Category Archives: Blog

Your Natural State Of Being Is Rest Not Stress

Return to our rest, o my soul.

Return to our rest, o my soul.

You were not created to live in stress. It’s not the natural state of your spiritual DNA. You were made to live in rest. When we fail to do that, we allow fear into our lives, and that introduces all kinds of problems, including sickness.

You may need to talk to yourself. Return to your rest, O my soul, For the Lord has dealt bountifully with you. (Psalms 116:7) Return to rest is to return to its natural state. That kind of rest can only come when we trust God to take care of us and help us through all the issues of our life.

Jesus makes it easy, He says, Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. (Matthew 11:29) He promises to do all the heavy lifting so you don’t have to. He wants to do the work for you so you can rest.

Imagine that! No stress. No worry. Do what you know to do and trust that God will do what you cannot. Relax. Take a deep breath and thank God for taking care of you. Even in the middle of a hectic day, you can carry rest in your spirit so you don’t stress out. Practice saying this: Return rest, o my soul!


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


God Delights In Simple Faith

God loves simple faith.

God loves simple faith.

Do you find it surprising that every time Jesus was astounded by someone’s faith, it was someone outside the Jewish faith? They were people who simply heard what He said and saw what He did and believed Him. They didn’t argue or demand to know where in the law He had the right to perform miracles.

The church today is not much different from the religious society that Jesus faced. If Jesus came into a service and acted in His unpredictable way, He’d be asked to leave, despite His Lordship that we claim to honor.

Jesus loves simple faith. Just believe. Did God say it? Then believe it. Is He powerful enough to answer any prayer? Then believe it. You don’t need to know denomination. You don’t need to know chapter and verse. You just need to know Him.

Your hungry heart to see God will move you into realms of faith that many scholars will never see. Just believe, and watch heaven open up for you. Believe and be healed, blessed, and saved. Believe and God will be everything you need Him to be, because He loves faith.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Miracles That Happen When Children Are Free To Praise The Lord

True praise releases the presence of God.

True praise releases the presence of God.

I absolutely love to hear stories of how God works in the lives of people. It’s so encouraging because I believe that if He did it there, then He can do it here. And when we talk about the good things that God has done, we release more wind on the testimony to do it again. We get to ride the draft of it.

That being said, I want to repeat a testimony that I heard recently. A woman with stage four cancer, in a wheelchair, went to watch her grandson be part of a children’s worship conference. The conference was all about teaching kids to press into the Spirit of God and release them into worship, in all kinds of ways.

One way the kids were learning to worship was with flags. His banner over me is love. At one point, the kids spontaneously began to march in a flag-waving parade around the room. To look on it, it just looked cute, but the power of their act of praise was enormous.

The power of God fell on the woman in the wheelchair and she felt warmth flow down from the top of her head all the way to her toes. Her cancer was instantly healed, and documented at the local hospital. The children were not involved in a healing ministry. They were released to worship, and their praise touched God so powerfully that He could not help Himself and healed someone.

That is such a wonderful example of how powerful praise and worship really is. I want to be part of that, because God is that good.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Are You Being Humble Or Fearful?

Don't hesitate to do what God is asking you do to.

Don’t hesitate to do what God is asking you do to.

There are leaders and there are followers, but in the kingdom of God, everyone is a disciple. We are all called to live as Jesus showed us. We don’t all have the same calling, but we are all called to follow.

What that means is, whatever the Spirit of God is leading you to, you should go with it. Sometimes we act like sheep who have gone astray. We look to other people to step up when God may be calling us to do it. Is the reason you don’t step up because you humbly think that other people are more qualified? Or are you just scared?

Often God will nudge us to step up in areas we don’t feel comfortable in, but that’s because He wants us to trust Him to make it work. All He wants is a willing heart. Gideon wasn’t the man anyone would have picked out to be the leader of an army. It was only after he moved in obedience that he saw God work on his behalf.

Spiritual growth takes faith. Don’t wait to feel like you can do what you think God wants you to do. Just obey and let Him bless your efforts. A mistake in stepping out is better than a mistake in not doing anything.

Lift Up Your Eyes, There’s A Realm That You Haven’t Seen Yet

Lift up your eyes and see what God has to show you.

Lift up your eyes and see what God has to show you.

I think it’s obvious that there are realms of the spirit that we can’t see, or even know about. However, I think that for those who press in, there is access. Jesus said, Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest! (Jhn 4:35)

He’s saying, if you will look with your spirit at what is right in front of you, you’ll see what I’m talking about. When we allow the Holy Spirit to give us understanding, we begin to see things that we were blind to before. Things right in front of us.

Lift up your eyes. I think it’s interesting that when Jesus prayed, He didn’t  bow His head and close His eyes. He looked up to heaven. (Mark 6:41) When you look to God, He shows you the things that you won’t see until you make that effort.

Think about the realms of the spirit that could be open to you if you looked up to heaven. How would that effect your life or your ministry? Instead of working blind, you could see the leading of God and know what to do. It’s time to lift up your eyes and see what’s going on.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


You Have An Invitation From Heaven To Come Up Closer

You are invited to come closer to God.

You are invited to come closer to God.

God is always calling us to come closer. Incline your ear, and come to Me. Hear, and your soul shall live; And I will make an everlasting covenant with you— The sure mercies of David. (Isa 55:3) His invitation is always to draw us closer to Him.

And not only does He call us closer, He calls us up. After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven. And the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, “Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place after this.” (Rev 4:3) Yes, this is talking about John being shown revelation, but the calling is ours also.

How far into the kingdom do you want to travel? I believe that we have the capacity to walk with God like Enoch and be His friend like Abraham, only more so, because we have the Holy Spirit. In human terms, our ability to draw near to God is unlimited. We can continue to get closer and closer and closer.

He is calling us up. There is so much more to learn and see and do with Him. There are amazing things of the Spirit that we haven’t even begun to reach. I don’t know about you, but I’m going in. Want to come too?


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Do What Jesus Did — Walk In Power AND Love

We are called to walk as Jesus walked.

We are called to walk as Jesus walked.

Jesus is our awesome role model. I used to think that He’s life was exceptional because He is the Son of God. No wonder He could do the things He did. But then I realized that He came as the Son of Man. He laid down His Godly powers and lived as we live, to show us how. He lived an exceptional life because He looked to God in all things.

That kind of exceptional life can be ours if we do the same thing. He said, Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. (Jhn 14:12)

Jesus walked in great power because He was obedient to what God wanted Him to do. Every time we agree with God and do what He is leading in, power follows. Blind eyes open. Deaf ears hear. Cancer is eradicated. Lives are changed.

All we have to do is look where God is looking and follow His lead. You have to be sensitive in your spirit to follow Him. You have to be filled with His Spirit to release His power. This is not impossible, it’s easy. When you are faced with a situation, do what Jesus did. He looked to God and did what He was led to do. Boom. Power to heal. It works. Trust me.

But Jesus also walked in love. But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. (Mat 9:36) Jesus was not on a power trip. In fact, He usually told people not to mention Him after He healed them.

He came with a heart full of God’s great plan — to release a kingdom where we are fully sanctified and free to live with God. He did not berate those who wanted more of God. He called them closer. He had compassion on them. He loved them dearly, as we should.

1Corinthians 13 is all about the amazing aspects of what love really is. Love is patient and kind. If you stop right there and walk in that, you will change lives. Add to that meekness and humility, holiness, truth, and faith, and you can change the world.

Start first with love. Allow God to change you and shift out everything that prevents you from loving. Then release the power of His presence and you will do greater works than these.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


We Come Together To Worship In The Secret Place Under His Wings

He will cover you with His wings.

He will cover you with His wings.

I love this scripture, He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. (Ps 91:1) He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge. (Ps 91:4)

I usually consider that a promise from God that He will be with me when I trust in Him. I can literally see Him covering me with protection. It’s a very secure and comforting feeling.

But I’ve also come to understand that it’s not just about me as an individual that He covers. When we unit as a body and meet together to experience the presence of God, we actually gather in the secret place of the Most High. That place where we worship and praise Him, where His presence is sweet, becomes His secret place.

It’s secret because others can come in and sit right next to you and not enter into it. Only those whose hearts are open and hungry for God will feel His presence and know He is near. Others may benefit from the covering of His wings, but never enter the secret place.

But God’s not very good at keeping secrets. He says, Come to Me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest. His secret is out. It’s up to you to enter in.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Your Capacity To Love Other People Comes Straight From God

The kingdom of God is all about loving each other.

The kingdom of God is all about loving each other.

Loving other people is not an option. Jesus said, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. (Matthew 22:39) It’s right up there next to loving God with all your heart. It’s a huge deal. And notice, He didn’t say you should love your neighbor as yourself, He said you shall. In other words, if you’re going to live in His kingdom, you will do this.

Loving other people is not always easy. But when God says you shall love them, He gives you the means to do it. He’s not telling you to do something impossible. When He puts His Spirit in you, you are filled with the capacity to love other people the way He wants you to.

If you have the Holy Spirit in you, you’re good to go. Just ask Him to help you love. If you don’t have Him, ask, right now. Ask God to fill you with His Spirit. You get everything you need for light and life. (Galatians 5:22)

Loving people gets easier when you remember that you are not perfect. It’s only the grace of God that covers your own sin. Look past the problems and see into the person that God sees. Then love. Just love.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Without Righteousness There Can Be No Peace And Joy

The righteousness of God brings peace and joy.

The righteousness of God brings peace and joy.

For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. (Romans 14:17) The kingdom of God is not an external reality as we know kingdoms. It is the presence of God within us. And God manifests Himself as righteousness, peace, and joy.

The righteousness of God convicts us of our sin. It is the mirror that He holds up to show us all the blotchy areas that need cleaning up. He does not condemn us, He just helps us be clean. By confessing our sin, we become righteous before Him. The more we allow Him to show us our blotchy areas, the cleaner we become.

With a guilt-free heart, we can truly experience peace and joy. When we live with unconfessed sin that we know we have to deal with, we may have times of being happy, but not true joy. That joy comes from God. Peace comes from knowing our hearts are right with Him.

As we grow closer to Him and let Him convict us of sin, unforgiveness, and bad attitudes, our hearts become more and more pure, and like a crystal bell, we begin to resound with His joy — the kind of joy you can have no matter what happens. Don’t pull back from conviction. You need it to live in peace and joy.