Category Archives: God

How To Attract Blessing –Be Thirsty!

Want to know how to attract blessing? Go after God. Be hungry be thirsty to know Him. You have to realize that even the best teachers are only touching the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more of God to discover. He has depths and heights to reveal to those who want to go there.

How to attract blessing

How to attract blessing

He absolutely delights in us and loves our pursuit of Him. When you cry out like David: O God, You are my God; Early will I seek You; My soul thirsts for You; My flesh longs for You in a dry and thirsty land where there is no water. (Ps 63:1)

God will answer: For I will pour water on him who is thirsty, and floods on the dry ground. (Isa 44:3)

He will respond to us with the same intensity that we pursue Him. Every time you ask to go closer, He will open heaven and draw you in. And until you do that, you have no idea what the blessing of His presence can be. He will give understanding where you need it. He will teach you in the scriptures. He will give you grace and peace that you can give away.

The thirstier you are, the more He will pour out. Jesus said you would never thirst again. (Jhn 6:35)


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


God Loves Us When We Feel Unlovable

God loves us when we feel unlovable.

God loves us when we feel unlovable.

God’s love is amazing in His capacity to love us, even when we feel unlovable. We expect Him to love everyone because He is God, but when it comes to ourselves, we sometimes don’t think He has it in Him to love us. We are very aware of the problems and flaws we see in the mirror everyday. Some can’t even bear to look in the mirror for fear of what they know they’ll see.

But God sees and knows as well, and He still loves. He doesn’t chide or reprimand. He saves, heals, and delivers. His heart is to be in a love fest with us. If you don’t feel that, it’s because you have built walls to keep Him out. That’s the worst idea in the world. Start the conversation with Him now and get those walls down.

You may need to confess some things and get them out of your life. You may need to forgive people. It may not be easy, but the walls must come down. Ask God to help you with each step. Be open to people He may send in your life to help the process. He wants to see you happy and full of joy.

No matter how bad you think you are, you can’t change the love that God has for you. Just get used to it. It’s wonderful.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


It’s Time To Start Living In God–It’s Time To Get Real

It's time to get real.

It’s time to get real.

It’s time to cross over. We can’t hold back any longer. God is compelling us to Himself. We have to go, to run to Him with open arms like a little child running to Daddy. The draw is too great to resist. His wooing is overwhelming. It’s time to get real.

Look, He is reaching out, ready to take hold of our hands as soon as we move toward Him. See His smile! The look in His eyes! He is God who loves us, who adores us. Who can resist His call?

It’s time to stop knowing about Him and start living in Him. It’s time to be who we’ve been called to be–children of the Most High God. The time for playing church is over. The time to love and be loved is now. It’s time to live in community with each other, in honor and respect and kindness.

Open up your heart, completely. You can’t hold anything back. He sees it all anyway, just give it to Him. Let Him pour in life and love and wonder. He is God who is amazing, powerful, and fun. Refuse and you lose everything — everything. Receive and live like you’ve never lived before. It’s time to be who you are meant to be. There’s a world to change.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Find Hidden Treasures When You Press Into God

find hidden treasures when you press into God

find hidden treasures when you press into God

It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter. (Prov 25:2) There He goes, hiding things from us. What’s with that? You’d think that God would want everything about Him to be clear and easy to understand. But it turns out that God likes us to dig to find hidden treasures.

Jesus always said, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” I think that really means, he who really wants to know, go after it. The disciples got their questions answered because they followed Him around and pressed Him for clarity. We should do the same thing.

He is not holding back blessing and answers, He’s waiting for us come closer, to go deeper to get it. How badly do you want more of God? Answers to prayer? Deeper revelation? It will all depend on how close your communion time with Him is. That can look any way that works for you, as long as you hear Him and He hears you.

It will be your glory and blessing to uncover what He has set aside for you. And it has nothing to do with anyone else or what they say or do. It’s up to you. There are hidden treasures and revelations to be had if you dig in. It sounds totally worth it to me.

Let God’s Creativity Help You In Every Area Of Your Life

Let God show you His creativity.

Let God show you His creativity.

In the beginning, God created. It doesn’t say He ever stopped. He is the source of all creativity. He’d be a good one to turn to if you need help in that area. Imagine having God look over your shoulder and point out where you can do this or that better. Imagine having Him touch your work and giving it His extra special touch. Creativity is all apart of who He is, and He put Himself in you.

Learn to tap into that huge deposit. But remember, He’s not a light switch. You don’t snap your fingers and ask for help. Everything about God is about relationship. You draw from Him as you spend time with Him. That’s what communion is all about. It’s that heart to heart communication that binds you together.

So when you are faced with a creative challenge, go to Him with it. Talk about what you imagine and ask Him for His feedback. What would He like to do? It could be amazing! And don’t limit that input to art projects. God’s creativity can touch everything in your life from organizing your home to your ideas for the future. The Queen of Sheba was amazed at how Solomon’s servants were dressed because Solomon has insight into the creative aspect of heaven.

This could be fun! Let God show you what He’d like you to see and go with it.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


So Where Is God When You Need Him? Watch The Instant Replay

God is there, all the time.

God is there, all the time.

Where is God when you need Him? Doesn’t it seem like He’s never there right when everything falls apart on you? Right when you really need Him! I think we’ve all been there. But if we could watch a slow motion replay of those events, we’d see a different story.

First of all, when everything falls apart, we tend to panic. That’s called fear. When we allow fear to take over, we literally block God’s access to us. We’re telling Him, “I don’t believe that you can actually do anything here, so I’m just going to panic.” It’s like you put your fingers in your ears and run around yelling, “la la la la”.

In that instant replay, you can see God reaching out and, if you have the audio up, you’d hear Him telling you everything you need to hear. Unfortunately, you can’t hear any of it because you’re in panic mode with your fingers in your ears.

The truth is, God is always with you. If your first response is to turn to Him, you’ll find Him every time. He will always be everything you need Him to be. You just have to learn to trust Him. That means being perfectly relaxed in the face of a shambled mess. Ask God to work it out, and enjoy watching Him do it. He can be very creative sometimes.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart



We Need A Revelation Of How Much God Loves Us

God's love for us is immense.

God’s love for us is immense.

We need a real revelation of how much God loves us. We don’t have the capacity to fully understand that, but we need to realize it better than we do. God’s great plan was to live in a kingdom of grace from the very beginning. He knew our frailty, so He made a way for His plan to become reality.

Jesus was destined to die for us. All who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. (Rev 13:8) He knew from the beginning what He was going to do, and did it as an act of love. Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. (Heb 12:2)

It was for the joy of loving us that He died! We are the joy of the Father’s heart. He is a wonderful, faithful, kind, generous Father who will do anything for us. Including sending Jesus to die for us.

That’s amazing love. That’s the revelation that we need to wake up to everyday. Now, it’s our turn to return our love to Him.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


There Is Beauty And Glory — And There’s God

How beautiful can beauty get? Think of the things you consider beautiful — an absolutely gorgeous woman, a flaming orange and pink sunset, a rose with the dew of morning lingering on soft petals. Now add them all up, somehow. Think of the most beautiful thing ever. It’s not in this world. It’s the holiness of God.

Worship in the beauty of holiness.

Worship in the beauty of holiness.

Holiness is beautiful, and God is the source of holiness, so His beauty is beyond dazzling. I can only imagine, but my brain is finite. I don’t have the capacity to imagine outside the box. I think we will be stunned by what we see when we stand before God. I think His beauty will be so far beyond what we expect that it will take a few ages to get speech back.

We are told to worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. (Ps 29:2) How is that even possible? All we can do is worship straight from our heart to His, to stand in awe at His glory and allow that magnificent presence to overwhelm us. I ask God to show me His beauty. Someday, I expect to get a peep, like Moses tucked away in the shelter of the rock. But I’m not afraid. If His glory is so powerful that I cannot stand before it, then what a way to go. I will be burned through with His beauty and received in presence. I’m ready.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


News Flash: God Is Not Mad At You– He Likes You!

God is far more loving and kind than you know.

God is far more loving and kind than you know.

One of the great lies of the ages is that God is made at us. The image of an angry, unforgiving God has been carefully crafted by the enemy since the beginning of time. But even the Old Testament trials of Israel were always softened by God’s kindness and graciousness.

What does God think of you? You are His precious one. He thinks of you constantly. He wants everything that is best for you, to give you a future and a hope. If you have received salvation through Christ, He sees you through the blood in His perfection. He is happy with you.

Don’t allow the enemy, or anyone else, rob you of God’s joy in you. He loves you wildly and you need to know it. Of course, you are growing and making mistakes, but He knows that. You haven’t ever shocked Him. That’s why He sent His Holy Spirit, so we would have help in all the areas we need help in.

Condemnation is not of God. Love, joy, peace, goodness, kindness–these are of God, and that’s how He responds to you. His heart is so big, you can’t do anything to make Him stop loving you. Soak in that and it will change you life. God is happy with you : )


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


You Don’t Need A Reason To Praise God — He Is Good All The Time

God is good, all the time.

God is good, all the time.

At the end of the day, no matter what happens, God is good. When wonderful things come your way, God is good. When everything blows up, God is still good. Our circumstances don’t change His nature. And that’s very comforting, because we know that no matter what, He will always be good.

It’s not always easy to see His goodness in the middle of a big, hairy problem, but it’s still true. It takes effort on our part to rise up above the issues and continue to bless Him. Very often, that alone will send the answers we need.

Rain or shine, God is good and we bless His name because He is God. He deserves our praise despite how we feel. He’s that good! Even when we create our own problems, if we give them over to Him and trust Him, we can relax because we know He will work it out.

That ability to relax no matter what is a tremendous blessing to us, so we praise Him for His kindness, His goodness, and His constant love for us, even when there are bills to pay and kids with runny noses. Give the stress to Him and let Him show you His goodness. Rest in Him and bless His name. He’s there for you.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart