The simplest prayer is no prayer at all. It is loving and being loved. It is looking into the eyes of the Father while trying to say thank you. You may try, but when his love floods your soul, the best you can do is smile through your tears. No words have to be spoken in a moment like that. The words are necessary for other times, but when you are locked into the heart of God, the best you can do is try to absorb it all. He knows that and it’s OK. In fact, you may go through seasons were all you do is weep when you think of him. It does something inside. I’m not sure what, but I feel it. Sometimes I choose to be wordless with him so I can just sit in his peace. Other times I couldn’t speak if I had to. The loving, the listening, the tears, and the wonder – it’s all prayer and it all matters.
Tag Archives: walking with God
Walking With God Is Hearing His Voice
Walking with God is a daily experience. We don’t receive salvation like a big pill and assume we’re done. Continue reading
Your Attention Is Required

If you’re not paying attention, you’re not following
Following God as a believer can seem confusing. Continue reading
Practicing Diligence

Some things take concentrated effort
Diligent is defined as: constant in effort to accomplish something; attentive and persistent in doing anything. Continue reading
Living The Full Life

Learn to live in His fullness and blessing.
Does it make sense to stand out in the cold, shivering and wet, and think it’s normal when God is holding the door open to a warm home, a hot meal, and cozy fire? Why would you call yourself a Christian and not walk fully in what that means? Continue reading
How To Tell You’ve Heard God
It’s amazing how many times we actually hear God but fail to recognize it. Continue reading
Don’t Think You Know
Salvation is not about knowing who God is. Continue reading
How To Be Amazing
There is only one reason we would have any kind of fear Continue reading
Take Ownership Of Your Light
There’s a reason that Jesus calls us sheep. Continue reading
Salvation vs Kingdom
Jesus didn’t preach about salvation, He preached about the kingdom of God. Continue reading