Category Archives: Blog

How Do You Know You’ve Been Saved?

Salvation is a decision that only you can make.

Salvation is a decision that only you can make.

Whether you’ve grown up going to church or are completely new to faith, you will wonder, at some point, if you really are saved. As someone who went to church from a young age, I wasn’t saved until I was a teenager. Just because I knew about God did not mean that I had made a meaningful commitment to love and serve Him.

The easy part of being saved is this: confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. (Rom 10:9) The hard part is walking it out.

If you have never made this commitment to God, then you need to. That will satisfy your heart and you name will be written in heaven. No matter how long you’ve been in church, no matter if you are a pastor or minister, if you have never asked Jesus to be your savior, you need to do it.

Paul says, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. (Phil 2:12) That means that it’s up to you to know that you have made the decision to be saved. No one can do it for you. And once you melt into the arms of the Living God, nothing will be the same again.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


See People The Way God Does And You Will Love Them As You Should

If you remember the movie Avatar, with the blue people, their greeting to each other was, I see you. The meaning is not that you are standing right in front of me, of course I see you. It means, I see who you are. I recognize you as a person.

Try to "see" people the way God does.

Try to “see” people the way God does.

I like that. It’s far too easy to simply acknowledge people casually, or not at all. We don’t remember that God loves them wildly — so much that He died for them. We need to see people the way He does. People have immense value to God, despite the differences we may have with each other.

Loving people is a core aspect of the kingdom. Jesus told us, Let me give you a new command: Love one another. In the same way I loved you, you love one another. This is how everyone will recognize that you are my disciples—when they see the love you have for each other. (Jhn 13:35)

Once you start thinking about how much God loves everyone, you start looking at them differently. Try to see them for who they really are. You’ll start to notice jewels and treasure in them, and you’ll begin to love as we are meant to.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


People With Big Ministries Are A Big Target | They Need Your Help

Can you think of people who you consider to be strong and powerful voices in the kingdom? Automatically, you think of one or two faces without working very hard. These are people you are affected by and respect. They need your help.

Pray for those who are leading in the kingdom.

Pray for those who are leading in the kingdom.

Anyone who’s doing anything in the kingdom has a target on their back and is attracting attack from the enemy. The greater the ministry, the bigger the target, the bigger the attack. Is it any wonder that we see the big names fall after having amazing ministries? It’s because the enemy is working overtime to take them down.

Those people you just thought of need your prayer and support. They need to be surrounded by people who will lift them up and keep the enemy at bay. Pray protection over them. Pray for their energy and health. Pray for great wisdom and revelation. Bless them with an open heaven to receive everything that is theirs to receive.

Unless we have people helping us along the way, we are all subject to falling. We can do so much more as a connected family than if we are left to manage on our own. And don’t just pray once and feel done. Keep those people in regular prayer. They need you.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Everything You Do Matters To God, Especially The Small Things

As busy and complicated as life can be, never forget your true calling. We are made to be in fellowship with God. It’s why we were born. Heaven is our destiny and everything we do has to be flavored with that reality.

Do all things as if you were doing them for the Lord.

Do all things as if you were doing them for the Lord.

Our daily events should always be done with the thought of serving the Lord. So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. (ICor 10:31) Work with the attitude of pleasing the people you work for and with. Jesus said when we serve others, we serve Him. It pleases Him even more when we serve those who are hard to please.

And the small things we do are as important, if not more important, than the large things. It’s the small things that prove our trust to do more. Jesus looks at them carefully. Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things. (Mat 25:21)

If your work frustrates you or people are difficult, give it to Jesus. He said He would carry the load to make it easy for us. Ask Him to give you the grace that you need to be a blessing. Everything you matters, so do it well.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


The Blessings Of God Give You Help When You Need It

God has the answers. Trust Him.

God has the answers. Trust Him.

God never said it was going to be easy. Salvation is not salvation from problems, it is the blessing to go through them. When we trust God and follow His guidance, we actually avoid problem areas, but not all of them.

Living with the Holy Spirit in us helps us be unaffected by the traffic jams because patience is active in our lives. The wisdom of God is there to give us the perfect answer when everyone is stumped. Faith keeps us from losing hope when every appliance in the house blows up at the same time.

The blessings of God aren’t all about getting shiny presents. They are practical tools that help us through life with joy, no matter what happens. It doesn’t matter if the stock market crashes or you get a flat tire, God has given you the means to get through it, and show His goodness in the process.

Stay in His presence. Listen to His voice, and humbly/boldly go before His throne. When you stay connected to Him, you are prepared for everything. It may not be easy, but you will be safe. If you don’t panic, He’ll give you what you need when you need it. He’s a good God and He is with you.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Pray For People Who Are Uniquely Qualified To Fix World Problems

Maturity in the spirit will allow you to see the world from God’s perspective. God has the ability to see everything with a wide angle lens and a telescopic lens at the same time. When we get to be friends with Him, He invites us to sit with Him and see what He sees.

God needs us to work His strategies.

God needs us to work His strategies.

When He lets you look through the wide angle lens, you see cities and nations. You see regions of pain and war. God needs people to effectively release the kingdom in troubled areas. That may mean activity in governmental realms or practical help in teaching or missions.

