I don’t want to get metaphysical, but God is not easy to describe. Continue reading
Who Is God?
2 Replies
I don’t want to get metaphysical, but God is not easy to describe. Continue reading
God gave us all the good stuff.
It’s easy to look at a sunset and know that God loves beauty, but stop and think about everything that is good in the world and realize where it came from. Continue reading
The more I see God in action, the more I want. I am not satisfied to dip my toe into the kingdom, I want to dive in and live submerged. Sound fanatical? I hope so, because the alternative is dry and empty. Continue reading
Where the presence of God is, there is righteousness peace, and joy. (Rom 14:17) In His presence, there is healing, comfort, salvation, and grace. There are no bad things in God. So, why doesn’t everyone feel that? Continue reading