Author Archives: Diana Symons

Love Radically. Start Now. Change The World

Love radicallyYour goal for the day should be to live 1 Corinthians 13. Go there now and read it. If God is everything in your life and you can live in love, then there’s nothing that God won’t do for you. Can you do it? You’d better, because that is what Jesus called us to do. It’s not an option.  We don’t get to cop-out because of personality issues.

Love is the foundation for everything in the kingdom. Love like God loves, not the world. Love in worldly terms is selfish. It’s about how I feel. Love in God’s terms is giving. It’s about how other’s feel. It would be a good idea to read 1 Corinthians 13 every day. Memorize it. Get it into your spirit. Know where your weaknesses are and ask God to help.

Pursue love. (1Cor 14:1) Chase it down. Be who you are called to be in the kingdom. If you can live in radical love, you can change the world. You can call down heaven and heaven will come. Love completely, totally, sold-out. Stop judging. Stop complaining. Stop waiting for what’s yours.

The kingdom of God is backward. You get everything you need when you give. Love through the hurt. Let the peace of God cover up the rough spots. You can never go wrong when you love. It may not be received well, but God sees.

Let the love begin and see what happens next.

Pursue Love, It’s A Moving Target

Learn to love as God loves.I Corinthians 13 makes is very clear that if love is not our motivation for everything, then all our efforts are in vain. Even if signs and wonders follow after us, we can still have the wrong attitude. Love must come first — before wisdom, before giving, before sacrifice. Why are we giving? Because we love the person in need. Why are we meeting with other believers? Because we love them.

What if you don’t? It’s a fair question, because love for other people outside our intimate circle does not come naturally. We may feel concern, but that’s not the same as love. What if that tank is really, truly dry? We go to God.

We’re told to pursue love. (I Cor 14:1), We’re told that because God knows that it’s not natural for us. And it’s not easy to attain. That’s why we have to pursue it. Pursuit implies that we have a moving target. We have to keep going after it. Once we grab a hold of it, we get a little bit. Keep pursuing. Get more.

All of the aspect of God are available to us, but they don’t just download completely when we ask. We have to want it and keep wanting it. Pursue love until you get it. Until all your motivations are driving by a desire to bless and love. Pursue more. Let love change your life. Let it open doors to heaven that you never even knew about. It’s the foundation of the kingdom, the very essence of everything that we do.

Where Do You Hear God?

Where do you hear God?Where do you hear God? It’s a serious question, because if you don’t hear God, then you don’t know Him. If you are depending on hearing about God at church, or from some other ministry, then you are not in relationship, and that’s what salvation is all about. Jesus said, depart from Me I never knew you. (Matt 7:22-24) Who was He talking about? People who were not in relationship with Him.

You can hear Him anywhere when you set yourself to listen, but there should be a special place where you meet with Him everyday. Some people do prayer walks. They’ll admit that if they sit down to pray, they’ll fall asleep. It’s a fair observation. Other people need to sit and journal. How ever you do it, it needs to be private. You may have prayer time with a spouse or children or friends, but that’s different from the time you spend alone with God.

If you’ve never developed that prayer time, do it today. Start by repenting for not spending the time with Him that you should have. I don’t mean to guilt anyone by this. It shouldn’t be a guilt trip, but it should be honest.

Father, forgive me for ignoring you. Help me to hear Your voice. Help me to listen to You and know that You are directing my life. Teach me to spend the time that You want with me so I’ll grow strong in Your Spirit.

Read some scripture. Listen with your heart. When you ask Him a question, He’ll answer. Just be still and know that He is God. Your relationship with Him is a journey and it starts right now.


What To Do When You Stop Hearing God

Knowing God's WillWouldn’t it be great if God sent an angel to us everyday with our instructions for the day? It would make life so much easier without the guess-work. Instead, we’re left to work it out on our own. Sometimes we get a very clear direction for where to go and what to do. Those times great. But along the way, roadblocks can pop up. Our plans don’t work out the way we thought they would. Discouragement can set in.

When that happens, it feels like the phone line to heaven has been dropped. What are we supposed to do? We really wish that angel would come with instructions. But God did give instructions. What was the last thing you know He said? Go back to that and do it.

God will bless a decision to honor His will, whether it’s right on or not. He’s not required to bless a decision made out of rebellion because we don’t like the timing. The roadblocks may pop up, but keep on with what you know to do. Honor the word that you know you got and let Him work it out. Life gets messy, but God will bless your faith to trust Him.

