God made you so He’s very aware of how you think and feel. He speaks through your own consciousness more than you realize. Thoughts can come to you from the enemy, yourself, or God. It’s good to recognize which is which. In fact, it’s very good to know that there are bad thoughts that don’t belong to you at all. You can just ignore them. But God gives you awesome thoughts. They may be ideas for new things, insight and revelation about situations or people, or a communication telling you how important you are to Him. God’s thoughts won’t scare you or make you feel bad about yourself. He’s plan is to always make you better and feel safe. And the cool thing is, you can have a complete conversation with Him and no one can hear it. He understands privacy. Coming up, more ways He talks to you.
Tag Archives: God
How Can I Hear From God? Part 2

God has many ways of talking to us
What are other ways that God talks to us? Through other people. And that can be anybody, not just other Christians or people you think have the ear of God. Any conversation can trigger your spirit to pay attention. A random comment might confirm something that you heard before.
Pay attention if different people happen to say the same things to you. You might hear from God through something you heard on TV, an email, or a billboard. God has access to everything and He’s pretty creative about using it. It’s easy to pass off His communication as coincidence, so think before you ignore it. Change your perspective from He doesn’t talk to me to He’s always talking to me. Next post, some more ways He communicates.
More on How Can I Hear From God: How Can I Hear From God? Part 3
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How Can I Hear From God? Part 1

Yes, God talks to us.
I don’t know why I was surprised to learn that God wants to talk to me. But when you stop and think about it, He set up a plan for us to connect with Him through Jesus’ death on the cross. It was a huge move on His part, just to let us go directly to Him. If He was willing to do all that, why wouldn’t He want to talk to me now, today. It makes sense.
So, exactly how is He talking to me? Well, it turns out that He has all kinds of languages, and not just the kind that we speak. He will use any form of communication that we have—whatever we see, hear, feel, or think. He uses scripture a lot because He wrote it. Those verses that jump off the page? That’s Him talking. Keep a journal and write them down and date them. Go back and read them and see what He’s telling you. Next post, more ways God talks to you.
More on How I Can Hear From God: How Can I Hear From God? Part 2
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Jesus Really is Wonderful

Jesus is called Wonderful, and He is wonderful
Isaiah 9:6 calls Jesus Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. When people read that out loud, I always hear Wonderful Counselor, like He’s a really good counselor. But reading it with the comma is more fun. His name is Wonderful. Dear Wonderful, thank you for a great day. Be with me, Wonderful, I need some amazement in my life. It’s just a great name. And He would have the best business card:
Wonderful, Fun Technician
Contact: just pray
And it would have three-dimensional fireworks that shoot off of it. And if you carried that card with you everywhere, your life would be…wonderful. He’s just good at that. I’m so glad my God’s name is Wonderful. He’s the best.
Not only is Jesus Wonderful, He’s the Lamb of God: The Lamb of God is Adorable
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