Category Archives: Kingdom of God

Be Excellent. Be A Testimoney

Do all things as unto God.

Your best blesses other people.

Do your best and let God do the rest. That means really doing your best. A halfway effort is not impressive to anyone. Jesus said to walk the extra mile. When you do that at work, in your relationships, or whatever you’ve been called to do, you allow God to put the icing on the cake for you.

If you are not doing your best, but expect God to bless your efforts, I’m not sure it’s going to happen. Why would He do what you wouldn’t do for yourself? He’s waiting for you to give your all, then He will take that and make it so much more than you were able.

The kingdom of God is all about excellence. Substandard work by those who call themselves believers is not honoring to God at all. If other people know your faith, then they expect more from you than other people, and rightly so. To do less, to give less in front of those watching your life is a poor testimony.

Be more than you are expected to be. Be the extra blessing that is not looked for. God will honor that and it will speak volumes to others. It is by the kindness of God that people are saved, and your extra efforts show His kindness to people who need to see it.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

God Has More For You Than What You Think You Need

The revelations of God are more than simply meeting your needs.

The mysteries of God are hidden for those who will cry out for them.

Are you living in the middle of a storm right now? Don’t assume that it’s your fault. Jesus sent the disciples out to sea and they struggled in a storm He sent them into. He may be trying to get you to take your eyes off of yourself and onto Him.

God promised to meet your every need, but you can’t spend all day watching to see how He will do that. Yes, it’s good to trust in His provision, but He wants your heart of love and devotion, not just your expectation that He will take care of you.

Trust God, then let go of the worry about how and when He will answer. He will. There are bigger and more magnificent things to turn to. There are mysteries in the Spirit that will leave you breathless, but your heart has to cry out for them. You can’t do that if you are wondering where the provision is coming from.

Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things you do not know. (Jer 33:3)

He can’t show you great and mighty things if you are wrapped up in Him being provider. That’s only a fraction of what He has for you. Gold, silver, and gems are hidden and must be discovered and dug out. So too with the mysteries of God. Cry out. Be hungry for them. The storm is there to get your attention. Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. (Mat 4:4)

Another post on being hungry for God: My Kind Of Shepherd


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


A Mature Person Doesn’t Always Have To Win The Argument

Lay down your need to be right in grace and humility.

God blesses a humble heart.

Don’t you hate having a conversation with a know-it-all who you know is wrong? Maybe it’s only over a matter of opinion, but the smugness of someone who can never admit being wrong can be hard to take. The need to be right and for others to agree that we are right is strong. It may be something to let go of.

The discretion of a man makes him slow to anger, and his glory is to overlook a transgression. (Pro 19:11)

You don’t always have to be right. In fact, the very fact that you can let it go shows immense maturity. It shows humility and God gives great grace to the humble.

Our need to be right is tied to our self-esteem. We need others to affirm our “rightness”. But when we lay that down in the sure knowledge that we are royal heirs of God’s kingdom, the opinions of others have very little value. We can overlook smugness with grace. God will vindicate where He will vindicate, all without our help.

When you remember who you are and whose you are, it takes the air right out of the enemy’s attempt to get you riled up. You can let it go in peace and walk away in grace.

Another post on spiritual maturity: How Mature Are You?

Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart
  • Humility = Heroism

Breakthroughs Come From Serving Others

God asks us to be selfless, not self-centered.

Loving others will bring breakthrough where you need it.

A great way to see answered prayer in specific areas is to pray for other people needing the same thing. Do you need a breakthrough in finances? Pray for breakthrough in other people. Give out of what you have to others in need. Looking for a husband? Pray for a friend in the same situation.

When we stop focusing on our own needs and look to bless others, we open doors in heaven to what we’ve been waiting for. The kingdom of God is all about being the body and family. It’s not a self-centered relationship with God.

Blessed are the poor in spirit, the meek, the peacemakers. Give and it will be given to you. This all speaks of serving others and putting others first. If you loved your neighbor as yourself, then you would pray for her and bless her just as you need and want to be blessed.

When we live with that mentality of selfless giving, God promises to be all that we need Him to be. Jesus said the first great commandment was to love God first. The second was to love others. In a culture that idolizes self achievement, this is hard to do. Only through the Spirit of God can you live as He wants you to. Love God first and He will fill you with all you need to loves others as yourself.

Another post on serving others: Praying Like Job


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart
  • The Blessings of Open Hand

God Is Attracted To The Humble Heart

God is attracted to the humble heart.

Find humility and you will find God.

Want to know the secret to God guiding and teaching you? It may not be your great faith. It’s certainly not you knowledge of what is right and what is wrong. It’s not your willingness to do what ever it takes. If you want God to teach you His ways and guide you into all truth, you need to be humble.

The humble He guides in justice, And the humble He teaches His way. (Psa 25:9)

What is it about the humble that so touches the heart of God? They put other people first. They don’t think highly of themselves. They are willing to serve others. They don’t exaggerate their own talents or exploits. They give freely and don’t expect to be repaid.

It’s not that the humble are doormats. It’s that they understand the kingdom of God. The kingdom is all about putting other’s before ourselves. Taking our eyes off of what is important in our own life and what is important to others. There is no pride, no arrogance, no attitudes of entitlement. But it doesn’t mean weakness. Humility comes with a lot of strength and willpower to not have to defend just to win a point.

Find humility and you’ll suddenly find that God is active in your life in ways that you really need.

Another post on humility: Insignificance Is A Big Deal


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

Childlike Faith Is Believing That God Means What He Says

You better believe that God means everything He says.

Childlike faith will move heaven and earth when you need it.

Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it. (Mrk 10:15)  That’s really hard to do. Think about little children. If they haven’t been abused or lied to, they are so completely trusting. What ever mom or dad says is truth and there is nothing to be afraid of when they are near.

Can you transfer your childlike feelings to your heavenly Father? Can you set aside the framework for how you’ve been told to view the world and simply believe what the Father says? Knowledge has robbed us of simple faith. Even the scriptures we know have lost meaning. Does God really mean on earth as it is in heaven? How can that possible by what He means?

Simple faith. If He said it, He meant it. Can you step out of the pack and believe when no one else does? Who will be right? There’s only one way to find out. Try it. Step out in a way that only God can answer for you and see what happens. If you begin to trust that He means on earth as it is in heaven, He will show you exactly how real it is.

Be childlike in your spirit and big in your faith.

Another post on being His child: Choose To Be His Child


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Why Live In Stress When There Is Rest For Your Soul?

Rest is yours if you will trust in God.

You are not meant to carry stress.

There is so much peace when we live as God designed us to live. When we trust Him to be God, to take care of all our needs, we have nothing left to stress over. In the absence of stress, our lives are filled with peace like a gentle breeze and a soothing balm.

Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me . . . and you will find rest for your souls. (Mat 11:29) Taking His yoke is to let Him do the heavy lifting. Give Him whatever worries you. He wants to take it because He already has the issue worked out. All you have to do is agree with Him that His way is better. Your stress isn’t fixing anything. Your faith will.

Living in rest takes some amount of work because we have to fight the enemy and resist being seduced into fear. Imagine living the good life where all your needs are met and there was nothing to worry about. Will all your issues go away? No, but when you rest in God, you can sit back and watch Him do what you cannot. It is an attitude adjustment. Same issues, but new revelation on how they will be managed. Why live in stress when you can have rest for your soul?

Anther post on rest: The Mana Of Rest


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart
  • Stress free Yoke

God Wants You To Imitate Him

You are not who you were. You are an heir with Christ.

Be an imitator of God and and everything changes.

Salvation in the kingdom requires a total change of attitude. Yes, we come as sinners, but we are transformed through the blood of Christ to be heirs with Him. We have to have the mindset that we are worthy of His calling. He wants us to live like we belong in the palace.

Paul says, Therefore be imitators of God as dear children. (Eph 5:1) We are to literally look to God as our model for life. Jesus came to show us what was possible. He expects us to do what He did, and more.

Sound impossible? Then you are listening to the lies of the enemy. All things are possible with God.  Nothing is impossible. You will live in power and grace according to your faith. Repent for ever agreeing with the enemy that you cannot do what you are called to. Declare your place in God’s family–a royal son or daughter. He’s given you permission to use His name to heal, save, and deliver those who are in desperate need of His touch.

Rise up in your faith and be an imitator of God. He will meet you at your point of faith and be there for you where ever you trust Him. You are not who you were. You are the new you in Christ.

Another post on living like God: Transform or Die!


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

Don’t Forget To Ask For Your Blessings

Ask and it will be given.

All the blessings of heaven are waiting on you to ask.

Do not be a starving believer. There is so much more to have in God. Paul prayed this prayer to the church in Ephesus:That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints. (Eph 1:17-18)

He prayed that because it is available to all believers. Do you want to understand the hope of your calling? The riches of your inheritance? Wisdom and Revelation? God is waiting to give it. He’s just waiting for you to ask.

All the blessings of heaven are yours, but you have to want it and you have to go after it. God wants to be a loving Father in your life, not an absentee father. He wants to give you all that is yours to receive, but you need to be in communion with Him to get it.

Spend time in His word. Spend time in prayer and intercession. Spend time in praise and worship. Enjoy His presence and ask for more. You have no idea how much more there is.

Another post on your blessings: Don’t Walk Away From Blessing


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart



Dreaming Big Scary Dreams

Believe that God wants more for you than you do.

The bigger the dream, the greater God can move.

You can always tell the dreams that God gives from your own. Your dreams will start with what you know and progress to something else that you know, only bigger and better. God’s dreams will make you excited and terrified, not because they’re the last thing on earth you would want to do, but because there’s no way you can see how it could possible happen.

That’s exactly where God moves the best. He wants so much more for us than we want for ourselves. He has the power and knowledge to do what we cannot. He can see around the corner and knows how it will all work out.

And the amazing thing is, He’s not at all bothered by our mistakes. His big plans for us include all the failings we’ve had along the way and He knows how to use to them to our advantage.

When God shows you a dream that you just don’t see for yourself, ask yourself if it’s because you don’t trust God to make it work. The big dreams require faith. We won’t get there without allowing God to do what we cannot. And when we do, He delights to bless us beyond what we thought was possible. It’s ok to dream big. Now trust God to make it happen.

Another post on dreaming big: What If Your Dreams Are Too Small?


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart