Category Archives: Blog

Age Has Nothing To Do With When Your Destiny Kicks In

God is working in you for your destiny.

God is working in you for your destiny.

If you became a believer as an older person, or even if you’ve been a believer for a while, but only recently realized there was so much more to the living in the kingdom, it’s not too late for your destiny to kick in.

Moses was an old man when God called him away from being a shepherd. Caleb was an old man when he asked to settle in the mountains because it was too challenging for everyone else.  Sarah had a baby!

The thing is, God knows all about you, and He’s known that since before you were born. So He is aware of the path you’ve been on, and your destiny, that calling that is yours alone, will have your history included in it. You haven’t lost anything. You just haven’t stepped into your destiny yet.

If you have no idea what your destiny is, ask God to show you. And when you do, pay attention to what you think of next. It may be an old dream or an idea that’s floated around in the back of your mind for years. It probably won’t be a surprise. It will probably be along the lines of what you know you’re good at, or always wanted to do. And don’t assume that it has to be a ministry. God uses talented people everywhere.

Don’t let age or time affect what God wants to do with you. Once you connect with His plans for you, it will be fun. Walk with Him and let Him open up doors of opportunity and development. It’s going to be awesome.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Allow The Holy Spirit To Fix All Those Blind Spots For You

Have you ever been around someone with an attitude that you just have to forgive them for? And then you wonder, how is it possible that they don’t see that what they’re saying is offensive or completely lacking faith? It’s a little scary, because it makes me wonder how blind I am to my own faults. I mean really blind.

The Holy Spirit is the best help there is.

The Holy Spirit is the best help there is.

That’s why we need the Holy Spirit so much. He’s not blind to anything. He sees exactly what we are, and He really, really loves us. He’s not shocked by our faults, but He does want to change us. And He’s amazingly kind about it. When He puts His finger on a problem area, He waits for us to ask for help. And, not only will He fix it for us, He’ll replace it with His own blessing.

But this is not an automatic process. You have to sit with Him and ask for help. You have to want to be changed. But first you have to recognize that you need to be changed. We all have areas we know about, and we all have blind spots. Ask God to show you what He wants to fix. He’ll bring up memories and you’ll know. Just confess anything you need to and give it to Him. Then ask Him to replace the stuff you got rid of for something awesome from Him.

It’s a step by step process. It’s called growth. And the Holy Spirit is the best help there is.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


The Secret To Living In The Power Of God

If you are a believer filled with the Spirit of God, you are a great and mighty warrior armed with power and might. You have all authority on earth to declare the Word of God and release His kingdom everywhere you go. You are a powerful light of truth to a world looking for life. So how do you arm yourself?

Humility is a powerful weapon.

Humility is a powerful weapon.

The secret to walking in the power of God is humility. The Jesus mindset is to serve others. The first shall be last. Don’t worry, you won’t be left out. Gratefulness and thankfulness ground you in humility to keep you safe from ego and pretension.

Humility is an opposite characteristic to our humanity. We are naturally selfish, so it takes God to put His Spirit in us to change us. Ask for it. Ask for a lot of it. Humility is attractive. It’s absolutely beautiful, and God loves it.

Humility means that you don’t have to announce all your accomplishments or need to be recognized. It means that you want others to succeed, even in the area you want success. It means loving people. When you respond in genuine love, it feels good to put others first.

Hand in hand with that, is the heartfelt thankfulness for what God has done for you. When you know where you came from and what He’s given you now, you can be dazzled by His awesomeness and love Him with true gratitude.

Armed with humility and thankfulness, God can really use you, because He can trust that you won’t let it go to your head. Once that happens, you’re on your own, and it won’t be pretty. Guard your heart. Stay humble and see what God has planned for you. It’s going to be amazing.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


There Is Beauty And Glory — And There’s God

How beautiful can beauty get? Think of the things you consider beautiful — an absolutely gorgeous woman, a flaming orange and pink sunset, a rose with the dew of morning lingering on soft petals. Now add them all up, somehow. Think of the most beautiful thing ever. It’s not in this world. It’s the holiness of God.

Worship in the beauty of holiness.

Worship in the beauty of holiness.

Holiness is beautiful, and God is the source of holiness, so His beauty is beyond dazzling. I can only imagine, but my brain is finite. I don’t have the capacity to imagine outside the box. I think we will be stunned by what we see when we stand before God. I think His beauty will be so far beyond what we expect that it will take a few ages to get speech back.

We are told to worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. (Ps 29:2) How is that even possible? All we can do is worship straight from our heart to His, to stand in awe at His glory and allow that magnificent presence to overwhelm us. I ask God to show me His beauty. Someday, I expect to get a peep, like Moses tucked away in the shelter of the rock. But I’m not afraid. If His glory is so powerful that I cannot stand before it, then what a way to go. I will be burned through with His beauty and received in presence. I’m ready.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


News Flash: God Is Not Mad At You– He Likes You!

God is far more loving and kind than you know.

God is far more loving and kind than you know.

One of the great lies of the ages is that God is made at us. The image of an angry, unforgiving God has been carefully crafted by the enemy since the beginning of time. But even the Old Testament trials of Israel were always softened by God’s kindness and graciousness.

What does God think of you? You are His precious one. He thinks of you constantly. He wants everything that is best for you, to give you a future and a hope. If you have received salvation through Christ, He sees you through the blood in His perfection. He is happy with you.

Don’t allow the enemy, or anyone else, rob you of God’s joy in you. He loves you wildly and you need to know it. Of course, you are growing and making mistakes, but He knows that. You haven’t ever shocked Him. That’s why He sent His Holy Spirit, so we would have help in all the areas we need help in.

Condemnation is not of God. Love, joy, peace, goodness, kindness–these are of God, and that’s how He responds to you. His heart is so big, you can’t do anything to make Him stop loving you. Soak in that and it will change you life. God is happy with you : )


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


There Is One Simple Way To Make Sure You Go Through The Narrow Gate

The gate is narrow, but not impossible to get through.

The gate is narrow, but not impossible to get through.

The Christian path is complicated. It’s not as simplistic as non-believers like to say it is. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it. (Mat 7:14) It’s not easy, but it doesn’t have to be hard. Emmanuel is with us.

If we focus on Jesus, we’ll be on the right path. Instead of what is right and what is wrong, if our desire is to know Him, we’ll be fine. There will be push back from the enemy so see how serious we are, but if our eyes are on our Lord, then we are protected and covered.

Have you ever made a point to really know your God? Can you say that you know His voice? Do you know how much He loves you? Stop trying to be a good Christian and start loving Jesus. Yikes! I know that sounds hypocritical, but we can be so caught up in doing good and being right that we redirect our attention to causes and off of God. He needs to be first, always.

And we He is first in our lives, He is there to bless, and heal, and protect, and be everything that we need Him to be, and more. Turn your eyes on Jesus, and never look away. There’s nothing more beautiful than the Bright and Morning Star.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Does Your Life Describe You As Someone Jesus Said Was Going To Hell?

Teach us to be faithful.

Teach us to be faithful.

Jesus does not mince words about describing hell. It’s a real place and there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. But what is really terrifying is who He says will go there. He tells the story of the faithful servant doing what he should be doing while the master is gone. Then He tells the story of the evil servant who beats his fellow servants and drinks with the drunkards. When the master comes back, he will be furious and will cut him in two and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. (Mat 24:51)

With the hypocrites! Not mass murderers or pedophiles. When I look back on my life, I see how much I said I believed in God, only to give in to panic and fear over and over again. Yes, that was hypocritical. Hypocrite: a person who claims or pretends to have certain beliefs about what is right but who behaves in a way that disagrees with those beliefs. (Merriam-Webster)

God save us from hypocrisy. Help us to trust You and live as You taught us to live. Help us be light and salt to the world. Let us be Your good and faithful servants of the kingdom. Help us to grow from faith to faith, trusting You with everything we’ve got. Let us live in your blessing, on earth as it is in heaven.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


How To Be Made Perfect — Rejoice In The Trials

Times of trail make you perfect!

Times of trail make you perfect!

What’s the deal with going through trials? Isn’t it hard enough with an enemy working against us and our own bad decisions? Apparently the shaping and molding that we need requires pressure, and that’s where trials work their best.

My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials,  (Jam 1:2) Trials test our faith. Will we freak out, or will we turn to God for help? That’s exactly what He’s looking for. Who will you turn to when the pressure’s on? It’s easy to fall back on habit and fear, but God is trying to get us to turn to Him. He may not take us out of the trial, but He’ll definitely go through it with us and work it all out.

That trust produces patience. Knowing that the testing of your faith produces patienceBut let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. (Jam 1:3-4) Now that’s something to be joyful about. All that pressure to mold and shape us to trust God does something in our spirit that God sees as perfect. And the next time you hit that situation again, you’ll respond in trust.

It won’t be easy or fun, but it won’t be bad either. When you feel the peace of God when you really, really need Him, you know it’s going to be ok.  You’re being made perfect!


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Ask God How You Can Change The World Today

You are responsible for being light to the world.

You are responsible for being light to the world.

Be the light in someone’s life. You know who. It may be the person who drives you crazy at work. The cranky neighbor. The old woman who collects aluminum cans from the garbage. There is someone you can reach out to and bless.

Don’t make them a project. No one wants pity or condescension. Be genuine. See them the way God sees them. He loves them wildly and died for them. Reach out in love. It may take work. It may take asking God to help you change your attitude. Ask Him to show you why that person may rub you the wrong way, or why they act the way they do.

Everyone needs Jesus. Everyone. And you are right there with Jesus in your heart, so you’re the one to reach out. You are a missionary and your life is your mission field. Everything you do and everyone you touch as the capacity of being blessed by God.

Ask God for inspiration and revelation. What does He want you do? What can you do in your life that will release the kingdom of God? There is so much good that can be released and so many people need to feel it. Don’t be shy. Let God be God.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Don’t Allow Fear To Manipulate Your Life–Fear Not!

Fear not, live in peace.

Fear not, live in peace.

Fear is insidious. I hate it. It sneaks in to make you nervous and anxious when you could be perfectly calm and at ease. Are you running late? How does that make you feel? Panicked? That’s fear. Are you facing a deadline, a report, a major inspection? Feeling a little scared? Feeling a lot scared? That’s fear.

We are told over and over again to “fear not” in the scriptures. That includes all the nervous, anxious, panicked, worried, and everything to do with being terrified feelings. It is the enemy’s favorite weapon because it’s so effective against us. We fall for it every time.

If we are to truly live without fear, then we have start believing that God has us covered. He is our shield and protector, as long as we put ourselves under His protection. The minute you recognize that you are worrying, or anxious, confess it and claim the peace of God for your life. You’ll feel it settle over your spirit and you can relax.

Even when you make a mistake and have to face the consequences, give it to God. He said to fear not, so He’ll work it out. He’s the best backup in the world. And life is so much nicer when you live in peace.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart