Category Archives: God

Is The Bible Too Hard To Read?

God gives understanding to anyone who asks.

Jesus makes it easy to read His word.

Do you read the Bible in frustration? Does it make sense to you, or are you left wondering what it’s all about? Are there stories that make you shake your head and walk away? Jesus can help you understand it.

When Jesus appeared to disciples after His resurrection, He opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the scriptures. (Luk 24:45) Without a touch from God, we will never understand His word correctly. For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved, it is the power of God. (1Cor 1:18)

If you have not been renewed in your mind with the mind of Christ, just ask. He makes it so incredibly simple. That’s why it seems foolish to those who don’t believe. They want ritual and sacrifice and hardship. But God said, just ask. Ask and it will be given to you. Seek and you will find. (Mat 7:7)

All you need is one prayer away. Ask Him to fill you with His Spirit so you will read and understand His word. He will make sense of it for you and it will change your life if you will receive it.

Another post on the Bible: To Whom Was The Bible Written?


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

You Were Made To Love God Back

If you understood God's love, you'd never be afraid.

You were made to love God back.

The love of God is a power beyond imagining. Love. Through love, God created heaven and earth just to have a people and a culture to live in communion. We are here on planet earth because God wanted us to be with Him. His love created all that we know and see.

I love how the Message Bible describes the love of God:

I’m absolutely convinced that nothing—nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable—absolutely nothing can get between us and God’s love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us. (Rom 8:38-39)

If you can get your head around that, then you will never be afraid again. If your trust is in Him, there’s nothing that will stop Him from blessing you. The enemy can lie about it and try to convince you that you don’t deserve it, or you’re not ready for it yet, but it’s not true. God poured out His love to you so completely that all your shortcomings and bad temper are covered. He has amazing plans for you.

Can you love Him back? Can you put yourself, with all your issues in His hands, to do what He wants? If you can say yes, then hold on and don’t let go, because He never will.

Another post on the love of God: You Are Loved, Really Loved

What Do You Say When Someone Says, Tell Me About God?

Tell me about God.

God is real and waiting for you to ask Him in.

If you write to me and say, tell me about God, this is what I would say. God is a person. He’s not an idea. He’s not an emotion. He’s not a philosophy. He is alive and real and He has a great big heart. He is a little complicated because He’s split up in three pieces: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

You can know each of the “pieces of God” and you’ll know God. There is no problem in praying directly to Jesus or asking the Holy Spirit for guidance and help. Either way, you are still connecting with God.

He is all powerful. He created everything with His word. There is nothing that will ever be bigger, stronger, or more glorious than Him. And no one will love you more. It is the heart of God that created us so that we could live with Him in His kingdom. It’s been His plan since the beginning of creation.

He has a destiny for each one of us that is greater than anything we would chose for ourselves. All we have to do is trust Him. God is massive and awesome and waiting to be part of your life. All you have to do is invite Him in.

Another post on knowing God: God’s Great Plan


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


  • 11 Things God is able to do

The Cry of the Father’s Heart: Come Home

Set everything down and run to Him.

God is always wooing you to Him.

In the story of the prodigal son, the father had two sons. The father loved them both. One was missed when he left the house and went away. The other was missed when he refused to join the welcome home party. The father’s message to both sons was, Come home.

It’s the cry of God to His children–the wooing of His heart. We are loved. We are loved beyond comprehension, beyond reason of knowing. No matter where we are in life, the Father’s call is, Come home. I want you next to me.

If you’ve been away, come back. If you’ve always been there, go in deeper. We will never exhaust the levels of love and forgiveness in God. His love is a deep pool you can dive into and never find the bottom of. He is constantly calling us to a richer place where He can be all we need and all our desires are in Him.

Stop looking at what you want to see happen and put your eyes on Him. Seek first the kingdom of God, He’ll take care of the rest. His arms are out to receive you in a great big heavenly hug that heals and restores all you need. Set everything else down and come home.

Another post on the Father’s love: Choose To Be His Child


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


When Heaven Seems Deaf

Sometimes, God is calling you closer.

No matter what you feel, God is always with you. Photo credit: p0psicle

We all go through seasons when it seems like God has left us and heaven is deaf. We feel abandoned and lost. It’s disconcerting not having a sense of His presence. We feel adrift, without guidance or direction. That’s never actually true, of course. God is always with us.

But why does it seem like He leaves us sometimes? It’s usually because we are going through a new season of growth. He’s calling us up to a new level of relationship. That new place has a new level of commitment, wisdom, or revelation. God hasn’t abandoned us, He’s asking us to have more of Him in our lives.

That’s the time to press in. Spend more time in the word, in praise, in worship, whether you feel it or not. That new place of relationship is someplace you’ve never been before, so it takes a little time to find your way. God is turning Himself to show you a new facet of His glory. It’s a facet you can’t see from the old place.

Don’t worry about what your direction should be. Carry on with what you feel to be right. God will correct you if you need it. Press in and ask for more. It’s a place of new discovery and deeper  communion. Above all, know that He has never left you.

Another post on hearing God: Has God Stopped Talking?


