn’t looking for doormats, but then I had to rethink that. Continue reading