Carry on. You’re closer to your goal than you think.

Stop Being OK With Mediocre — Excellence Takes Work


We all have a gift and calling from God. Some of us have figured that out and some of us haven’t. What if you have? What if you know you want to write, or sing, or play guitar in a worship band? Maybe it’s because you love doing it, or maybe you’ve been given a prophetic word that you’re called to do that. Awesome! That’s a great place to start. Now be excellent.

Take the time to develop the gift in you.

Take the time to develop the gift in you.

Just because you know that you’re called to be a writer doesn’t make you a great writer. It doesn’t even make you a good writer. You still need to learn how to write. But God gave you the story? That’s good, but you still need to learn how to write. No one’s life will be changed by a great story told badly. Take writing classes, go to writer’s conferences, join a local writer’s group. Write a lot. Everyday. Read good writers. (I want to be diplomatic here. Just because someone is a Christian writer doesn’t make them a good writer.) Read books that everyone recognizes as being good. You’ll learn things.

You’re a singer? For heaven’s sake, take a voice class. Learn how to sing well. Learn breath control and projection. Learn to sing in harmony. Sing a lot. Everyday. You play guitar? Learn to read music. Sheet music. Listen to great music that stirs the soul.

The church is famous for mediocre talent and God deserves better than that. Yes, it’s spiritual to learn your craft. You already have a Master’s degree in it? Then let God take you further. Once you develop the basics, He has an instrument to really use. Let Him take you as high as you want to go with Him.

What? You say that it doesn’t matter as long as your heart is into it? Because God will bless what you do if your efforts are for Him? To some extent that is true, while you’re learning. It ceases to be true when you show that you’re not interested in getting any better.

Being gifted does not resolve you from your need to develop your craft. Now you have work to do. Let’s stop being ok with ok. Let’s start pressing into excellence and show the world what gifting really is.

How To Read The Bible

Daily Bible readingReading the Bible should be part of your daily routine. The word of God gets into your spirit and changes you, if you let it. There are many books and programs on reading the Bible through in a year so you cover all the Old and New Testaments. Personally, I’m not a big fan of those. Here’s why.

When you approach your Bible reading to check off the chapters you have to read for your daily quota, it’s very easy to miss what God may be trying to teach you because you’re just trying to finish. The daily quotas for a year-long program take a bit of time. What happens if you don’t have time that day for all that reading? Now you’re behind and not actually looking forward to catching up. And do you really need to read through all the genealogies?

Personally, I think your Bible reading should be personal. Read through the Bible yes, but at your own pace. Don’t put pressure on yourself to finish in any time frame. Why? Because you don’t know how long the Holy Spirit will take to teach you what you need to know. When you discover scripture that speaks to your spirit, that’s the time to stop and absorb what’s being taught. Don’t think about it and go on, camp out for a while. Find out everything there is to learn. That may mean going back for several days until you’re ready to move on.

Reading through the genealogies? Why? Unless you’re really interested in them, I say skip them. If you are a new Christian, start with Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. See the all different aspects of the story of Jesus. Then work through the rest of the New Testament. After you have a good grounding of the New, go to the Old. Allow the Holy Spirit to teach you as you do. It will unlock a wealth of wisdom.

After you’ve read through the entire book, you’ll find that there are certain books that really speak to you. For me they are Isaiah and the Psalms. I could just read them over and over again. And that’s ok. Let the word speak to you and enjoy it. It’s one way that God is talking to you.

8 Ways To Check For Spiritual Blindess

We are a people in great need of humility. The problem is, we don’t even realize it. Here’s the big test:

…Giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance godliness, to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness love. For if these things are yours and abound, you will be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. For he who lacks these things is shortsighted, even to blindness, and has forgotten that he was cleansed from his old sins. (I Peter 1:5-9)

Blind? Unable to even see how far away from God we are? This is serious. It means that we are in danger of walking away from God without even knowing it. What are those things again?

  • Faith
  • Virtue (morally good behavior or character)
  • Knowledge
  • Self-control
  • Perseverance (continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties)
  • Godliness
  • Brotherly kindness
  • Love

Get humble before GodStop right now and do a self-check. The Holy Spirit will show you those areas where you are weak. Look at that list and see where you know for a fact that you need help. If moral conduct is a problem, then faith is a real issue. Self-control? Be honest.

If we can’t live with these qualities, then we are not allowing God to change us the way He wants to. It takes a humble heart to repent and ask to be renewed, changed from the inside out. If God is showing you that you have been blind, now is the time to deal with it. Be real. Be humble. Be everything that you are meant to be.


