Author Archives: Diana Symons

When All Else Fails — God Is Still With You

Trust God and He'll work it out for you.Sometimes your plans fall apart, the opposite happens, or real tragedy hits. That doesn’t mean that God has forsaken you. It just means that you didn’t know what was going to happen. It also doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re wrong about something.

David was anointed king. He was clearly in God’s favor, but then spent the next several years running for his life. He didn’t do anything wrong. Paul was shipwrecked, stoned, imprisoned, and eventually killed. He didn’t do anything wrong.

Stuff is going to happen. No one said that problems would go away when you become a Christian. In fact, they can intensify. The enemy hates our walk with the Lord and will work against us at every turn.

It’s a good thing to ask God if there is something that you do need to repent for or adjust in your life. Be obedient. But if you are and still find yourself in the middle of trouble, God is with you. He’s there to give you the grace that you need. He will help you in the middle of problems. He will be your peace when there is none. Learn to walk in His joy and trust Him with all the issues. He promises to work them out for us. And God doesn’t lie.

The Easy Test To Tell How Patient And Kind You Are

Patience, kindness, and self-control are all belong to us when we have when the Spirit of God living inside us. Want to know how well you operate in them? Pay attention to how you treat other drivers when you drive.

Your driving will show your kindness.For some reason, when we are behind the wheel of a car, we feel justified in voicing, and/or showing, some pretty ugly attitudes when we don’t like how other drivers behave around us. Kindness should become second nature to us. Being behind the wheel, or on the phone with customer service, should not dictate how we treat people. Even if we don’t voice our bad feelings, we should not be thinking them either.

We’ve been given the Holy Spirit to shine through us, but you must be engaged with Him for that to happen. You have to want Him to change you from the inside. You have to want to be kind, patient, self-controlled. Ask Him. Then thank Him for what He has already done in you. You can continue to be changed everyday. Never stop pressing in to be more and more like Jesus.

Pretty soon you’ll realize that you’ve been driving in traffic in perfect peace, and it will be a miracle from God that changed you! We need more drivers like that.

Lost Sheep Are Ours To Love, Not Lecture

What happens when someone in the church falls? Do we ream them, or are we there to help them? Most of the time, people who fall are bludgeoned without mercy. We want to see repentance, and we want to see it now. When it doesn’t come, we dust our hands off and say we tried, then turn our backs. It happens more times than you’d imagine.

Forgive and blessBut Jesus has a different perspective on how we should act. What do you think? If a man has a hundred sheep, and one of them goes astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine and go to the mountains to seek the one that is straying? And if he should find it, assuredly, I say to you, he rejoices more over that sheep than over the ninety-nine that did not go astray. (Matt 18: 12-13)

The one that went astray used to be in the flock. It was missed. The shepherd went out of his way to go find it and bring it back. He didn’t lecture the sheep about being disobedient and deserving to be eaten by wolves.

And after this parable, Jesus talked about the servant who refused to forgive a fellow servant. (Matt 18: 21-35) It doesn’t matter what the person has done. It doesn’t matter if they repent or not. It’s not our job to judge them, it’s our job to love them, for as long as it takes. It may take years of loving and reaching out and offering help. How else will the sheep be brought back? They need to know they are welcome back, without reproach.

Let’s be a loving church. We’ve been forgiven so much ourselves.

The Faith Of One Can Change Everything

Elijah made the rain stop for years, then he made it start again. Mary made God change His timeline for Jesus’s first public miracle. In both cases, they spoke to the situation and expected results. They didn’t get a group together to pray about it.

Your faith can move mountains.

Your faith can move mountains.

Jesus said, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. (Matt 17:20) 

God responds to dramatic faith. There are times when we need to join together in prayer, and there are times when we need to speak to the mountain and tell it to get out. One person can do that. One person can feed five thousand people, walk on water, and raise the dead.

Elijah, David, Paul, Moses — they were all remarkable men, but they were just men. We’ve been filled with the Spirit and power of God to do amazing things. We have all the authority of heaven to release miracles in the kingdom. Imagine this world if every believer lived in dramatic faith. Try it.  Be that person and change what God has shown you needs to be changed. Mountains are about to fall.

God Uses Imperfect People, Because He Can

Forgive and bless

Forgive and bless

People make mistakes. People fail. They will never be perfect. We should never hold anyone up to the perfection scale and expect them to be 100%. It’s never going to happen. The good news is that God knows that and and He’s okay with it.

Through our weakness, He is made strong, Our leaders may fall. Don’t abandon them. We are all imperfect and will all make mistakes. That’s why we’re encouraged to pray for those in authority. Pray for your leaders in the church and government. Ask God to keep them safe from harm and evil influence. Bless them with grace and wisdom.

And if they do fall, bless them. Love them. Be patient and let God do the work that needs to be done in them. Our job is to love people, not judge them. Forgive and bless. Forgive and bless.

God’s plan to use imperfect people is hard to understand at times, but it’s His way. He is able to do so much with a willing heart, even one that is still on the path to holiness.

The Secret To Changing The World

It's not about you, it's about Him.Want to change the world? Want people to be saved, healed, and delivered from pain, abuse, and fear? There’s a secret weapon of the Spirit that will allow God to be God in all those circumstances. It’s called humility.

We are supposed to be the light of the world. Jesus is supposed to shine through us. When He does, He is seen and able to do the things that we cannot. But we have a bad habit of getting in His way, mostly unintentionally. It’s like we invite Him to a party to meet our friends, then stand in front of Him all the time. We work too hard, explain too much, and fear that He may not show up with us.

Humility steps back so Jesus can step forward. It’s faith and rest in Him. When we understand that He really wants to bless people, we can get out of His way and let Him be God. We can present the circumstance to Him, then sit back and watch Him work miracles.

It’s not about us. It’s all about Him. I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. (John 15:5) But with Him, all things are possible.

Can You Go To God With Mary’s Faith?

Can you ask with Mary's faith?

Can you ask with Mary’s faith?

Mary’s request for Jesus to make more wine for the wedding party was unusual because He told her it wasn’t His time to reveal Himself to the world. Her response was to assume that He would do what she asked. And He did.

And when they ran out of wine, the mother of Jesus said to Him, “They have no wine.” Jesus said to her, “Woman, what does your concern have to do with Me? My hour has not yet come.” His mother said to the servants, “Whatever He says to you, do it.” (John 2:3-5)

Her determination to see results changed God’s heart. The very first public miracle was supposed to be something else, but Mary changed it. That’s how effective our prayers can be.

Notice that she didn’t beg or plead. In her mind, this was something that needed to be done and she knew He could do it. He just needed to be asked. Really, she didn’t even ask, she just told Him they needed wine.

Imagine going to God with that kind of determined trust, that all you have to do is ask and know that He will answer. You can’t doubt, you have to know. That’s what a son or daughter can do.

If you ask anything in My name, I will do it. (John 14:14)


When Deep Call To Deep, God Will Be More Than You Know

Get hungry for more of Him.When you love God with all your heart, your soul and your mind, something happens in your spirit. You get hungry for more. Suddenly those nice Bible stories aren’t enough. You want to dive into His Spirit until your are completely submerged in His presence.

And then something amazing happens. As you step toward Him, He steps toward you. Deep calls unto deep at the noise of Your waterfalls; All Your waves and billows have gone over me. (Ps 42:7) He answers the deep hunger of your soul with the same intensity that you cry out to Him.

Do you wonder why you’re not getting dramatic breakthrough? Maybe it’s because you’re not hungry enough. Maybe you need that deep cry of your soul to well up to heaven. God will answer sincerity, but He pours out on intense desire for more of Him.

But it doesn’t stop there. As He answers your desire for more, you actually get hungry for even more! There is no end. The more you ask for, the more He will give. Soon, you are sharing the secret places of the Spirit with Him and walking in companionship with the Most High God.

Get hungry. Cry out for more. Dive in. You’re missing so much.

One True And Living God Is Everything That We Need

God is everything that we need.Polytheists believe in multiple gods because of human limitation. It’s just too hard to conceive that one God could  be all things. They have a god to bless grapes and wine, one god to bless fish, one god to bless childbirth, etc. One God with unlimited power and knowledge goes beyond what we can know in the natural.


That’s why there are so many names of God:

  • Jehovah Jireh – the Lord our provider
  • Jehovah Shalom – The Lord our peace
  • Jehovah Nissi – The Lord our banner
  • Jehovah Rapha – The Lord our healer
  • Jehovah Tsid-Kenu – The Lord our Righteousness
  • Jehovah Shammah – The Lord who is everywhere
  • Jehovah Sabaoth – The Lord our protector
  • Jehovah Raah – The Lord who leads us tenderly
  • Abba
  • Emmanuel
  • King of Kings
  • Lord of Lords
  • Savior
  • Alpha and Omega
  • Lion of Judah
  • Prince of Peace
  • Lamb of God
  • Bright and Morning Star
  • Lily of the Valley
  • Rose of Sharon
  • Comforter
  • Teacher
  • Brother
  • Friend

One God is everything that we need. He made sure that we were covered by His grace and power in every area of our lives. One true and living God. And the more we know Him, the more more infinite He becomes. He will always be everything to us, for eternity.



Let’s Remember Who The Enemy Really Is

The kingdom of God is about showing kindness.

The kingdom of God is about showing kindness.

Keeping love as our focus helps us see people as we should. People with other lifestyles and opinions are not the enemy. God loves them. He died for them, and for us to badmouth or abuse them is an affront to God’s love.

Our enemy is Satan. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age,[a] against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. (Eph 6:12)  When we remember that, it makes it easier to love people, despite our differences.

The Roman soldiers were not anyone’s favorites, but Jesus said to not only extend them courtesy, but do more than they asked. Bless those who persecute you. Stop seeing them as the enemy and start seeing them as being loved by God.

You’ve been given all the grace you need to love. You can do it. Love is a choice. Kindness is a choice. It’s who we are as citizens of the kingdom.