Category Archives: Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit Will Guide You Through The Dark Places

God will guide you on a path of light.

Let the Holy Spirit direct you through the dark places.

Job was an awesome man of God. He loved God and trusted Him with all that he had and God blessed him for it, both before and after his trials. And because Job trusted and loved God so completely, Job could boast: When by His light I walked through darkness…When the friendly counsel of God was over my tent. (Job 29:3-4)

When all around him was darkness, Job could trust that God would show Him light and a path to walk. Through the unknown, he always knew that God would lead him. The friendly counsel of God was always over him. How amazing is that!

I love that Job saw God as kind and friendly–that God was always there for him to show him the way and counsel him in what to do. Today we have the Holy Spirit as our friendly guide and counselor. He is all that we need to lean on, to give us direction and hope when we are discouraged.

If the Holy Spirit is not your friend, ask God for Him. Ask to be filled and led by His Spirit. All the aspects of God, the fruits of the Spirit will be yours. You can walk in light when all is darkness around you.

Another post on our need for the Holy Spirit to guide us: Be Smart Like A Virgin


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

What Is The Holy Spirit’s Job?

The Holy Spirit is God inside us.

The Holy Spirit was sent to us for a reason.

There are many people who are content to believe that faith in God and acknowledging that Jesus died for our sins is all we need. That’s unfortunate, because they miss the whole point of salvation. Jesus didn’t die on the cross just so we don’t have to go to hell. He made a way for us to live in communion with God, now and forever. 2 Cor 13:14

After we receive the gift of salvation, it’s the Holy Spirit’s job to be the indwelling presence of God in our lives.

He is our Helper. He gives us revelation and knowledge when we need it. Mrk 13: 11, Luk 12:12, Jhn 14;26

He is our Comforter. Jhn 14:16, Act 10:38

He gives us all the attributes of God–love, joy, peace,patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Gal 4:22-23

To live believing in God, but without the Holy Spirit is like handicapping yourself in a race by hopping instead of running. Yes, it’s possible to get through the race that way, but you’ll exhaust yourself and more than likely won’t make it to the end.

Without the Holy Spirit convicting us of our sin and leading us, we are in great danger of deception. With Him, we have all access to the knowledge of God. As His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue. 2 Pet 1:3-4

If you don’t have the Holy Spirit in your life, ask God to fill you. Do it today.

Another post on the Holy Spirit: What Is The Holy Spirit?


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

The Holy Spirit Helps You Do The Right Thing

If you listen, He will help you.

The Holy Spirit is great at helping us live His ways.

As believers, we need to be living examples of Christ. That’s a tall order, us being human and all. We’re going to make mistakes everyday.  But it’s so cool that God actually knows that, and He made a way to compensate for our failings. He gave us His Holy Spirit.

You don’t have to be perfect, but you have to listen to Him. If your heart is hungry to know God, He makes you sensitive to hear Him. and when you hear Him, He helps you when you need it.

I really try to act appropriately in life, and that includes my online life. I used a photo recently from a free photo use site, but this particular photo asked for the photographer to be credited. It wasn’t until I was in the shower the next day that it dawned on me that I forgot to do that. I tend to hear God a lot in the shower. I scurried to find that image again and get the photographer’s name. I was amazed at  how many other Christians sites were using the same image, but failed to credit the photographer as asked.

I was grateful that the Holy Spirit prompted me to fix an error. He didn’t condemn me. He just showed me what to do. He’s wonderful like that. Ask Him for guidance. He’s there for you.

Another post on living with the Holy Spirit: Living The Full Life


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

Be Aware Of God Today

Allow the Holy Spirit to be released through you.

Be aware of God in your life everyday.

When we receive the Holy Spirit into our lives, we are living with the greatest power in the universe. He is our Friend, our Counselor, and our Comforter. To ignore that, or not value this amazing presence of God, is a huge mistake.

We need to live with an awareness of God in our lives. It takes intention to do that. You have to decide to focus your thoughts on Him. When we remember to connect with Him during our day, we’re open to hearing His voice. He has direction. He has influence. He can help when we need it.

Having an awareness of God releases His presence into your home, your office, or your school. You carry Him with you where ever you go, but He is not effective in touching others unless you allow Him to. He’s in you and He wants out. He wants to be the main influence in this world and He wants to use you to do it.

Spend your quiet time getting to know Him so you recognize His voice. Ask Him to be released through you to effect others. Ask for His gifts to be used in you so others are touched by His grace. He chose to live in you because of love. Let Him be the God of love in you.

Another post on the Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit Is Your Anointing


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


In Spirit And In Truth

True worship goes deep.

There is no worship that is not in spirit.

God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth. (Jhn 4:24) Straight from Jesus. It’s not a suggestion. If we are to worship God at all, we must worship Him in spirit. What does that mean anyway?

It means that worship is not about form. It’s not about following an agenda, or being right or wrong. It’s not standing up or sitting down or singing or closing our eyes or lifting our hands or repeating words. Nothing that we do matters in worship.

It’s not our bodies, but our spirits that have to be engaged. Deep inside, we have to feel the need to reach out to the God who made us to love Him. Deep calls unto deep. If we are not communicating love to God from our spirit, then we have failed to worship.

It’s a very easy thing to cut off true worship. If we choose to be cerebral, judgmental, rushed, or locked into a schedule, we will stay on a surface, performance level that never touches God. Even if we sing, close our eyes, raise our hands, and obey every command from the pulpit, but never engage our spirit, we have not worshiped.

Pay attention to how deep you are allowing yourself to go. Reach out with your heart.That’s where the real action is.

Another post on worship: How To Worship


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  • The Absolute Necessity of REAL Worship

Are You Doubtful Of The Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit will guide you in truth.

The Holy Spirit is your source of power and peace.

There are people who are critical or doubtful of anything to do with the Holy Spirit because they’re afraid of fraud. Admittedly, fraud has been an issue in all areas of the church, but that is not a reason to dismiss an entire aspect of God.

Jesus taught that the Holy Spirit was sent from God. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name… (Jn 14:26) Will you argue with Jesus that the Holy Spirit is not of God? The power of our authority as believers comes from the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We can’t do what we’ve been given to do without Him.

Ironically, the One who can be the greatest source of truth is the Holy Spirit Himself. However, when He the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth. (Jn 16:13) If you are really uncertain  that receiving the Holy Spirit is scriptural, then you need to go back and read the scriptures again. Ask God to give you understanding and clarity. Don’t rely on one person’s opinion. You are responsible for your own faith.

Once you make friends with the Holy Spirit, you are connected with God in a way that will cover you with grace and peace. All the fruits of the Spirit are yours forever.

Related post: What Is The Holy Spirit?


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

The Holy Spirit Is Your Anointing

The Holy Spirit is your anointing.

You are anointed with the presence of God.

If you are a believer, filled with the Holy Spirit, then you have His anointing. It is His presence in you, reminiscent of the oil poured over the priests that dripped down their beards and garments. This anointing comes loaded with everything that you need to be called of God.

But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things. (1Jn 2:20)

But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you. (1Jn 2:27)

The Holy Spirit knows everything, so when He is present in your life, you have access to a complete knowledge base. You won’t automatically know it all, but you can turn to Him any time you need to.

It is an amazing aspect of our relationship with God, that He would put all knowledge at our disposal. There is only one condition to accessing it. We have to go to Him. It is from relationship that we are taught the things we need to know. In our times spent with Him in love and enjoyment, He equips us and gives us ideas and dreams.

Ask Him for answers to the things you need to know. Spend time with Him in prayer and meditation. Listen with your heart and look to see if He won’t be a God of all resourcefulness.

Check out this post also: The Power of Anointing


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

Living Without Peace Is Wrong

Peace is your to have.

Peace is yours in the Holy Spirit.

If you are living without peace, then something is wrong. As children of God, peace is an aspect of our salvation that comes free in the Holy Spirit. It is central to God’s nature, so when we receive Him, we also get His great peace.

If you are struggling with problems that rob your peace, then give them to Jesus. Are you fearful? Confess your fear. Are you frustrated, angry, overworked? Confess every area that you have not given to Jesus and hand it all over to Him. He said He would carry our load and make it easy for us.

Lack of peace is a flashing red light that you life is not in alignment with God. Just fix it. Let go of fear, anger, depression. Ask God for forgive you for holding onto them. Ask Him to fill you with His peace. If you do not have the Holy Spirit in your life, then ask for Him immediately. You will not find His peace otherwise.

Regardless how busy or complicated your life is, peace is always available. When you put your life completely in Jesus’ hands, He helps you manage what you should and let go of what you shouldn’t. Peace is yours for keeping. Take hold of it and never let it go.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Choose To Be Renewed

Choose to be renewed.

Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

Our character takes time to develop. Just because we become believers doesn’t mean that we don’t need to be changed any more. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. (Rom 12:2) It’s an ongoing process.

A good man deal graciously and lends. He will guide his affairs with discretion. (Ps 112:5) Imagine people behaving graciously to each other. Imagine acting with discretion. What a contrast to the selfish and indiscreet behavior of the world.

But recognizing the need to be gracious and being gracious are two different things. The scripture points to where we need to go. We have to allow the Holy Spirit to renew us to get there. Have you noticed that people who don’t want to be changed won’t be changed? It’s your choice.

We all know the areas of our lives that need to be renewed. Confess the sinful ways and give them to Jesus. Ask Him to change you, to renew your mind to have the mind of Christ. Renewing isn’t an instant transformation. It’s a gradual change. Keep at it. Ask for more. It won’t be long before someone describes you in new terms and you will see what God has done.

Read Galatians 5:22 and see the fruits of the Spirit the Lord wants to give you. It will make you a new person.

Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

Know How to Keep Your Joy

Learn how to keep you joy.

Keep your joy when you get discouraged.

Don’t let discouragement rob your joy. I’m not kidding. If you are discouraged, then it may seem that you are already robbed of joy, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Keep one hand in the Lord’s and you’ll get through it.

The hard part of keeping your joy in the middle of a rough patch is actually taking the steps that you know you need to take to keep from going under. Listen to praise music. Maybe that’s all it takes. Call a friend who will lift you up. Not everyone is good to talk to when you’re down. Some people like it there and you don’t need that. Do what you have to do to find your joy.

Once you give into depression and despair, you’ve opened the door to a lot a negative feelings that will be hard to displace later on. God understands discouragement, so He’s always there with us. Just remember that. Call out to Him. He’s very encouraging and know exactly what will cheer you up.

When you can face a discouraging situation and keep your joy, you shatter the attack of the enemy to take you down. Joy is in the Spirit of God, so it’s always yours. Keep it close and you’ll be fine.

Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart