Is God really sitting on His big throne demanding worship to feed His inflated, narcissistic ego? Continue reading
Tag Archives: God
Don’t Walk Away From Blessing

Choose to receive all that is yours.
What are you going to do with all that blessing? What blessing, you ask? Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ. Eph 1:3. That’s a lot of blessing.
Every spiritual blessing. Just think for a minute about how much blessing there could be in heaven. Now realize that God has given all of it to you. Whether you believe it or not, it’s true. It won’t just rain down on you, you have to receive it. If you just don’t believe that God would bless you like that, then you walk away from everything that Jesus died for.
No, we don’t deserve it, but that’s all been covered on the cross. Now we get to enjoy the bounty of heaven. Living in His blessing is all part of His original plan. How it must grieve God’s heart when we don’t take what He is trying to give us. He is constantly blessing us, but we will only receive what we choose to receive. I say, go for it – arms wide and heart open. I’ll take anything and everything He has to give me. I choose to walk in blessing.
What Could Be God’s Treasure?

The fear of the Lord is His treasure.
We think about God owning everything because He made it all. What could possibly of great value to Him? Continue reading
Are We Robbing God In Our Worship?

Worship should be about God not me.
Something has been bothering me about our worship songs for some time. When I look back at the old hymns, I see such a difference from the worship songs that we sing today, and I don’t mean just style. The hymns spoke of God’s holiness, His grace, and magnificence. The catchy songs we sing today are about our response to His love and what we want Him to do in us. They are “me” directed not God directed. That bothers me. I don’t want to sing about myself, I want to praise Him. If the song is about my feelings or what I want, I feel like I’m robbing God of real praise. I love the songs that give Him total focus – complete praise, total worship. It’s not about me, it’s about Him. And I don’t want to sing “it’s not about me”, because it’s still about me. I want to cut straight to it’s all about Him. I can get lost in that, then He can be what He wants to be in me without me having to ask.
What Is Your Whole Heart?
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. Deut 6:5. This is not a suggestion, this is a command. He is serious about this. He says the same thing in the following scriptures:
Deut 4:29
Deut 10:12
Deut 11:13
Deut 13:3
Deut 30:6
Deut 30:10
Josh 22:5
1Sam 14:7
Prov 3:5
Jer 29:13
Joel 2:12
Matt 22:37
Mark 12:30
Luke 10:27
Over and over again, we are told to love the Lord with all our heart, our whole heart. He wants to be the center of our lives. I fear for the ones who give Him lip service or try to fit Him in where they can. They are likely to be the ones who will hear, “Depart from me. I never knew you.” That’s a terrifying thought.
The upside to loving Him totally and completely is blessing, grace, forgiveness, safety, life, and unstoppable love. If we throw ourselves into His arms, He will move heaven and earth to be what we need Him to be for us. But we are responsible to search ourselves and see, are we loving Him with our whole heart? What does that mean to you and are you doing it?
Good People Go To Heaven, Right?
Whoa, there’s a can of worms. Why would good people not go to heaven? How mean would God be if good people went to hell? It’s strange to me that so many people have an opinion about God, heaven, and hell without any real knowledge of where we get that information, the Bible. It’s God’s word. All you have to do is read it. Making up your own rules doesn’t make them real. And just because God does have rules doesn’t make Him bad. He’s very clear that playing inside His rules is life, and blessing, and heaven. Play outside His rules and you pay the consequences. Very simple. I feel sorry for people who don’t like rules at all because they’re missing everything, especially because they don’t realize how amazingly kind God is. His rules are there to protect us not punish us. What exactly are His rules? -Coming up.
Is God Teasing Us?
Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end. Is 9:7
I’m not sure what that means. I get that His peace can continue to grow through eternity because peace is an aspect of His nature that we will continue to explore and understand forever. But His government? His government is His kingdom. How will His kingdom continue to increase after He calls His bride home? We won’t be growing families in heaven like we do on earth, so it won’t increase that way. Will His kingdom increase throughout worlds without end? Are there other people that He will draw into His kingdom that we don’t know about? There’s so much that we can’t and won’t understand this side of eternity. I think He’s just teasing us with little snippets of heaven to make us want to know more. I definitely want to know more. His picture is so much bigger than mine and I want to see it all. Any thoughts?
Sometimes Faith Is Hard

Headache means faith is not working.
Sometimes I am my own worst enemy. I have learned to sabotage myself so well that I don’t even know I’m doing it until my body screams at me to get my attention. But why? I trust God. I do. I believe that He has all the answers that I need. Sometimes I run into a decision that causes a knee jerk reaction to panic, but on a level so deep I don’t recognize it. On the surface, I say I’m trusting God, but deep down, tension is building because I am trying to work it all out on my own. Not until my head explodes do I see what is going on. I’m so sorry. I repent for my lack of faith, for not really listening to what God is trying to tell me. And guess what? When I do stop and listen, He actually does have the answer I was looking for. So why, why do I put myself through that? Partly because we have an enemy that excels at warfare, and partly because I am still growing in faith. It will get better. I will trust Him more and have fewer headaches. Thank you God for your patience with me.
Quit Messing Around
And you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. Jer. 29:13.
God is not after part-time supporters. He’s not interested in Sunday believers. He wants all your heart, everyday. It’s not enough to stumble over a blessing and think how nice the Lord is. He wants you searching for Him, reaching for Him, thirsty and hungry. He wants you to realize that you have a gaping God-size hole in your spirit that He wants to fill. But He will only do that when you go after Him tooth and claw. The violent take it by force. How much of your heart are you searching with? How much do you want Him? When you race after Him, fearless and determined, He will be found. You’ll run smack into Him. And it will be a collision of awesomeness. What ever you’re holding onto that keeps you from going after Him with everything you’ve got, throw it down now and reach up with both hands. Go after Him. Go!
God’s Thoughts, Your Promise

In God, you have a future and a hope.
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jer. 29:11. When God has thoughts about you, they are actually promises for your life. He’s planning a path for you to have a future and a hope. His thoughts are not wishful thinking, they are true. He’s not up in heaven looking at all your mistakes and keeping track of all your failures, He’s thinking of ways to draw you close to Him. He thinks the best things for you.
The scripture says He’s thinking thoughts toward you. Those thoughts are a moveable force, an energy wave that can cast aside all the plans of the enemy to change your circumstances for your good. His thoughts toward you are powerful promises to save you and bless you. Quiet your spirit and ask God what He’s thinking. What ever you hear will change your life.