Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I say to you, will seek to enter and will not be able. Continue reading
Tag Archives: kingdom of God
Kingdom People Carry Joy

Happy = no fear.
Happy are the people whose God is the Lord. Continue reading
Walk with me to Emmaus. Tell me the things I do not know. Open my eyes to see the hidden riches, hidden away for the sons of God. Take me behind the veil and show me your wonders. Take me to Emmaus. Walk with me and teach me Your ways. Give me Your ears to hear what others cannot. Let me hear the soft calling of your Spirit and the heartbeat of Your great love. Give me Your eyes to see beyond the complacent things of this world. Let me find the miracle majesty of your hand. Give me Your understanding so I recognize wonder when I see it, even if I have to step past others who doubt and scoff. Take me to Emmaus through the narrow gate the prevents me from carrying anything with me that is not of You. Show me Your ways. Teach me, I will be taught. I want to know and receive all of Your promise. Help me to give back one hundred fold. Walk with me today. I have so much to learn.
Awesome Is Just The Beginning
I think the next time someone asks me, “How are you?” I’m going to say,”I’m awesome!” Continue reading
Power Napping!
Your world is about to fall apart. Everything you know is wrong. All your plans are screwed up. Time for a nap. Continue reading
We Need The Holy Spirit To Make Us Wise As Believers

The lamp is useless without the oil.
Remember the story about the ten virgins waiting for the bridegroom? Continue reading
Get Your Priorities Right In The Kingdom Of God
Which should you pray for, your pressing need to pay the rent or kindness? Continue reading