The Bible is God’s love letter
Is the Bible an academic treatise or a love letter? Why was it written? To whom was it written? Continue reading
The Bible is God’s love letter
Is the Bible an academic treatise or a love letter? Why was it written? To whom was it written? Continue reading
Don’t you find it infuriating that it takes so long for prayers to be answered? Continue reading
Has God ever really disappointed you? Did you pray and trust Him to move in a situation and He didn’t? Continue reading
Can you imagine love that fills up the world, the moon, the sun, the whole solar system, and all the universe? Continue reading
Do you believe that God cares about the small things in your life? Are you on your own, hoping to make a good end of things so you make it to heaven? Continue reading
God has an interesting name for those who seriously want to find Him. Continue reading
If there is one personal quality that God absolutely adores it is this Continue reading
I recently experienced a great disappointment in my life. I gave it to the Lord repeatedly, but while it was still fresh, I struggled to not hold onto it. I decided to give myself a day away, so I drove to a beautiful place along the California coast that draws people from all over the world. I sat on the rocks and watched the waves and listened to harbor seals bark to each other for a long time. I talked to God and told Him how sad I was and asked Him to take care of the situation for me. It was a beautiful setting and easy to see the hand of God all over the place so I did find peace.
As I walked back to my car along a sandy path worn by thousands of people, I suddenly noticed a shoe print that got my attention. Rather than the typical ridged tennis shoe footprint, this one had a clearly defined heart right in the middle of the shoe, right in the middle of the path. It was such a clear print that who ever owned the shoe must have been only a few minutes ahead of me on the path. I started looking for more prints and began following this trail of hearts.
Then God spoke very clearly to me – I have gone before you and made a way through My love. It was such a powerful message that I choked up. I know He will work all things together for my good, because He told me so. How amazing of God to speak to me in a way that perfectly heals my heart. He is so good.
What does holiness mean to you? Blessed, sacred, without sin, the essence of God Himself. A look through the Psalms on what is holy reveals a surprising result:
Yet I have set My King on My holy hill of Zion. Ps 2:6
In fear of You I will worship toward Your holy temple. Ps 5:7
He will answer from His holy heaven. Ps 20:6
Or who may stand in His holy place? Ps 24:3
When I lift up my hands toward Your holy sanctuary. Ps 28:2
God sits on His holy throne. Ps 47:8
In the city of our God, in His holy mountain. Ps 48:1
A father of the fatherless, a defender of widows is God in His holy habitation. Ps 68:5
And He brought them to His holy boarder. Ps 78:54
His foundation is in the holy mountains. Ps 87:1
Over half of the references to holiness in the Psalms refer to a place. God makes a place holy just by His presence. The presence of God sanctifies, purifies, blesses. And when you receive Jesus and Savior and Lord, you receive Him into your heart and life. You are made holy because He is in you. You carry the holiness of God to the grocery story, the gas station, the backyard. Mediate on what holiness really means, then feel the power of it inside you. It is the power to heal, to restore, and and to bless. You’ve been given everything.
The Bible says that there were two men who walked with God – Enoch and Noah. Enoch was so close to God that God took him. He just loved this man so much that He wanted him in heaven. Continue reading