Category Archives: Blog

You Don’t Need A Reason To Praise God — He Is Good All The Time

God is good, all the time.

God is good, all the time.

At the end of the day, no matter what happens, God is good. When wonderful things come your way, God is good. When everything blows up, God is still good. Our circumstances don’t change His nature. And that’s very comforting, because we know that no matter what, He will always be good.

It’s not always easy to see His goodness in the middle of a big, hairy problem, but it’s still true. It takes effort on our part to rise up above the issues and continue to bless Him. Very often, that alone will send the answers we need.

Rain or shine, God is good and we bless His name because He is God. He deserves our praise despite how we feel. He’s that good! Even when we create our own problems, if we give them over to Him and trust Him, we can relax because we know He will work it out.

That ability to relax no matter what is a tremendous blessing to us, so we praise Him for His kindness, His goodness, and His constant love for us, even when there are bills to pay and kids with runny noses. Give the stress to Him and let Him show you His goodness. Rest in Him and bless His name. He’s there for you.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


God Is Making You Into What You Need To Be For Your Destiny

God is working in you for your destiny.

God is working in you for your destiny.

How amazing it would be if we lived our lives “on earth as it is in heaven”. God sees us so differently than we see ourselves. He sees us through the blood of Christ without imperfection. We are perfect. He sees the destiny that He planned for each one of us.

That destiny can be ours, but we have to be willing to submit ourselves to Him to make it happen. Where we are today, who we are today is probably a long way from what that destiny looks like.

What will He need to do in us to make us into what we are called to be? We’ll have to be changed. Change usually hurts! We hate it. But when we stop and consider that we are being transformed, it’s easier to accept.

Whatever God has planned for you is going to be awesome, because He knows your heart’s desire, your gifts, and talents, so whatever it takes to get you to your destiny will be worth it. Trust Him. What you are going through now may not make sense to you, but it may have great value in shaping you for what you will become.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


You Are Never Too Busy To Rest In The Lord

There is danger to being too good at what you do. You know who you are. The one with seven or eight balls in the air and a hoop twirling around your ankle. You’ve got so much stuff going on that you are busy all the time. Part of that may be perfectionism that won’t allow you to let other people do anything. And part of it is that what you do is very complex and needs your full attention all the time.

That’s not a bad thing, if you are doing it with God’s blessing. When do you stop having His blessing? When you stop trusting Him. When you stop spending private time with Him. When you get so busy that you forget, or just don’t have time.

Make the decision to find your rest in Jesus.

Make the decision to find your rest in Jesus.

That’s when trouble starts to happen. Burnout sets in and you get exhausted, or sick. That’s because you let your shield down and enemy is allowed to take pot shots at you, and he will. You are called to rest in the Lord, even in the middle of all that you do.

For thus says the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: In returning and rest you shall be saved; In quietness and confidence shall be your strength. (Isa 30:15)

No matter how busy you are, learn to rest. Learn to trust God to help you through the day. He can do things with time that you would not believe. He will give you the help and resources you need. Just rest. You need it more than you know.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Fully Functional, Armed And Dangerous (In A Good Way)

The mature believer is a force to be reckoned with. She is strong in faith and a terror to the enemy. But it takes time and dedication to get there.

Jesus is always waiting to hear from you.

Jesus is always waiting to hear from you.

The first steps are quiet basic. You have to believe in Jesus as the Son of God. You have to confess your sins and accept that Jesus died for you so you can have forgiveness. That confess and acceptance will clean the slate, just like you never sinned at all. It doesn’t mean that you will never sin again, you will. That’s why we need to always be humble before God and not try to hide our sins from Him, but be open and allow Him to forgive us.

Now we must stop thinking and acting like we did before. Any fear that we used to carry around with us has to go. Any anger, frustration, bitterness, jealousy — basically any bad attitudes that don’t belong to Jesus don’t belong to you. Give them up. Ask Jesus to take them out of your heart. Ask Him to replace the bad stuff with His good stuff. Be filled with His Spirit and you’ll have His power to live as He wants you to.

After we have established our faith and let go of the old ways and embraced His new ways, we can begin to stand taller and look around the kingdom to see how He will use us. When you come to Christ and receive the Holy Spirit in your life, you become fully equipped with all manner of weapons and tools that He will use through you. You start to develop them by learning what they are. Reading the Bible voraciously and asking the Holy Spirit to teach you will ground you in His truth. Go to a church with strong teaching on the Holy Spirit and connect with other believers. Never go a day without having a heartfelt conversation with God. It’s in those times of intimate communion that will help you follow His leading in your life.

Trust Him. You have to trust Him. Once you start to stand tall in the kingdom, the enemy will try to take you down. Trust God to be your protection and provider. He’ll take care of you, because He promised that He would. But you have to trust Him.

Trust Him for other people, not just yourself. Go out on a limb and claim the impossible in full faith and watch God do a miracle. He’s awesome. Pray for healing. Pray for income. Pray for salvation. You begin to see places that need the touch of God because you’ve been put there to see them and do something about it.

The more you step out with God, the further He will take you. But be aware that you will never be completely mature. Some areas will be strong and other areas you will be learning. There will always be areas of learning. It keeps us humble, but the more we learn, the more He can use us. He’s just waiting for you to get on board, because there’s a lot of territory to claim for the kingdom and He needs you to do it.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Sin Habits Can Be Broken If You Allow God To Change You

The awesome part of our new life in Christ is that our old sin nature is dead! Whoo-hoo! That doesn’t mean that we automatically stop sinning, because we are still human. We will still mess up. But it also means that we don’t have a sin nature anymore. We may have a sin habit and habits can be broken.

Paul said that we die daily. (1Cor 15:31) But that should not be our focus. Our focus should be to live for Christ. If we live for Him, we die to ourselves. The more we press in to allow the Holy Spirit to mold us and mature us, the more those old habits start to fall away. We replace them with the good aspects of God.

Life in the kingdom requires change. If we are not being changed, then our position in the kingdom is questionable. It means that we’re not listening to God and allowing Him to do what He needs to do in us. We need Him to do that. That’s how the bad habits get broken. If we continue to live as we used to, then His sacrifice for us meant nothing.

If you haven’t begun your transformation yet, then today is the day. Give yourself to Jesus and live.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


How Are You Doing In Your Mission Field?

We make too big a deal about ministry. “Ministers” preach from the pulpit while we sit and listen. Then we go home. That’s a scenario that Jesus never intended. And He said to them, Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. (Mark 16:15) He didn’t stop and clarify that He was talking only to clergy. It was a pretty open command.

Go into all the world.

Go into all the world.

There is no distinction between secular and non-secular. We are all called to be ministers of the gospel. Those who work in “ministry” can’t actually go into all the world, because their realm is typically in the church. It’s the rest of us with jobs and families that touch the rest of the world. It’s up to us to be “ministers” to them.

Everything you do is a testimony for Jesus. Will you act in generosity and kindness? Will you work in wisdom and revelation? Will you heal the sick and bless the brokenhearted? You have the capacity to be Jesus where the “church” cannot. It’s not just a good idea, it’s a command. God is relying on you to reach your community. That’s why He put you there.

You are a missionary whether you wanted to be one or not. Your life is to honor God, and when you do that, you touch all the world around you. Imagine if every believer took up that ministry! Be a blessing and release the kingdom.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


The Simple Test To See Where Your Heart Is

A rich young man went to Jesus and asked, “What good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life?” After he clarified that he had been keeping the law since his youth, Jesus touched him where it hurt. He said, “Go sell what you have and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven.” (Mat 19: 16-21)

God wants your whole heart, not part of it.

God wants your whole heart, not part of it.

The young man went into shock. He did not see that coming, because he thought that his efforts had been for God when they weren’t. If his life had been focused on God, above everything, he would have said, “Ok.” His reaction made it clear that he was going through the steps of obedience without the heart of obedience. His heart didn’t belong to God. God was secondary to everything else in his life.

How would you answer Jesus? Could you give up the one thing that you think is most important in your life? Could you do that cheerfully? Sometimes He doesn’t make it easy. He’s not calling everyone to sell what they own, but if you can’t, it shows that your trust is not in Him. If God asks you to give up something, it’s because He’s about to give you something better. Will you trust Him? Will you trust Him just because? Set your priorities now. Don’t make Him test you.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


God Does Not See You The Way You Do – He’s Much Nicer

God does not see you the way you see you.

God does not see you the way you see you.

When we look in the mirror, we tend to see blemishes. We’re trained to see everything wrong, inside and out. Competition is alive and well in our society, and we are pressured to pursue perfection from all sides. When we come to Christ, we can bring in all those old, unhealthy attitudes with us.

Comparing ourselves to other people is a bad idea. Looking up to people and being inspired is good, but gauging our spirituality with others is not. Growth is personal and, what you see in others may not be what God sees.

God does not see problems like you see problems. He looks at what you’re missing and steers you toward developing you into what He wants you to be. He’s not as judgmental as we think He is. Which means, we should not be either.

Turn your attention to the things God wants for you instead of what you think is wrong. It’s a completely different mindset. If you have a temper issue, then you really need peace and patience. God has that. If you live in fear, you need a great shot of love so you understand that God will completely take care of you.

Stop listening to the voice that says you’re not good enough, and start listening to the God who thinks you’re fantastic.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart



Stop Letting Other People Control How You Praise God

Imagine if you were at the World Series, the Super Bowl, the World Cup, the whatever you call the big cricket match, and there is a special entertainer scheduled to come out. You would already be hyped up because of the game, being with your friends, and enjoying yourself (assuming that your team is winning.)

Now imagine that the special guest steps out in the middle of thousands of people in a stadium, and it’s Jesus. The crowd goes wild. Everyone is on their feet shouting and clapping and cheering. It’s an unbelievable moment. You could feel the love of God radiating up to you wherever you are sitting. The experience is beyond amazing and powerful.

Let go and praise God.

Let go and praise God.

That’s what praise should be. That can be your experience every time you go before the throne. Your response to Him should be full-out, no holding back. Give Him everything. You know what He’ll give to you? Everything.

We are so afraid of other people that we do not worship and praise our God the way our spirit wants to. It’s our loss when that happens. We never experience God in His fantastic glory because we are so consumed by “what will people think?”

Let it go. Your relationship with God is more important than what people think. And you may be the open door they’ve been waiting for to enter in too. Let your hair down and praise! Jesus is in the house!


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


When God Says To Forgive, He Means Business

It is very dangerous to assume that because God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that He will not be mean. We moved from an Old Testament view of God dealing vengefully against Israel when they sinned to the realm of grace and love. But don’t be lulled by the sweetness of the message. God still means business.

forgiveness is not an option

forgiveness is not an option

Mat 18 23:35 tells the story of the servant who was forgiven a huge debt, but sent a fellow servant to prison for a minor debt. The master was furious with the unforgiving servant and sent him to the torturers until he paid all that was due.

What did Jesus have to say about not forgiving people? So My heavenly Father also will do to you if each of you, from his heart, does not forgive his brother his trespasses. (18:35)

Do not be misled by the message of love. Yes, His love is far beyond anything you can imagine with your human understanding, but He demands obedience. If you have been forgiven of every sin you confess, then you must forgive others who offend you. There is no middle ground because you don’t feel like it. Go back and read that verse again. It’s frightening. Forgiveness is not an option.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart