Category Archives: Blog

Frustration Is A Good Sign It’s Time To Change

Your frustration may be leading you to a greater destiny.

Your frustration may be leading you to a greater destiny.

Is life making you a little crazy? Is everything feeling constricted and hard to cope with? There are never easy answers to life’s problems, but maybe God is trying to get your attention. Maybe you were meant for more.

You were born with a destiny, that is, a plan from heaven for your life. I don’t think that means that God has a rigid blueprint and once we miss it we’re lost. No, I believe that God knows exactly who we are. He knows all about our mistakes and detours and He has accounted for all of that in our personal life plan.

No matter where you are in life, you are still on the way to destiny. Frustration may be a way to get you to turn to God so He can show you what He wants for you. Surrender to Him. It may mean going the extra mile where you are before anything changes. It may mean that everything gets turned over. It’s ok. Give your life to Jesus and let Him bless you.

For know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. (Jer 29:11) Praise God!

Jesus Is Knocking On The Door Of Your Heart–Let Him In!

Do you hear that? Someone’s at the  door. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. (Rev 3:20) You probably think that talks about salvation. It does. And then some.

Jesus is knocking. Let Him in!

Jesus is knocking. Let Him in!

The truth is, we never give God our whole heart. We may try, but there’s always some part of us that we keep for ourselves. We may do it intentionally because we’re not ready to repent. Or we may do it unknowingly because sin has blinded us from seeing our own truth.

But God knows and He wants in. He wants to occupy as much territory in your heart as you’ll give Him, because He loves you so much. The more that you give Him, the safer you will be. He wants to protect you and bless you, but He can’t until you let Him.

You may be an old-time believer, but Jesus is still knocking on the door to that part of your heart that you never opened. That knocking feels like conviction. Yep, it’s that little tug that says to repent, ask for forgiveness, and open up to Jesus. The more you open up to Him, the more filled you are with His presence, and you can never get enough of that.

Your Blessing From God Will Pass From Generation To Generation

God's blessing will pass from generation to generation.

God’s blessing will pass from generation to generation.

Your amazing faith and faithfulness to God will bless your children and your children’s children. When God establishes blessing, it continues to bless the line of the faithful. We see this so clearly with David and Solomon.

David was dearly loved by God. So much so that God blessed Solomon in a way that no other person has ever been blessed. He granted Solomon anything that he asked for. This came directly from the blessing that came from David. Solomon said to God, You have shown great mercy to Your servant David my father, because he walked before You in truth, in righteousness, and in uprightness of heart with You. You have continued this great kindness for him, and You have given him a son to sit on his throne, (1King 3:6)

Again in Isaiah, God says: I will pour My Spirit on your descendants, and My blessing on your offspring. (Isa 44:3)

This is a wonderful heritage to give to your children. The blessing seems to be as great to the children as it is to the parent. However, the children are responsible to walk worthy before God. Solomon’s blessing was not continued when he failed to live faithfully. But if faithfulness is maintained, there’s no reason for that blessing to not go on forever!

**************************************************************************The Key of David, by Diana Symons                                                                                             A story that’s been told for thousands of years…  The Bible’s Book 1 Samuel tells the story of David’s life – from an obscure family to an unlikely king, from shepherd to warrior, from champion to king-maker. What does it mean for a man to love God and be loved by Him? This book explores what it means to be human in the light of the Kingdom.

Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

It’s Ok To Recognize Truth Wherever You Find It

I don’t think we need to be afraid of where we learn good lessons. The old me used to think that if the lesson didn’t come from the Bible, then it wasn’t truth. I don’t think that any more. I think that the truth of God is out there and everyone is able to see it. They may not understand that it comes from God, but they understand the truth.

So now, when I read stories where I recognize truth, I don’t get defensive for God. Even stories that we grew up with show us right and wrong. My little friend, Mai Mei, writes about the things she learns from princesses. She even linked to something that I wrote about The Kingdom of God Is Where Authority Meets Humility.

Even princesses can teach us what is true.

Even princesses can teach us what is true.





I like what she says. “Belle teaches me to not look at the outside. Pocahontas teaches me to walk in another shoes. Mulan teaches me to not think I am limited as a girl. Rapunzel teaches me to dream.”

Those are good things. Those are things that God wants to bless in us. I love that. Just because the lessons come from fairy tales do not mean that they don’t have truth. Those are great ways to talk to your kids about what God is like and what He wants for us.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

You Were Made To Be The Glory Of God

God made you for His glory.

God made you for His glory.

Do you know how much God loves you? It’s so amazing, so fantastic to consider the love of God for you. He really, truly loves you beyond reason. He made you because He loves who you are. He LOVES who you are. He claims you for Himself.

Everyone who is called by My name, whom I have created for My glory; I have formed him, yes, I have made him. (Isa 43:7) Can you imagine that ? He made you for His glory. That’s just amazing. You are made for the glory of God!

You are His glory because He made you perfect through the blood. You are perfect and glorious in His sight, right now, not in some future time when you go to heaven. He sees you as you truly are and He loves what He sees.

When you get a hold of that, you can go boldly before the throne of God and delight in His presence. You can stand with Him without feeling guilty or unworthy.  He makes you more than worthy. He makes you perfect and beautiful. So much so that you become His glory. That is an identity that you cannot develop in yourself. Only God can do that. Be happy in knowing how much you are loved and shine on!


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Prayer Is A Constant Conversation With God

Prayer is a conversation with God.

Prayer is a conversation with God.

The Bible tells us to pray without ceasing. In other words, all the time. So how can you really do that? Well, that depends on what prayer means to you. If you have to be on your knees, at church, in a special place, or special time, then you may need to redefine what prayer actually means.

Prayer is just talking to God. It’s communicating to Him from your heart. Yes, it’s possible to read prayers, but they only count as prayers when it means something to you. It has to be genuine.

Do you have to pray out loud? No. Do you have to be formal. No!

Talk to God. You know, like He’s the Person who loves you more than anyone else, like He’s your best friend, like He’s the One who takes care of you and blesses you beyond understanding. Have a conversation with Him. Tell Him what matters. Cry out. Tell Him your dreams, you needs, your fears.

Then listen. A conversation goes both ways. It’s not really a conversation if you do all the talking. Listen with your heart. Will it sound a lot like you talking back? Yes, because that’s the way you were wired to hear Him.

You can talk to God all day long. And you should. There’s a lot to talk about.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Let God Give You Better Dreams

God knows how to make dreams come true.

God knows how to make dreams come true.

I hope you know how much God loves you. He has great plans for you. For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jer 29:11) And when God gives you hope and a future, He doesn’t mess around.

Remember when Mary asked Jesus to help the host of the wedding who ran out of wine? (Jhn 2:1) It was a social event. It wasn’t a special celebration in the temple. But Jesus took water and turned into really good wine.

Imagine what He can do with your dreams. I say that because you may not be dreaming big enough. You may not feel worthy to dream at all. That kind of thinking is a lie of the enemy. God loves to bless. It is His nature to give and give well.

Tell Him what about your heart’s dream. Make a list of what you’d love to see happen. Draw pictures. Do something to show Him how serious you are. Then give it all to Him. Don’t hold onto a tiny bit. Say, God these are my dreams. I give them to you. It may feel like giving up on everything you asked for, but that act of selflessness will allow God to make those dreams come true.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Can You Hear Jesus Calling You To Come Closer?

Never stop getting closer to God.

Never stop getting closer to God.

When I first started going to church as a child, I had no faith. My attendance was required by my mother and strictly academic. That’s when I learned Bible stories and Bible verses and had cookies and punch. I was learning about God. I never met Him.

Later on, I visited another church with a friend and I met Jesus. It was startling to know that I could have an actual relationship with Him after all those years of learning Bible stories. But still, my knowledge of Him was somewhat distant. Like seeing a friend you recognize and across the park and waiving to him.

For most of my adult life, God was someone I recognized across the park. I never got close enough to shake hands and sit and talk. Oddly, I acted like I knew Him well, like people who pretend to be friends with celebrities. Only, I didn’t realize that I didn’t know Him well. I thought I did.

And when my life ran into pain and trouble, I wasn’t close enough to God to let Him help. I still thought that waiving from across the park was fine, but my life was in a panic. God could not help me because I wasn’t close enough to hear Him talking.

Transition happened and I found myself in a church where I learned how far from God I had really been living. I made the decision to get close to Him, but it felt a little awkward. I realized that I didn’t know Him as well as I thought I did. I had to start over.

But it was good for me. I learned to hear His voice. I learned to recognize  when He was near. I could have conversations with Him and get feedback. I had crossed the park and could sit comfortably with Him on a bench.

But recently, I have come to realize that I’m still not as close as I thought I was. Jesus is constantly calling me closer. At first I thought, but I am aren’t I? And He keeps calling. Then it dawned on me. Just like waiving from across the park, I don’t realize now how much distance is still between us.

Even if I were standing nose to nose with the Lord, He would still call me closer. You can literally step into Him and dive into His presence. And when you dive in, you can still go deeper and deeper.

There is never a stopping point in your relationship with God. If you do stop, you miss out on so much. Everyday, there is more. He’s calling you closer all the time.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

Are You Transformed Into The Image Of God?

God will transform you from the inside.

God will transform you from the inside.

Our relationship with God is not a spectator sport. We’re not to pray to a distant God in hopes that in His gracious benevolence He will answer, someday. Salvation is supposed to bring you into the relationship with Him that we were born for.

Emmanuel, God With Us, means exactly that. God comes to live in our hearts. And with His presence comes a unique development—we become transformed to look like Him. And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into His image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. (2Cor 3:18)

We’re changed not on the outside, but on the inside. All the bad stuff that we had in us goes away as we allow God to convict our hearts. It is replaced by the good things of God. Little by little, with ever increasing glory, we begin to reflect our Father from the inside.

If you are not being transformed in your heart, then take a look at your relationship with God. Do you have one? Or is yours a long distance relationship? Turn to Him now, ask Him to be with you, and start the transformation.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Are You A Conference Junkie?

Use the tools you've already collected.

Use the tools you’ve already collected.

Are you a conference junkie? Admit it. You know who you are. If there is a speaker or a conference within travel distance, you’re there. You’re there with bells on. You’ve bought the book, you record the teaching, if they let you, and you take notes like crazy. And then you are first in line for questions or prayer.

You get a lot of good information at conferences. You hear inspiring stories you don’t hear anywhere else. You meet other people equally excited about what’s going on. And then you go home. Then what do you do with everything?

Can I suggest that you don’t attend one more conference until you absorb everything you’ve already got? It’s like you buy a new tool everywhere you go and have a really nifty tool belt now, but you’ve never used it. The Bible calls this always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. (2Tim 3:7)

Stop for as long as it takes to meditate on what you’ve learned. If the conference was on hearing the prophetic voice of God, then settle down to hear Him. Use the teaching that you got and do it. Don’t add to your list of things you never worked out for yourself. Get the teaching, but then take those tools out and use them.