The meek shall interit the earth.
I started to say that God isn’t looking for doormats, but then I had to rethink that. Continue reading
The meek shall interit the earth.
I started to say that God isn’t looking for doormats, but then I had to rethink that. Continue reading
And you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. Jer. 29:13.
God is not after part-time supporters. He’s not interested in Sunday believers. He wants all your heart, everyday. It’s not enough to stumble over a blessing and think how nice the Lord is. He wants you searching for Him, reaching for Him, thirsty and hungry. He wants you to realize that you have a gaping God-size hole in your spirit that He wants to fill. But He will only do that when you go after Him tooth and claw. The violent take it by force. How much of your heart are you searching with? How much do you want Him? When you race after Him, fearless and determined, He will be found. You’ll run smack into Him. And it will be a collision of awesomeness. What ever you’re holding onto that keeps you from going after Him with everything you’ve got, throw it down now and reach up with both hands. Go after Him. Go!
In God, you have a future and a hope.
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jer. 29:11. When God has thoughts about you, they are actually promises for your life. He’s planning a path for you to have a future and a hope. His thoughts are not wishful thinking, they are true. He’s not up in heaven looking at all your mistakes and keeping track of all your failures, He’s thinking of ways to draw you close to Him. He thinks the best things for you.
The scripture says He’s thinking thoughts toward you. Those thoughts are a moveable force, an energy wave that can cast aside all the plans of the enemy to change your circumstances for your good. His thoughts toward you are powerful promises to save you and bless you. Quiet your spirit and ask God what He’s thinking. What ever you hear will change your life.
How long have you been praying about that loved one to be saved, a new job, health? Six months? Two years? Fifteen years? How long do you keep asking? If it hasn’t happened by now, will it ever? Who will you listen to Job or Job’s wife? Job’s wife told him to give it up already. All she saw was the evil that came into Job’s life and it didn’t look like any changes were coming. But Job was a man made of different stuff. He knew God. He knew that God could and should be trusted, despite the circumstances. You haven’t seen your breakthrough yet, but that doesn’t mean that God shouldn’t be trusted. If you can’t trust Him, what can you trust in? Don’t stop believing. You may be discouraged, that’s normal, but don’t stop believing. The waiting will be worth it. The answer will be more than you asked for because you believed for so long. How serious are you about seeing it happen?
Some time ago, I was getting ready for church on a Sunday morning and I heard a bird singing right outside my bedroom. It was a bird I’ve never seen before and it had the most amazing song. I sat and listened to it for several minutes before it flew away. Then I went to church. Now, I sing from my soul and I’m not bothered by people around me. I love to sing worship songs. That day, someone sitting near me turned and said, “God said that you are His songbird.” I was blown away because I knew immediately why He sent that bird to my backyard. He wanted me to get the full impact of what He was telling me. It was a remarkable moment that I’ll never forget. How has God shown Himself to you?
God made you so He’s very aware of how you think and feel. He speaks through your own consciousness more than you realize. Thoughts can come to you from the enemy, yourself, or God. It’s good to recognize which is which. In fact, it’s very good to know that there are bad thoughts that don’t belong to you at all. You can just ignore them. But God gives you awesome thoughts. They may be ideas for new things, insight and revelation about situations or people, or a communication telling you how important you are to Him. God’s thoughts won’t scare you or make you feel bad about yourself. He’s plan is to always make you better and feel safe. And the cool thing is, you can have a complete conversation with Him and no one can hear it. He understands privacy. Coming up, more ways He talks to you.