Just because we can’t see what’s coming, we shouldn’t assume that there’s nothing exciting for us ahead. For some reason, we just feel like our future is a black hole of disappointment. Nothing could be further from the truth. Continue reading
Category Archives: God
Standing In The Face Of Beauty
We are made to appreciate beauty and goodness. We are enchanted by a gorgeous sunset, our favorite food, and inspiring music. All of our senses are designed to appreciate the best there is to experience. Now just imagine standing in front of the source of everything we love. Continue reading
Let God Bless You At Work
I’m a baseball fan. I love to watch the catcher look down and think about which pitch to call for next. He only has seconds to decide and his concentration is intense. Then, quickly, he will look up and make the sign to the pitcher. It’s over in a matter of fifteen seconds, but it’s awesome to watch.
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Deep Calling To Deep
When was the last time you got flooded in the Spirit?
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Is God Good When Bad Things Happen?
It’s easy to love God when things go well. But what if they don’t? What if someone we love dies? What if everything goes exactly opposite of what we’ve prayed for? Is God still good? Continue reading
Walk Away From Shame
God is such a gentleman. He will never force Himself anywhere. He is kind and loving, even knowing everything about us. Continue reading
How Do I Find God?
Finding God is far easier than you think.
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God Is True And He Always Will Be
What do you know to be true about God? Think carefully about what you really know to be true, not what you’ve been taught. There’s a huge difference.
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Don’t Let The Goats Get You Down
There is order in the kingdom. We need to be accountable to others or we can easily get off track. But not every voice is a good voice to listen to.
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All The Good Stuff Is Intentional

God gave us all the good stuff.
It’s easy to look at a sunset and know that God loves beauty, but stop and think about everything that is good in the world and realize where it came from. Continue reading