Category Archives: God

If You Are Mad At God, Work It Out

Tell God why are you are mad at Him.

Tell God why are you are mad at Him.

Do you ever get mad at God? Do you ever feel that He’s not being fair or not doing what you think He should be doing? Are you waiting for Him and He’s not answering? It’s ok. Stuff happens in life that disappoints us. Now what will you do with it?

First, you have to know that God loves you wildly. His love for you is so complete, you could almost eat it. There’s nothing He won’t do for you. But He won’t do anything that will cause you harm. Maybe the thing you expected God to do really isn’t in your best interest. Maybe He has better plans for you.

Stop and think about why you’re mad at Him. The problem isn’t on His end. Talk to Him about it. Talk to Him frankly. Tell Him why you’re mad. Allow Him to respond in a way that will give you peace. Ask for forgiveness for not trusting Him, and then start trusting Him. Repentance requires a change of heart.

God is not offended at you for being mad at Him. He will always, always love you completely, despite how you feel about Him. You just need to find your way back into His peace. It’s just a heartbeat away.

God Is Nicer Than You Think He Is


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

Related Article. Mad At God


God Will Always Fill The Hungry Heart

God will fill the hungry heart.

God will fill the hungry heart.

How hungry are you? Do you want to know about God? Or do you want to know God? Jesus said, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.” (Mat 5:6) David said it even better, “As the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for You, O God.” (Ps 42:1)

Once you realize that God is not two-dimensional, that He’s not vindictive, that He’s not an idea, a practice, or a theory, you start to get a glimpse of who He really is.

The first touch you get of His reality, you’ll be rocked for life. He’s massive, and yet in His kingdom, He lives in us. His love fixes any mess we give Him, because He wants to bless us so much. He created everything–the works–just to make a way for us to be with Him. This world is for us, but it’s about His love.

I can’t get enough. My soul does hunger and thirst for Him because whatever I know about Him is not enough. There is so much more to explore and discover about God. And every tiny nugget is rich and exciting. And you can have it, too. Just say, “God, I want some of that!”

Only Jesus Can Satisfy A Hungry Heart


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

Your Day Has To Include Spending Time With God

Make the decision to spend time with God every day.

Make the decision to spend time with God every day.

Don’t you hate it when people tell you, If it’s important, you’ll make time for it? I especially hate it when they refer to exercise. But they are right. We make time for the things we want to make time for. Number one on your list of priorities should be your relationship with God. If you make time for Him, all kinds of blessing will open up to you.

It’s so common to hear people say that they just don’t have time to read their Bible or pray. They have time for TV. They have time for the ballgame. Those are not bad things, but if they are robbing time from God, then they become bad things.

We all have busy lives. Family, work, commitments crowd our lives. But think of your time like money. When you tithe, God makes sure that you have plenty to live on. Even so, when you give time to God, He makes more for you. I don’t know how He does it, but it works. You can’t afford not to give Him your time.

But it is a decision that you have to make. You have to set yourself to spending time with Jesus. It’s when you get to hear Him and feel His love cover you. You need that. You really need that. Decide now that you will hang out with Him every day and let Him fill you with everything you need.

Time With God Fills You For Times Of Need


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


There’s A Reason Why You’re Not Hearing God

God is always talking to you, even if you can't hear Him.

God is always talking to you, even if you can’t hear Him.

We have this amazing promise from God: “However, when He the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth.” (Jhn 16:13) God promises to be our guide–our personal guide. He promises to help us do all the things we’re supposed to be doing. So does it seem like that’s not happening? Does it feel like you actually don’t have a guide at all?

Well, actually you do. If you’re not hearing Him, the fault is not with God. He is faithful and true. If He promised to be your guide, then He’s there waiting to guide you. There’s something else going on if you can’t hear Him. If you know there’s sin, then deal with it. Confess it and change your ways.

It may be that your expectations of how God will speak to you are not the way He really is speaking. Be open to all kinds of ways He will communicate. It may be that you’re trying too hard. I’ve been there. It took a lot of asking and pressing in and listening before I realized the voice of God. I just needed to relax to hear Him.

God will always be true. If you can’t hear Him, figure out why. I guarantee it will be worth it.

Why Can’t I Hear God?


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

Is Your Praise About God Or About You?

Give God the praise that He deserves.

Give God the praise that He deserves.

Don’t get praise and thankfulness confused. When you praise God, it should not be about everything that He has done for you or the promises that you know you have. Be thankful for that, but praise God for who He is.

Praise is exclaiming the awesome aspects of God–His greatness, His mercy, His goodness, and His love. Just think about the time you will stand before God’s throne. Will you tell Him, “Oh God, I prayed about my job and I got one.” I don’t think so. I think we’ll be so amazed at being in His presence, it will be hard to think of anything but how magnificent He is.

Your praise should be like that. Think about who God is. Think about what He is like. Ask Him to show you more of Himself and you’ll have more to praise Him with. You can asked everyday for eternity and you’ll always have new things to praise Him for.

Thank God for what He does for you in your prayer time. Be diligent to do that, because a thankful heart attracts more blessing. But in your praise and worship, take your eyes off of yourself.  Praise belongs to God. All of it.