For every problem, God has an answer. Every one. Unfortunately, some people who are the answers don’t believe they are. They lack faith in the vision that God put inside of them, and sadly, the allow the problem to go on and get worse.

Jesus said,  Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest. (Mat (9:38) Pray for those people who are uniquely qualified to do what no one else can. And if that person is you, then trust God to do what He said He would do. You’ve been given special tools for a reason. Use them and God will be with you. Miracles will follow.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Be Healthy Body, Soul, And Spirit

Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. (IThes 5:23)

Be healthy body, soul, and spirit.

Be healthy body, soul, and spirit.

We understanding that salvation saves our spirit man because our bodies will die. But we’re also supposed to be blameless and sanctified in our physical bodies and our minds. That goes against “spiritual” teaching that says that our bodies don’t matter, and knowledge of the world is useless to spiritual things.

Paul says that bodily exercise profits little, he didn’t say it profits nothing. Going to a conference to be touched by God and then eating a bag of cookies by yourself does not show that you’ve attained any self-control that is an aspect of the Holy Spirit. Maintaining a diet that promotes sickness and disease is ungodly by anyone’s standards.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m don’t believe in swinging to the opposite extreme of only eating raw food and carrot juice. There’s nothing wrong with that, if you like that sort of thing, but it’s not a substitute for common sense. Taking care of your body includes eating well and getting enough exercise to stay healthy. Abusing your body, then asking for prayer doesn’t honor God.

We are also called to have a sanctified mind. What we watch on TV matters. Who’s message it is to kill, steal, and destroy? It’s not God’s. So why do we promote entertainment that clearly goes against the kingdom of God?

If we don’t understand the world of politics, education, or the media, how will we affect change? Those who are blessed in the area of higher education are in a position to bring the kingdom into areas that God wants to take back. I believe there is a lot of truth to be discovered by pressing into all areas of study. A spiritual mind will hear God and learn what other’s can’t.

There is a path that God has set before us that includes living healthy with renewed minds. Body, soul, and spirit are joined together and all part of presenting our bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God. (Rom 12:1) It is a form of worship to present our whole self to God. We are created in His image, so our bodies and minds matter to Him as much as our spirits.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Have Your Devotions Slipped? Other People Can Tell

It’s a sad reality of humanity that we are inconsistent in our actions and desires. The reason we need each other is to help keep us on track. We forget that we have an enemy working against us and trying to pull us away all the time. We may start well, but without constant vigilance, we can stray from our goals without even being aware of it.

Your prayer time fills you with all what you need.

Your prayer time fills you with all what you need.

I notice that I’ve strayed off of my devotions to God when I start losing my patience. I startle myself because I want God to be honored in what I do, and losing my patience does not honor Him. When that happens, I know to backtrack and see where the trouble started. It usually comes from me being busy and cutting my prayer time down or missing it completely.

Oh how important that time with God is. I need His refreshing daily, like manna, or my spirit will grow cold. And it happens so fast! But all I have to do is repent humbly and ask His forgiveness. I feel His pleasure immediately, and I ask Him to release His goodness in me so I will bless and not hurt, like the prayer of Jabez.

Never miss your communion time with God. You’re not the only one who will notice if you don’t.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Exchange A Problem Area In Your Life For A Shiny, New Blessing

Give God that areas you know you need help in.

Give God that areas you know you need help in.

The amazing thing about God’s love is that He loves us warts and all. We all have problem areas — those places where we find it hard to maintain our grace. For me, it’s customer services lines that aren’t helping me at all. I try so hard to stay cool, calm, and collected, but then the phone tree, and being put on hold, and then not being helped saps all the patience right out of me.

I know I need God to change my heart when I get impatient, so I give it over to Him. I ask Him to forgive me if I get irritable with the poor soul on the other end. I ask Him to change me to give grace instead. And when I know I’m about to make a challenging phone call, I pray for help.

I’m happy to say that, though I have not made a complete transformation, I have gotten better. I have more patience than I used to have and customer service people all over the world are happy for it.

You know where you need help. Give it to God and let Him exchange a problem for a blessing. Everyone will be happy you did.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Pay Attention To Your Dreams, God Could Be Talking To You

God uses dreams to talk to us.

God uses dreams to talk to us.

Have you ever had a dream you should have paid attention to? It’s amazing how often God uses dreams to communicate to us. I think it may be because we would freak out a little if an angel suddenly appeared. As much as I’d love to see that, I think it would be hard to concentrate on what he said.

The second chapter of Matthew alone describes four dreams that God gave to warn people. Three of them were to Joseph to protect Jesus. How interesting that God was watching out for His Son and used dreams to make sure He got His point across.

And He isn’t done using dreams to talk to us: And it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions. (Joel 2:28)

God will use dreams to give you ideas, direction, or confirmation on areas you already know about. They can be very symbolic. Pay attention to the feel of the dream, if you are at peace or anxious. Pat attention to colors and numbers. Many images have very strong Biblical meaning.

God likes to use dreams, so pay attention and write them down. He could be trying to tell you something.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart