Have you ever had those days where you had to be reminded to have fun? Continue reading
Tag Archives: Religion and Spirituality
Slow Down, You’re Praying Too Fast
There’s something about our Western culture that scorns patience. Continue reading
Forgiveness Is Easy If You’re In Love
Transform Or Die!

Transformation isn’t always easy.
Transform or Die. Yikes! That sounds harsh, but no one said it was going to be easy. Continue reading
Watch Where You Point That Tongue
Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. Wrong! Continue reading
God Doesn’t Need Your Worship
Is God really sitting on His big throne demanding worship to feed His inflated, narcissistic ego? Continue reading
Are Doormats That Bad?

The meek shall interit the earth.
I started to say that God isn’t looking for doormats, but then I had to rethink that. Continue reading
Your Faith Shouldn’t Be About Guilt
Would the children of a wealthy businessman, who began his career through personal sacrifice, feel guilty about accepting a new house he is happy to buy for them? Continue reading
Are You Your Brother’s Keeper?

… and your neighbor as yourself.
Cain was being snippy with God when he responded, Am I my brother’s keeper? The answer is yes. Continue reading
Discouragement Requiers Decision
Know what happens when you go through seasons of blessing? The enemy comes at you like a flood. He hates that God is working in your life. He overwhelms you with lies and discouragement. In an instant, you fall from joy to despair. For some reason, the lie feels more real than the truth. It takes a bit to realize what just happened, but then you have decision to make. Whose truth will you believe? In the middle of discouragement, it’s difficult to mentally make the decision to believe the right thing, but you have to do it. Will yourself to just believe what is true and the truth will flow back into your spirit. The clouds will part and you’ll be back. Resist the devil and he will flee. That resistance is the result of a decision. The longer you allow yourself to wallow in discouragement, the longer you believe the lie. Just say no.