Don’t Let The Rocks Outdo Your Praise


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

God Is Nicer Than You Think He Is

The problem we have in relating to God is that we only have a human perspective to work with. We view God as we view other people, and that’s not fair to God. Powerful people are often portrayed in the media as arrogant and self-centered. It’s wrong to assume that, because God is powerful, He is arrogant and self-centered as well. And because He is all-powerful, He must be super arrogant. Also wrong.

The stereotype of an angry God looking to smite us with lighting bolts comes from two places. One is the Old Testament. God was often angry with His people, but for good reason. They continually turned to idol worship and neglected the God who saved and blessed them. The other source of misinformation is the old stories of Greek and Roman gods who tormented people for their own pleasure.

The gods of mythology acted like miffed humans because humans made them up. Go to the Bible and see what God has to say for Himself. “The Lord has appeared of old to me, saying, Yes I have loved you with an everlasting love. Therefore with loving-kindness I have drawn you.” Jer 31:3. Yes, an Old Testament quote about God’s loving kindness, because He is far more kind that you think.

Another post of the love of God: How Much Does God Love You?

Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

Give Yourself Time To Meditate On God’s Word

Slow down and soak in what the Word has to say.

Slow down and soak in what the Word has to say.

I used to think that I was doing everything I needed to do by going to church and reading my Bible everyday. I didn’t realize that just reading the word wasn’t what God wanted for me. He wants it to change me. I didn’t allow my reading to change me because once I was done, I ticked it off my to-do list and went to bed. I didn’t give myself time to think about it.

The Psalmist says, My eyes are awake through the night watch, that I may meditate on Your word. (Psa 119:148)

Reading the word out of obedience is like pouring water on hard ground. It will get the top layer wet, but most of it will run off. Meditating on the word for depth and understanding is like pouring water on well tilled soil. It soaks in deep and gives life to roots that need to grow.

If you don’t have time to meditate on the word every day, then you need to change your schedule. You need that refreshing to change you in the ways God wants to change you. Slow down. Journal about what you’re learning. Underline what speaks to you. It is a living Word with a lot to say. Don’t miss it.

Another post on the Bible: The Word Of God Can Clean Us Up


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

Find The God Of Peace And You’ll Find Rest For Your Soul

May the God of peace be with you.

May the God of peace be with you.

Paul had a special insight in the character of God. He definitely related to Him as a God of peace, and I think it is crucial for us to find it as well.

  • Now the God of peace be with you all. (Rom 15:33)
  • And the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly. (Rom 16:20)
  • For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace (1Cor 14:33)
  • And the God of love and peace be with you. (2Cor 13:11)
  • And the God of peace be with you. (Phil 4:9)
  • Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely. (1Thes 5:23)
  • Now may the God of peace who brought up the Lord Jesus from the dead…(Heb 13:20)

We live in a world that works hard to rob us of peace and rest. We’re encouraged to work long hours and be driven. But God is a God of peace. He brings stillness and quietness to our soul and calms our racing mind. His presence is a place of rest, where we are refreshed and strengthened.

Discover the God of peace. Listen to His wisdom and find rest under His wings. I believe that finding that rest brings physical health to our bodies and calmness to our minds. If you can’t find peace, ask the God who is peace to come and fill you.

Another post on peace: A Big Piece of the Peace of God


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart
  • In God Alone Find Rest and Peace

Does God Really Love You?

The love of God is greater than anything we can imagine.

The love of God is greater than anything we can imagine.

I think it will take all our lifetime, and then eternity, to try to understand how much God loves us, and we still won’t fully get it. We just have no earthly example of that kind of love. No matter how much we mess up, God will continue to love us wildly.

I really like the way The Message Bible puts Romans 8:38-39: I’m absolutely convinced that nothing—nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable—absolutely nothing can get between us and God’s love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us.

As much as the enemy wants us to believe that we are unloved, it’s just not true. The love of God is so massive, so extreme, it sticks to us like divine glue. We’ll never get it off. But why would we want to? His love has the aroma of heaven that wraps around us like a soft cloud. We live in one big, continual hug.

God is constantly doting on us. I can almost see Him nudging an angel and pointing and saying, “Look, look at my girl! Look how amazing she is!” That’s my Dad! He makes me love Him more every day.

Another post on the love of God: God Already Loves You Completely


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart
  • A love that endures…

The Love Of God Is Beyond Our Understanding

God's love is greater than you realize.

God’s love is greater than you realize.

God’s love for us is magnificent— as in brilliant, glorious, majestic, splendid, surpassingly good, superior. His love for us is so far above our understanding that we constantly undervalue it. If we truly understood how much He loves us, we’d be overwhelmed.

The Father’s love for us is massive. He gave His Son to die for our sins. And it was for love that Jesus sacrificed Himself. I try and try to comprehend that amount of love and I just can’t. What ever I can imagine is so far short of what it must be that I just have to accept that His love is beyond my capacity to fully grasp.

In today’s culture, where so many people feel disenfranchised and forgotten, it’s an amazing and wonderful thing to know that God loves us with such great love. We are truly, deeply loved. If you can accept that and feel that in your soul, it will change you. You will never feel alone or unappreciated again. And if you can love other people with the Father’s heart, you are smack in the middle of what the Kingdom of God is all about.

God’s plan to save us and care for us comes from His magnificent love. Just try and figure out how big that is. I dare you.

Another post on the love of God: The True Meaning of Love

Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

  • Enjoying God