Category Archives: God

How Much More Is There?

amazing GodMoses talked to the Israelites about the miracles they saw leaving Egypt. God took an entire nation out of another nation through signs and wonders. He traveled with them, personally, as a pillar of fire and cloud. Ask from one end of heaven to the other, whether any great thing like this has happened, or anything like it has been heard. Continue reading

What Does The Number 9 Mean To You?

biblical meaningsHave you ever noticed the same number popping up everywhere you look? Say it’s the number nine. You glance at the clock, and it’s 9:00. You’re waiting in line at the bank and idly notice that there are nine people in front of you. Every time you pay for something with cash, you get nine cents back. Continue reading

Living Psalm 23

the psalm 23I love that God prepares a table for me in the presence of my enemies. It doesn’t matter what is going on around me, God and I are having a feast. The enemy can snarl and threaten all he wants, but I will enjoy myself, because I happen to know that God has exquisite taste in everything, so this feast will be awesome.  Continue reading

What To Do When You Are Blue

encourage your selfWe all go through periods of feeling like the entire world is ganging up on us. Nothing goes right–nothing at all.  It’s exhausting and depressing. We wish that someone would take over and deal with everything so we can take a nap. Chances are, that’s not going to happen. Chances are, you’re going to have to get through it on your own. Well, not really. Continue reading