No one knows you like the Word of God. Continue reading
If you have the Spirit of God in you, then you have a lot to say. Continue reading
Joseph was sold into slavery and thrown into prison after a remarkable dream about being honored by his brothers. Continue reading
When you’re alone, you have to be strong in what you believe.
Are you alone in your hunger for God? Continue reading
Remember when we talked about How To Hear God? He’s constantly talking to us. I didn’t say communicating because that implies that we heard Him and talked back. The problem is that we tend not to be listening. Then something happens that seems like a coincidence and we wonder, was that God? Our old nature stands up quickly to say officially that it was not. But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him. (1Cor 2:14) Tell your old nature to shut-up and start paying attention to coincidences. Once you decide that you will keep your eyes and ears open to God talking to you, you have to start believing in those subtle messages. If it speaks to your spirit, then you’re onto something. Respond back to Him and look for more. You’ll start to see His hand everywhere. God loves a good conversation, everyday. Tell Him first thing in the morning that you want to hear from Him and then pay attention all day. It willl start a conversation that will never end.
There’s something about our Western culture that scorns patience. Continue reading
I will give you the treasures of darkness and the hidden riches of secret places. (Is. 45:3) Continue reading
After you go after God to renew your mind, what are you going to do with all those great ideas? Continue reading
Now that you have your list of promises, read it like it’s a letter from God. These are things He wants to do for you. Claim them as promises. Remind God that He promised. If you get a word that you brush aside, or never believe, chances are great that you never will see it fulfilled. God’s promises are true. You can trust them. But you need to give life to them by believing them and expecting them to happen. I get excited every time I read through my list. I can’t wait to see these things start to happen. They may not happen for years, but I’m still excited and I thank God all the time for what He’s promised. He’s so generous because He wants to be real in my life. And the more I believe Him for, the more He’ll do for me, in me, and through me.
When ever you get a prophetic word, write it down immediately so you don’t forget any part of it. If you can record it even better. If you do record it, transcribe it. There’s something about hearing, writing, and seeing it that helps you understand it better. Pull out the key words and phrases and list them. Then group them by subject. I date them as well. By grouping the key words together, you can see how God has repeatedly given you the same promise over time. If you’ve had several prophetic words over the years, you’ll have an astonishing list of promises that will bring a smile to your face every time you read it. Ok, so I have my list, now what?