Why Did God Make Himself Invisible To Us?

Serving an invisible GodDon’t you think that God could have made it easier for us to know Him and serve Him if we could see Him? Doesn’t serving an invisible God seem — unrealistic? He could have set this up any way He wanted. Why this way?

I actually asked God that question. Here’s what I came away with. If we could see God, that would mean that He’d have to be in a certain place for us to go to, like a temple. If we were to go to Him in His temple, we’d naturally approach Him with a sense of awe. There’d always been a feeling of unworthiness in us because of the distance that a physical presence would impose. He would always be LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, the somewhat frightening figure we’d face, no matter how nice He wanted to look. Then we would leave there and go on about our lives.

But God understands relationship better than we do. When He puts His Spirit in us, we become one. He’s with us always. He knows our hopes and fears. We can feel His presence in a way that approaching Him in a temple would never offer. And when we go on about our lives, and He comes too. He never wanted distance. He always wanted relationship. And He didn’t want it forced. When we choose to serve Him, as in invisible God, He knows we mean it.

Serving an invisible God takes faith, but once He responds to that faith, He becomes more real than we thought. Faith in what we can’t see becomes the greater reality. Yes, it could have been different, but God’s ways are higher than ours. Thankfully.

Two Reasons Why Breakthrough Is Delayed

God never fails His promise. So why does it seem like we never get the breakthrough we’re waiting for? We wait and wait and trust and believe,  but the breakthrough seems to be so elusive. I think there are two reasons. One is that we are matured through patience. I wrote more about that here.

Learn to love God first.The other reason is that we forget that we’re commanded to love God first above all things. If you ask a Christian if they love God more than anything else, they’ll say, of course they do! And I think they  believe that. But when the wait gets long, or life gets in the way, or other plans are being made, is that still true?

If we’re honest with ourselves, our love for God slips down the list all the time. When we turn our hearts to Him, then He goes back to the top. His position in our focus and attention shifts back and forth. Flip-flip, flip-flip.

Part of our training as believers is to learn to keep Him first. How do we do that? By making a determined effort to spend time with Him. And why wouldn’t we? He’s the answer to everything. He’s the source of peace and joy.  And He has our best interest at heart.

But what about your husband or wife or children? Your love for them is great. Do you feel badly about loving them second to God? It’s ok. When you love God first, everything else is included. God has His finger in your whole life. It includes your love for the special ones that you love.

When you learn to set everyone and everything else aside and turn your love to God, He will open up heaven for you. You can actually love others better because your priorities are in order. And that opens the door for breakthrough.

There Are Consequences For Not Growing Spiritually

We are required to grow spiritually.Our life in the kingdom is not meant to be static. When we are born again, we become babies. There’s something supremely unnatural for babies not to grow and mature. The writer of Hebrews was frustrated with the church for being content to stay babies.

For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the first principles of the oracles of God; and you have come to need milk and not solid food. For everyone who partakes only of milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, for he is a babe. But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. (Heb 5:12-14)

I believe that a lot of the negative circumstances we find ourselves in is a direct result of our immaturity in the Spirit. When we are young, God has us covered. We can get away with making mistakes because we’re trying to find our feet as believers.

But growth requires that we develop an intimate relationship with God. Jesus demonstrated the time He spent in prayer with the Father. It’s in that relationship that we learn to hear His voice and allow Him to direct us. If we don’t do that, He will allow us fail, not to punish us, but to show us the consequences of not listening to Him.

It get serious the longer we live in the kingdom. A full-grown man who continues to make childish decisions can’t be trusted with anything. The consequences of our lack of faith not only affect ourselves, but the people we should be blessing.

Maturity starts now. It starts by repenting for not being obedient to His word. It starts by wanting to know God in a greater way. Consider a baby’s relationship with its parents verses an adult relationship. There is so much more that we’re called to.

Maturity will keep us safe. When we’ve made a terrible mistake, I guarantee that God tried to warn us, but we either failed to listen, or failed to obey. We have to start walking humbly and obediently in the kingdom, not just for our own sakes, but also for those whose lives we affect.

**************************************************************************The Key of David, by Diana Symons                                                                                             A story that’s been told for thousands of years…  The Bible’s Book 1 Samuel tells the story of David’s life – from an obscure family to an unlikely king, from shepherd to warrior, from champion to king-maker. What does it mean for a man to love God and be loved by Him? This book explores what it means to be human in the light of the Kingdom.