Category Archives: Holy Spirit

When Is It Convenient To Be Kind?

what are spiritual giftsIt’s not hard to be kind when everything is going well. We can be generous even. But what about when you’re running late? What about when you’re in a hurry and the car in front of you isn’t moving through the green light? What about when you’re on a deadline and everything falls apart at the last minute? Continue reading

Time To Do Something About Those Hot Buttons

transformationalCharacter development is an ongoing process. We have so much that we need to unlearn and let go of. Just because we don’t say something mean, doesn’t mean it wasn’t unkind.  What I mean is, our tone, our actions can be unkind even if we don’t actually say anything negative. Continue reading

Enhanced Human Performance

spirit of GodThere’s always discussion in the sports world about athletes using performance enhancing drugs, or even prosthetics that give them a competitive edge. Science fiction is famous for the idea of developing the human brain beyond normal capability. We love movies and TV shows about people with advanced mental abilities. Continue reading