Category Archives: Kingdom of God

Don’t Be Afraid To Be Pruned

Don't be afraid to be pruned.

Allow God to prune your life to maximum fruitfulness.

It’s obvious that a diseased plant needs to be pruned to allow it to grow strong. Even a healthy plant needs to be pruned so channel the growth into flowers and fruit. So we should also expect the same.

Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away, and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit. (Jhn 15:2) We all have areas of our life that need to be pruned. Not necessarily because of sin, but because of direction and wastefulness. If we are to be as effective as possible for the kingdom, we need to know that we are spending our time and resources in the best possible way.

Jesus spoke of seed falling and sprouting. But others fell on good ground and yielded a crop, some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty. (Mat 13:8) The same seed that yielded thirty-fold had the potential of yielding a hundredfold. Why didn’t it? The ground, the heart, was not yielded enough for maximum growth.

Ask God to show you where your life needs to be pruned. Are you wasting time in areas that are not proving fruitful for Him? When you spend your life in Him, He blesses all your concerns. Be pruned and fruitful and strong in the kingdom.

Related Post: Prepare For Harvest


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Sow Well For Wonderful Harvest

If you sow much, you will reap much.

You will harvest tomorrow what you sow today.

Do not be deceived, God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. (Gal 6:7) There is a warning in that, but also a lesson. We are living today on the actions of yesterday.

We live in a progression of seasons, just like the earth. The things we sow into now will come to harvest in our future. If we are miserly with our giving, the we will reap a miserly reward. If we are generous today, we will receive a generous reward.

We are responsible for our own blessing. It’s easy to blame God for not doing enough for us, but when He stands us in front of the mirror of our lives, we’re shown how much we’ve “paid forward”. He who lives by the sword will die by the sword. He who gives will receive. We are forgiven by the same measure that we forgive others.

If we chose to be stingy in our lives, we rob ourselves of an abundance of blessing. Sow with more than you have in the past and see what happens in the future. Give your time, your money, your kindness and you will harvest good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over.

Related post: The Law of Giving


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

Your Life Today Is Preparing You For A Greater Tomorrow

Our lives are never wasted with God.

Today is a day of preparation for a greater tomorrow.

Do you ever remember David being called the Bear Killer or the Lion Killer? Why is that? He certainly did those things. Oh, it’s because after that he killed a giant. Killing a bear and a lion prepared him for saving a nation.

We may think that what we’re dealing with now is a pretty big deal. It may be, but it could also be preparing you for something far bigger. God is always preparing us for greater work. It’s up to us to cooperate with Him to see those results.

You may be on the opposite spectrum. Maybe nothing at all is happening in your life. Moses spent forty years shepherding sheep before God sent Him to deliver His people. Moses probably thought he would live and die as a shepherd, but he may have been gaining skills needed to lead a million people across the wilderness.

What ever you are doing now is not wasted in any way, regardless of the decisions you’ve made. God will use whatever you put in His hand, and your life is in His hand. Today is a day of preparation. Today is a another day of experience and talent to be used for His purposes when the time is right. Hang in there and watch and see what happens.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Let’s Go After The Sweeter Fruit

The fruit of the Spirit is free to us.

The fruits of the Spirit have more to offer.

When you begin to understand how much God loves you, it’s easy and natural to love Him back like you never have before. You develop a deep and passionate desire to know more about Him. He’s God. He’s so much more than we can even imagine. And the wonderful thing is, the more we want, the more there is to know.

There is always more to have in the kingdom, even the fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Now imagine a fruit tree. Have you ever noticed that the fruit at the top is always riper than the fruit lower down? Those are the ones the birds go after because they’re the juiciest. They’re the ones you have to climb up for.

Salvation is free to everyone who received Jesus as Lord, but beyond that, what we get from the kingdom depends on how much we want. Some servants returned profits from the talents their master left them and some buried them. (Mat 25:15)

I think there is more to all the gifts that we’ve been given if we press in. I want to know what is at the top of the tree. I want to climb up higher and explore the sweeter fruits. Who’s with me?


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Related post: Keep A Noble Heart

The Seriousness Of Being Child-like

You must have child-like faith.

You can only enter the kingdom as a little child.

Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it. (Mk 10:15) That is a sobering statement. What’s the difference between an older child and a little child?

An older child will have learned some things from adults, like manipulation and self-defense. If I do this or work hard enough, Daddy will love me. Or entitlement. I’ve done this, I’ve believed that, so I deserve this.

A little child still carries innocent trust in Papa. He is all her world and the source of good things. She is delighted by simple blessing and longs to be held and loved. His eyes are the focus of her attention and she is expressive in her delight.

We need to seriously examine our hearts and check to see where we measure on the child meter. If we cannot enter the kingdom of God, then we have lost everything. We are responsible for our own admittance to the kingdom.

Are you full of pride, anger, doubt, fear, worry, jealousy? God does not expect perfection, but if He is convicting you in some area of your life, then He means that it should be removed. Confess your sin and receive His blessing. Enter into the kingdom filled with wonder and trust in you Papa.

Related post: Choose To Be His Child

Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

Thankfulness Is A Choice

We are thankful because we've been redeemed.

Choose to be thankful.

Thankfulness is more than a courtesy, it’s an attitude. It’s understanding that all good things come from God, regardless of where we see the source. Thankfulness walks hand in hand with humility. If you don’t have the humility to see that you are blessed, then you can’t be thankful.

Choose to be thankful when things go bad. Make the decision to thank the waitress for bringing the food when it’s taking too long. Make the choice to see the good and not the bad. Be thankful when you’re grumpy and you lift your own spirit.

We enter God’s gates with thankfulness because He is good. When you stop and literally count your blessings, you can’t help but be full of gratitude. Spread that around. Be thankful for each kindness you receive. Be thankful when you pray. But in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let our requests be made known to God. (Ph 4:6)

Thankfulness comes from understanding the great gift of salvation that we’ve been given. It is the humility of knowing that we don’t deserve it. We choose to be thankful because we know that we are saved and covered in grace. It’s a choice that defines us as the Redeemed.

Check out this post also: Thankfulness Positions You For Blessing

Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

Salvation Is Not About Avoiding Hell

Salvation is living in grace and power.

Salvation is not about avoiding hell.

It may seem counter-intuitive, but salvation is not about avoiding hell. For most of my life, that’s what I thought it was. I was grateful that I was saved so I wouldn’t go to hell. My life was all about looking forward to heaven, and I had no clear understanding of what that really meant.

And then I came to understand that salvation is really about knowing God and embracing the promise of “on earth as it is in heaven”. This was a radical revelation to me. That I could know God intimately now and live in blessing instead of enduring to the end was a dynamic transformation in my faith. Embracing God with all my heart, soul, and mind opened new doors to revelation.

If your faith is all about fire insurance, then you have no power at all. How will you heal the sick, cast out demons, and raise the dead? How will you speak to the mountain and make it be removed if all you have is hope that you won’t go to hell?

To live as God has promised requires that you turn your heart away from what you fear to delight in who He is. Salvation is living in blessing and power today.

Check out this post as well: Salvation = Transformation

Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

God Loves Through Us When We Can’t

Can you love someone without being loved back? It’s hard to do. Our humanity requires people to earn their love. It’s amazing to realize the heart of God. Even when people outright rail against Him, He still loves with a passion we’ll never understand.

The love of God covers our pain.

Loving others who won’t love back.

And we’re supposed to love like that. When we are hurt, we’re to turn the other cheek. Not in defiance, but in love. When we’ve been snubbed, ignored, or rebuked, we need to love back. It’s absolutely contrary to our nature, but it is what God expects from us.

There is only one way to love like that. We have to have the Holy Spirit in us to give us His love. Our human love will only go so far, then our hurt takes over. Loving through God will not keep us from getting hurt, but it will rise up above the pain.

Give your hurts to Jesus. Ask Him to help you love where you cannot on your own. You will be the presence of God to someone who desperately needs it, even though they will not admit it. Ask God for wisdom to know how to love in the most effective way. Be Jesus to someone who needs to see Him.

Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Your Words Carry Power

Life and death are in the power of the tongue.

The sound of our words carries great power.

There’s this amazing thing that happens when you explode air bubbles with sound waves underwater–light is created. Yes. Hit air bubbles under water with enough sound waves and the bubbles explode into light. There are scientific reasons for this to happen, but it proves another point. Sound effects things you don’t expect.

Jesus told us, For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, Be removed and be cast into the sea, and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. (Mk 11:23)

God spoke and there was light, there were worlds, there was creation. Then God put His Holy Spirit in us. Where did that power go? In us. Death and life are in the power of the tongue. (Pv 18:21) The words that we say carry far more weight than we imagine. Speak life not death. Don’t joke around with your words. You are releasing power, and it’s never benign.

Practice speaking blessing over yourself and your family. Whenever you catch yourself saying anything negative out loud, even if it’s a joke, repent and speak the opposite. Life and death are in the power of your tongue. Choose to bless and you will change the atmosphere around you.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Morning Mercies And Tea

His mercies are a daily blessing.

His mercies are new every morning.

God and I have a little ritual that we play every morning. I must have my cup of tea and a bite to eat before I try to get anything done. So I have my tea and read the paper and then it happens. I never know exactly when, and because I’m intent on reading the paper, I’m not paying attention. God sends His mercies.

It hits me like a jolt of joy. I always have to stop and look up because I know what just hit me. It’s His gift to me every day and I receive it with happy thanks. I admit that there are days when so many other concerns crowd my mind that I miss it. I’m crushed when I eventually realize it, but it’s ok. The mercies are new every morning.

This gift feels like a new dress that I put on everyday, fresh with promise and sparkling with the dawn. Every day is full of hope because my God is with me. Everyday He is ever loving and faithful. I give Him my plans, my hopes and dreams, and He breathes on them.

I never have to wonder if I am His, because He sends His love to me every morning. (Lam 3:23)


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart



  • New Mercies