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


  • Study – Have you ever felt abandoned?

God Is Better Than A Grandparent

God thinks of you all day long.

God thinks of you constantly.

Have you ever sat politely and looked at pictures of someone’s grandchildren? Parents can be doting, but grandparents live to show off their grandkids. You can look at the same pictures and not feel a thing, but the grandparent feels nothing but love. That’s how God looks at us. He dotes on us constantly.

It’s easy to assume that God is like us. If He’s thinking of Jack, then He can’t be thinking of me until He shifts His attention. Not so. God is God. He is not like us. He can focus His full attention on every single person at the same time. And He constantly thinks of us.

How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God. How great is the number of them. (Ps 139:17)

Your thoughts toward us cannot be recounted to You in order. If I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered. (Ps 40:5)

It’s amazing to realize that God thinks of us constantly. Now, just imagine what happens when we turn our thoughts to Him at the same time. It’s almost like electricity connecting from opposite ends to create a massive explosion of love and power.

God is a doting Father and He loves you more than anyone ever. Enjoy that today.

Another post on the love of God: How Much Does God Love You?


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God Knows You Like No Other

God knows you better than you know you.

Trust in the One who loves you most.

No one knows you like God knows you. Psalm 139 is an amazing hymn to how intimate God is with us. He knows everything. He knows more about you than you know about you. He knows what’s wrong with your body. He knows all about your goals and ideas. He knows exactly what will be perfect for you.

And yet . . . we are so hesitant to trust Him completely. It’s the lie of Eden–that God can’t be trusted. Believing the lie is obeying the enemy. Renounce and confess any thoughts that you’ve had that God can’t be trusted. He is God. He is above all. He made it all. He is the only with all the answers.

Put your life in His hands and He will prove Himself to you in ways that will make you a believer for life. He will prove to be your safety and your provision, your source for ideas and creativity, and the answer to every need. He knows what you really want. He know what you really love. And He loves excellence, so His answers are the best.

Another post on amazing God: Who Is God?

Don’t hold back from Him because of guilt. Just confess it and get rid of it. Let Him be the One you turn to and He will be the One who answers.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

Let God Out Of The Box

Let God out of the box to be who He needs to be.

God is the God of the unexpected.

When you let go of your expectations of what God will do in your life, anything can happen. He will answer prayer in ways you never saw coming. For instance, I left for a church service feeling very low. I was sad and unhappy and hated feeling that way. I asked God to give me His joy.

I was eventually able to enter in to the worship service with real praise because I chose to set aside the bad feelings that I came in with. In the course of the evening, I met and was prayed over by two women so filled with joy that I was wrecked. These two women told me jokes until I cried and my stomach hurt. I had more joy running around my spirit than I knew what to do with.

I asked God for His joy and He gave it to me. I never would have guessed that He would send me goofy, joke-telling women to do that. Not only did I receive joy, but the three of us bonded in a way that none of us saw coming. We all felt it.

God is not required to be who you say He is. His ways can be quirky and radical, but they will always be what is needed.

Another post on how God answered unexpectedly: God’s Answers Can Come In Disguise


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

The True Meaning Of Love

1 Corinthians 13, love

Only God can love with real love

It’s a sad state things when we have to be told what love is. We all have a filter for how we view the world and that helps define what love is to us. Unfortunately, because so many people have troubled lives, it’s difficult to have a clear understanding the true meaning of love.

Love is patient and kind, not jealous, not proud, not rude, not selfish, not easily angered, doesn’t remember wrongs done, is never happy when others do wrong, is happy with truth, never gives up, never stops trusting, never loses hope, and never quits. (ICor 13)

What does it say when we have to be told that love is not selfish or rude? Our humanity has a twisted perception of love and it’s totally wrong. That’s why so many people are skeptical when they’re told that God loves them, because they don’t understand what love is.

Only God can love with real love. Only He can love without hurting or judging. Ask Him to help you understand and take in the meaning of Him loving you. When you begin to really get what the love of God is in your life, your love for Him will grow enormously. That’s when you really get to know Him and enjoy being His.

Another post on God’s love: Everlasting Love


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

Loving God With All Your Heart

Love God with all your heart.

God must be first in your heart.

All the hopes and dreams that you have as a believer will never be answered as long as you fail to put God first in your life. There are so many ways that we move Him down the list of priorities in our heart. Our relationships, our families, our jobs can all take first place in our lives. And then we wonder why we don’t see blessing.

Putting your first love in another person is dangerous. Anything that you love more than God becomes an idol. Your spouse, your children, your boyfriend or girlfriend, no matter how good they are, if you love them more than you love God, then they become a stumbling block to you.

Now here’s the secret. Loving God first does not take away from your love of others. When you throw yourself into the love of God, He cleans you up so your relationships with others become even sweeter. You don’t lose anything and your gain so much more.

Is your happiness tied to another person? Then your priorities are wrong. Ask God to forgive you for putting others first. Commit yourself to loving God with all your heart. Read His promises to you and thank Him for His goodness to you. Press into that love and you’ll start to see the blessings come to you.

Related post: How Do I Love Thee?


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart