Some Dreams Need To Be Buried Before They Become Real

Dreams take time to grow and mature.

Dreams take time to grow and mature.

You know how thriving plants start out? They start out as seeds that get buried in the ground, out of sight, grimy, and forgotten. Then, when the time is right, they send up small shoots and tiny roots and grow into what they’ve been designed to grow into. Some trees require fire to open seed cones. The beginning of things is not always pretty.

Dreams and destiny may start like that. They get planted and need time to come to maturity. Or the conditions for making them happen may require extreme change — change that challenges your faith and equilibrium.

Just because your dream didn’t develop into sudden maturity doesn’t mean that it’s not right or real. It just means that it requires time to grow. You need to be changed. Conditions need to be right. Don’t give up. Don’t get mad at God for what you can’t see happening.

Hold onto what you know to be true. Thank Him for it just as if you have everything you want. Thank Him, praise Him, sing, dance and rejoice for what you know He will do. That kind of faith, believing for what you can’t see yet, can change the timeline. Mary’s faith made Jesus turn water into wine before He was ready to begin ministry. Your dreams need that kind of faith to come alive.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


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