Category Archives: Blog

Can We Actually Be One Church In Christ? Check This Out!

Is it possible to be one with the Catholic Church and the Protestant Churches? Is there a place where we can unite as a universal church in truth? Can we stop pointing fingers at each other and be one in Christ? I think so.

Recently, Tony Palmer, an Anglican Priest presented to a conference of Evangelical pastors with a message about unification that will knock your socks off. Here is the YouTube video of that message. Stay with it, because there is a message from the Pope that is very touching.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart



Do You Want To Understand The Bible Better?

Let God teach you His truthDo you want to understand the Bible better? It’s a great thing to want. The Bible has all the answers we’re looking for, for all the areas of our lives. It will give wisdom and direction about money, relationships, marriage, prayer, heaven, and more. But we can’t approach it as if it’s written in a heavenly language that we can’t understand. We can.

God wants us to understand His word. When Jesus met the two disciples walking to Emmaus, He explained it to them: And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself. (Luke 24:27)When He appeared to the disciples after His resurrection, … He opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures. (Luke 24:45)

But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you. (John 14:26)

The only reason you may not understand the Bible is because you haven’t asked God to help you. He’s not going to force feed you or give you an instant download. It’s going to take daily reading and prayer and a willingness to hear Him. As you read, listen with your heart. Be ready to unlearn what you thought you knew about somethings. The traditions of men have become strong, so be open to letting God teach you His truth. The Bible is a fantastic revelation of God and will take you deep into His heart.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Have You Fallen Away From Having Devotions? Just Start Again!

Don't neglect your prayer time.How easy it is to be distracted by life. Our well established routines of spending quiet time with God can disappear in a nano second when life changes. We take a trip. Someone comes to visit. We get sick. All of a sudden we realize that it’s been days, weeks, or months since we’ve been in communion with God the way we used to.

Everyone does this. We just have to remember what our priorities are and go back. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. (Mat 6:33) This should be the most important thing. If we are not seeking God first, everyday, then we are in danger of losing focus on what is right and safe for us. The enemy would love us to feel that prayer takes too much time, that we don’t hear from God anyway. Don’t believe it.

Confess to God if you’ve been neglecting Him. Ask His forgiveness and enter into the joy of relationship with Him. Soak in His presence and feel His love wash over you. Ask Him to speak to your heart. He’s always communicating to you somehow, you just haven’t been listening.

Don’t beat yourself up if you’ve fallen away from your devotions. Just go back, and be blessed.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


God Needs Someone To Say Yes

Say Yes to God!There is so much that God would do on earth if He had willing partners. All He needs is someone to say, Yes! He would heal. He would multiply food. He would open doors and shower blessing. He would save people in desperate need of being saved.

But the kingdom of God is set up for us to be participants in what He does. He wants to use us, whether we want to be used or not. And if we refuse, or fail to make ourselves available to Him, other people are effected by it.

If we say, “Yes, Lord, use me”, He will. He just needs someone willing to agree with Him. Say yes and watch what happens. Listen to the leading in your heart. He may nudge you to speak to someone. They may have just asked for help, for someone to pray. You have no idea the impact you can have if you are willing to be God’s arms.

Imagine what this world would be like if we all said, Yes! Imagine God moving freely through His people to bless and heal. Imagine having that relationship with Him. Try it. Be used. The more you trust Him, the greater He can work. And remember, He’s doing the work, not you. All you have to do is say yes and keep your eyes open.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


God’s Not Very Proper About Some Things

God can show up anyway He likesI love how we have a tidy ideal of what God does and how He acts. But it’s hard to hold onto that when we read the Bible. The Old Testaments prophets were told to do some strange things, like walk around naked or marry a prostitute. Jesus spit on a man to heal him.

I think that God has to go to some extremes with us just to get our attention. We have everything all worked out in our head and God’s trying to show us that He’s not in our plan. Then, when He does something outrageous, we get offended and say it can’t possibly be God, because He doesn’t act like that. But not according to the Bible.

God can act any way He wants, and without our permission. Once we decree what He will or will not do, we set ourselves up for some surprising reactions from heaven. We need to be careful judging what we see. We’re told to test the spirit. If the spirit of God is in the middle of it, then no matter how strange it looks, we’d best not judge it.

It’s always possible for God to do something so far outside the box that we don’t recognize Him. Let’s watch and pray so we don’t miss anything He does. Let’s not be left behind what ever He’s doing.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Is The Bible A Book Or A Weapon?

The Bible is a sword of the SpiritAnd take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. (Eph 6:17) If we view the Bible as a good book, a historical reference, a “guide” for life, then we have missed the point of God giving us His Word.

Jesus came to show us how to live, then He sent the Holy Spirit to give us the power to live it. The Word of God is a powerful weapon of the Spirit. Jesus was very effective in rebuking the devil with scripture. It is exactly what we need to do as well.

Do you live in fear? Memorize Psalm 91. Declare it. Let it sink into your heart and your spirit. Knowing the promises of God are a sure weapon against the assaults of the enemy. Don’t think you are being assaulted? Consider if you are struggling with finances, health, relationships, doubt, anxiety. Anything that does not agree with the goodness and peace of God does not come from God. There is an answer for all of life’s issues in the Bible. Claim them and believe the power of what God has given us.

His Word is a flaming sword of the Spirit meant for us to use for the kingdom. Read the Word with thoughts of potential. Then practice using your sword.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


You Can Never Dream Too Big For God

Collect vessels, not a fewDo you remember the story in 2Kings 4 about Elisha telling the widow to fill jars with oil? He didn’t tell her how many jars to collect. He said, Go, borrow vessels from everywhere, from all your neighbors—empty vessels; do not gather just a few. He meant a lot! She was wise to collect as many as she could, because God used every single one of them.

What if she collected twice that many? What if she got the idea to use really big containers, barrels? Would God pour into them like the jars she used? I think so. Our God is a God of abundance and generosity. He will never skimp when it comes to blessing us. But He will bless us according to our faith in being blessed.

Can you dream big? I mean really big? God would probably have even bigger plans for you if you’d let Him. Do you think you deserve tremendous blessing? Many people do not. That’s the lie of the enemy to make us feel unworthy of God’s grace.

Once we’ve been redeemed, we are a royal family with a kind and loving Father. When your heart beats with His heartbeat, you want what He wants, and He wants so much more for you than you know. When He says collect as many vessels as you can, think tanker trucks and ocean liners, because there is no limit to God’s grace.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Why Are Young People Leaving The Church?

Children are looking for God too.Why are young people leaving the church? It’s not an easy question to answer, but I have my ideas. As parents, we teach our children from the moment we wake up in the morning until we go to bed at night. Everything we do trains them in some way. They watch and listen and understand our reactions without being told. Children can see the difference between a confession of faith on Sunday and what is expressed at home.

Faith that comes from knowledge instead of relationship is not faith at all. Jesus said, My sheep know my voice. If the voice of God is not heard in the home, there is nothing to follow. Children can be entertained anywhere, but what they want is the real thing, just like everyone else. If what they see at home is not the Emmanuel, God with us, they will look for something else to fill that deep need to know Him.

We are called to live in intimacy with God, not worship Him from a distance. He needs to be active in our lives when the washing machine breaks down, when the dog is hit by a car, when bills are past due. Turning to God for help when you need it is what Jesus meant when He said, Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. (Mat 6:25) He knows what you need, but you won’t see His help until you start to trust Him.

Let your children watch you trust God in the hard times. Let them see you put your family in His hands. Then let them see you rejoice in gratitude when the answers come. Show them the reality of God and His amazing love. Once they understand that He is real and active, there’s no reason to leave.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Have You Figured Out Who Jesus Is?

Who is Jesus to you?The disciples had been following Jesus for some time, watching Him heal the sick and raise the dead. He did miracles that no one else could do, and yet He had to ask them, “Who do you say that I am?” (Mat 16:15)

If they did not understand who He was, then they would not understand the salvation that He would provide. A prophet, a teacher, or a good man could not live sinless and be the sacrifice that we need. Only the Son of God could live without sin and take away our stain.

Stop and ask yourself, who is Jesus to you? Is He a nice teacher? Is He a kind face from a painting holding a lamb in His arms? Is He a defeated rescuer pinned to a cross or a triumphant King resurrected in power?

Is He a distant deity, a guilt-provoking reminder of your failures? If He is, then you’ve believed a lie. Jesus should be the great love of your life. His love for you is massive and eternal. He is the risen Son of God who stands knocking on the door of your heart because He wants a relationship with you. A real relationship. All you have to do it answer.

Who is Jesus to you? Best Friend, Savior, Emmanuel, Eternal Lover.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Protecting Your Pain Will Only Make You Feel Worse

Let go of every pain.Are you protecting pain? For some reason, we like to hold onto the things that hurt us and protect it carefully, not allowing anyone or anything to touch it. If it gets touched, we’re afraid that it will start hurting again. We think if we ignore it or distance ourselves from any chance of stirring things up, we’ll be safe.

Not so. Holding onto pain is like adding poison to your food every time you eat. It will literally eat away at your soul until you can’t feel anything at all. That’s not a way to live, especially since Jesus sacrificed so much to deliver you out of it.

Help is a heartbeat away. All you have to do it confess to God that you’ve been holding onto what you shouldn’t have and give it to Him. All of it. Don’t give it over then take it back again. Allow the peace of God to settle into your spirit and heal you. It may take time to take layers off, so keep at it. Eventually, you’ll feel the joy that belongs to you.

Holding pain, protecting anything that hurts you, is a bad idea. Yours is a promise of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Live in freedom and the fullness of what is yours in Christ.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart