Category Archives: Faith

Oh You Of Great Faith!

Start trusting Him in the small things.

God has you covered. Just believe.

There were four times when Jesus said to the disciples, Oh you of little faith.

1. When He described how God made the grass beautiful. Of course He would take care to cloth us–and take care of all our needs.

2. When He spoke to the storm to bring peace to the wind and waves.

3. When Peter tried to walk on water.

4. When the disciples said they didn’t bring bread with them.

It’s clear that Jesus expects us to trust God completely for all our needs, for our safety, for miracles when we need it. He expected, if not great faith, at least enough faith to allow God to do what we need Him to. What He saw was little faith–not even enough to trust.

That’s a good place to start. Can you trust God for what you need? Can you trust Him to bring peace to the storm? Those are just the basics. Once you can get used to Him covering the easy stuff, you can start to trust Him for the really big stuff.

The amazing thing is, our really big stuff is just as easy for Him to fix as the basic stuff. We just have to start with what faith we have and believe, then believe some more. He should start calling you, You of great faith!

Another post on faith: Nothing Is Going To Happen Until You Believe


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


You Control Your Level Of Faith

God is waiting for you to trust Him more.

Your faith becomes strong when you take off the limits.

Do you look at others and wonder how they got where they are in their faith? Does it seem impossible to you to be like that? Is there a place where you’ve decided that you can never get to?The truth is, you are in charge of your own growth. You decide how mature your faith is.

The servants who received the talents when the master went away to far country (Mat 25:14) all had the potential of earning the same profit. Some applied themselves more than others. The Israelites could have gone straight to the promised land, but their lack of faith prevented them.

Your level of faith determines your level of maturity and what God can do through you. How much will you believe? Is there a limit? You’ll believe so much and not more? Then your maturity will be stymied until you learn to trust more.

Faith is a decision. You choose to believe. You choose to believe a lot or a little. The more you choose to believe, the more God will move. He’s waiting for you to catch up to what He wants to do. If and when that ever happens is up to you.

Take the lid off your limits. Let God be completely God and your growth will become strong.

Another post on faith: Is Your Shield Of Faith Big Or Small?


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

Faith Is Not Trying To Help God

Faith is believing in what you can't see.

Trust in the One who loves you most.

So many times, our “faith” is believing that we can see what God will do. There’s an answer to a problem that we can envision, we just need a little help from heaven to make it happen. The truth is, God doesn’t need our strategy, He needs us to trust Him.

We are blind to His resources. We have no idea the answers that He can send our way. So instead of trusting Him when we don’t get what we thought we needed, we are crushed and turn away in disappointment, perhaps missing the answer that He provided that would have been far better than what we asked for.

Faith is believing in what you can’t see. Yes, it’s really hard. It comes from a relationship with the Father that is so close and personal that you never doubt that He will take care of you. A thousand will fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand, but it shall not come near you. (Ps 91:7) Can you stand in faith when you see that happening? When everything around you is falling apart? How amazingly blessed you will be if you can be strong and hold on to what you know to be true. Keep your eyes on the One who loves you most and all will be well.

Related post: God Blesses Persistent Faith


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

Lukewarm Faith Makes Jesus Sick

Jesus loves passionate faith.

Complacent faith is faithless.

Complacency is deadly. It doesn’t feel deadly. It feels like everything is okay. Like everything’s going along just fine. No one is rocking the boat and everyone is comfortable. But Jesus has some very disturbing words about being complacent:

I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish that you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth. (Rev 3:15-16)

Kind of makes you understand why Jesus loved James and John, Sons of Thunder, and Peter as disciples. He likes passion. That doesn’t mean that if we are not all Type A personalities that we’re in big trouble. But it does mean that having faith with no passion is dangerous.

Lukewarm faith feels like taking God for granted. You know He’s there, but you can’t quite fit Him into your schedule. The Laodiceans were in trouble because they were rich and didn’t feel the need to rely on God for anything. They believed with their mouth, not their heart.

Check out your passion meter. How much does your salvation mean to you? Do you really realize what you have? He who has an ear to hear, let him hear what the Spirit says.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


We Don’t Get To Choose What Is Truth

We don't get to chose what is truth.

The word of God is truth that we must believe.

I am amazed that people who profess to be believers don’t actually believe the Bible. They will disagree with that statement. They will say they do believe, just not all of it. Some things they just don’t believe to be true. Some things they say they believe, but their lives say differently.

The sky is blue. Fire is hot. Ice is cold. Which of those would you decide to believe as fact and which would you say is not? Are any of those statements true for some people, but not for everyone?  How can you say the same for the Bible? We don’t get to pick and chose what we want to believe to be truth. If it is in the Word, then it is truth and we are responsible for answering to it.

Forever, O Lord, Your word is settled in heaven. (Ps 119:89) All of heaven knows that the word of the Lord is true. Will you stand before Him and disagree? If you have issues with what the Bible says, then you have issues that need to be cleared up. False teaching, prejudice, and pride can skew what is true. Do not be led by lies if your faith is not founded on what God has said.

Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. I have sworn and confirmed that I will keep your righteous judgement. (Ps 119:105-106)

Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


All Things Are Possible In Faith

All things are possible with God.

Believe for impossible things.

With one touch, Jesus made what was defiled, cast aside, and corrupt healthy, blessed, and holy. If He could do that with a body racked with disease and corruption, imagine what He could do with anything in your life–relationships, jobs, poverty, hopelessness.

If Jesus could raise the dead, heal blind eyes, and cast out demons, He can renew anything in your life that is broken and lost. If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes. (Mk 9:23)

Now here comes the tricky part. When you look at that impossible situation, can you believe it to be restored, fixed, or resurrected? Can you believe? You don’t have to know how it will be done, but can you believe that Jesus has the power to do it? Can you believe that the dead thing that you lost can be restored?

If you can, then you  have won. Faith is believing in what you can’t see. Faith is believing in something absolutely impossible. Faith is understanding that the realm we see with our eyes is below a higher realm of the supernatural that we can’t see. Once you realize that, you can believe for anything. Don’t be talked out of it. Hold your faith no matter what others say.

Impossible things happen all the time when Jesus touches them.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


  • Now Choose Faith

Touching Jesus Answers Prayer

Touching Jesus brings healing and provision.

Jesus is the source of all our needs.

When the woman with the issue of blood touched the hem of Jesus’ garment, she was healed, because she needed healing. What if she was destitute and needed money? What if she touched the hem of His garment with the sure assurance that the touch would bring the provision that she needed?

You see where I’m going here. I can think of a hundred scenarios where touching the hem of His garment would meet every need. Jesus would stop and turn around and say, I felt that! According to your faith, let it be done.

When you come to Christ, He moves into your heart. Touching the hem of His garment is as close as turning your heart to Him. He is the source off all that we need, a wealth of provision for any area we need help in.

Just as the woman made a physical move to reach Him, we have to make an effort to touch Him as well. Knowing that He can provide is different from pressing into Him with faith and assurance that He will provide. Try it. Reach out to Him in your spirit and see if He won’t flood you with all that you ask for. His healing and provision is as active today as it was for the woman who was healed.

Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

Know When to Stop and Let God

Work without faith is dead

Learn when to stop and get out of God’s way.

Faith without works is dead, but we need to be sensitive to knowing when to get out of the way. The church has a history of doing way too much  “work” and not enough faith. The fields are ripe for harvest. There’s a lot of work to do, but learning how to do that work with God instead of for God is a huge lesson.

We are no longer servants, but heirs with Christ, so we should hear God speaking to us as an amazing Father. When we hear His voice in our lives, we know when to walk and when to rest. There are times when we need to roll up our sleeves and get dirt under our nails. And there are more times when we need to step aside and let God do what He does best.

Walking in that balance of works and faith takes maturity, and the first step in growth is admitting that we need to grow. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you where you’ve been getting in His way. You can’t stress a problem to make it solved. You’ll be amazed at what happens when you do what you know to do, then give the rest to Him. Don’t take on God’s part. You’ll never get His results. Work without faith is dead.

Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

Wait on the Lord, Learn to Fly!

Resting in God gives you wings.

Wait on the Lord, learn to fly.

Never live another day feeling overworked and burned out.  Our God does not desire that for you. His plan is to bless you every day of your life, but you have to want it.

The secret to blessing is in your intimate time with God. Waiting on the Lord is the same as soaking in His presence and letting Him minister to you. Do this first, before you give Him you list of prayer requests. When you do, you get more than you thought you were asking for.

But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up as eagles. they shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint. (Is 40:31) Energy, strength, flying time! It’s like filling up your tank every time you sit with Him.

Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls. (Mat 11:29) Jesus is the key to rest. You can do everything you need to do, but when you give it to Him first, He makes it so much easier.

Sit with Him and be filled with rest and strength and have a flying lesson.

Another post on learning to rest: Rest Is Serious Business

Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart