Category Archives: Blog

Our Mandate For Ministry | Jesus Made It Very Clear

Be the arms of love to those who need it.

Be the arms of love to those who need it.

Jesus walked as we walk. His life was our model. When He read Isaiah 61 in the synagogue, He read our ministry mandate.

The Spirit of God is on me because I am anointed to preach the gospel. He sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to declare liberty to those who are bound captive, and open prison doors; to comfort those who mourn, to give them beauty for ashes, and the oil of joy for morning; to give them the garment of praise for a spirit of heaviness, that they will be called  trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, so He will be glorified.

This is what we are called to. Preach the gospel so others will know of the salvation that is theirs. Break off bondage from those who suffer from depression, anxiety, fear, and anger. Comfort people when they hurt. Love them so they feel loved. Let them understand the blessing of God so clearly that they will throw off their heaviness and receive joy. Walk with them so they grow strong in the Spirit, with deep roots of faith. Do that, and God will be glorified.

What do you mean you can’t do that? God has put His Spirit in you, and it’s the same Spirit that was in Jesus, so yes, you can. And you will love it. There is great joy in walking out the mandate of God because He loves to answer prayer. Now go. Go out and bless someone.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


You Were Literally Made To Need Other People

The kingdom of God is all about loving each other.

The kingdom of God is all about loving each other.

I heard a discussion on NPR about the fact that mammalian babies are born with smaller brains to make it out of the birth canal. As a result, mammalians require care from adults to survive and the infant brains will grow and learn culture at the same time.

Evolutionary discussions aside, I think there’s something to that. We have been created to need people. Baby humans can’t run off on their own like baby turtles. We need each other. And the fact that we require interaction from others at birth does not change as we grow older.

The spirit of individualism can get in the way of developing the community that we were made for. That’s why it’s such a huge command to love each other. We need to be open to help and receive help. God blesses community. He blesses cities and nations.

The temptation to isolate yourself is not Biblical. It creates a wedge to separate you from the connections that you need. Resist that. If you have trouble connecting with other people, and I don’t mean just being introverted, ask God to help you. Ask Him to show you if there is a problem that you need to address.

We are a social people in the kingdom of God because we were made to love each other, so look around and find someone to love.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Your Life Will Shine Out The Glory Of The Lord For Others To See

His glory will be seen upon you.

His glory will be seen upon you.

You know what happens when you start to live a fully dedicated life to God? You get filled with His joy. The more you trust Him, the more He blesses. Even in sudden times of conflict, you trust Him, He still blesses. You trust Him more, He blesses more. He will bless to the measure that you trust Him.

And you know what else? His glory will be seen upon you. (Isa 60:2) Yep. Other people will see the blessing of God on you. If they didn’t know you before you became a believer, they’ll just think that you are naturally awesome. If they did know you before, they’ll be amazed at the transformation they can see happening, because living in faith will transform you.

Even though you don’t feel it, God’s glory is on you. It’s actually shining out of you. The more joy and love of God in your life, the brighter that glory will shine. You’ll be a lighthouse in dark places. Do not feel bad because you don’t see it. You probably won’t see it. That’s the way humility works, but others will see it.

Live with faith and joy and God will do things in you and through you that will affect people far beyond anything that you know. One day you will be amazed and bless God for it.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Why Some People Are More Blessed Than Others | How To Get Yours

Some people know how to live in blessing.

Some people know how to live in blessing.

Have you ever met people who seem to get all the blessings? I mean, all of them? Everything they touch is golden, and favor follows them around like a puppy. They even boast about being God’s favorite. Now you know that’s not right, because God doesn’t have favorites. Or does He?

Why is it that those people are so blessed! It’s because they know that God actually does have favorites. In point of fact, we are all His favorites. It’s just that some people understand it and others don’t. The ones who do understand live in the favored blessing.

So how do you get in that club? It’s easy. You just believe God. You believe everything He says. If He says to stop worrying, you stop worrying. If He says to love Him with all your heart, then you love Him with all your heart. Believe the Word of God as truth, and live it, and you will be smack in the middle of the Favor Club.

If you fuss about what is right and wrong, if you stress about being perfect or out of order, you will not get in. Your attention has to be fully on Jesus so that He can work out all the details you stress over. If you are not living in favor, then ask God why. Let Him show you what He wants from you. Favor can be yours if you are honest before God and want His will above yours.

**************************************************************************The Key of David, by Diana Symons                                                                                             A story that’s been told for thousands of years…  The Bible’s Book 1 Samuel tells the story of David’s life – from an obscure family to an unlikely king, from shepherd to warrior, from champion to king-maker. What does it mean for a man to love God and be loved by Him? This book explores what it means to be human in the light of the Kingdom.

Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

People Need To See The Power Of God Work Through You

Let God show off and people will be drawn to Him.

Let God show off and people will be drawn to Him.

To those who don’t know the Lord, salvation is foolishness. (1Cor 1:18) They don’t understand their need to be saved and they don’t know the beauty of the Lord, so they see our heartfelt devotion as silly, wasted time.

What they need to see is the reality of the kingdom. That is, the power that comes with walking in Jesus’ name. The power of that authority brings healing, and that changes lives. The power breaks fear and depression. When people are delivered out of pain and sickness, God is revealed.

No one is impressed with pretty words or promises of afterlife. What they need to see is God’s will being done on earth as it is in heaven. That will get their attention. Empty faith does nothing for anyone. But amazing faith to release the kingdom of God will draw people to Jesus.

Never hold back from letting God show off. As a believer, you carry the kingdom, so let it out. Be the source of life for people who need to be saved. Believe God to heal when you pray for the sick. Believe that He will provide for people who need it. He’ll back up what ever you trust Him for. It will supercharge your faith and bless the people you minister to.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


It May Be Time To Be A Kid Again | How To Enter The Kingdom Of God

Find your kid self again.

Find your kid self again.

One of the greatest joys of the kingdom is the freedom to be childlike. When we were young, we couldn’t wait to be older. Now that we’re older, we wish for youth. How delightful it is to be allowed to be a child again.

As a child, no matter how much I wanted to be grown-up, I never worried about car payments or house payments. I didn’t worry about grocery shopping or insurance. I fussed about doing homework and running outside to play. I remember skipping down the street on my way home from school and climbing trees just to sit there.

It is a great blessing from God to live with that kind of freedom. We can give Him all our cares and concerns and trust that He will work it out so we can enjoy life. It’s not being irresponsible, it’s actually a command. (1Pet 5:6-7)

God wants us to be carefree, because then we put all our hopes and trust in Him. He can manage so much more than we can anyway. If you are too serious, it’s time to lighten up and be a kid again. Stop worrying and have the kind of fun that you remember having before you became a grownup. It is a requirement of the kingdom. Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it. (Mark 10:15)


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


How Do You Trust God? | Things I Wish I Was Told

Faith is just trusting God to be God.

Faith is just trusting God to be God.

It almost seems cavalier to say, Oh, just trust God. Like you know what that means, when really, you don’t know what that means. I’ve been there. I thought I was trusting God, until it became clear that I wasn’t. I only knew about God.

Faith requires some level of activity on your part. Let’s say that you are worried that you’ll never get all the things done today that have to be done, because all of them are urgent or necessary. First, calm yourself. Settle your spirit in peace. Ask God to manage what you cannot. Ask Him to help you do what needs to be done.

Then do what you need to do. Faith is not about sitting on your hands and watching angels do your work. But as you work, trust that God will help you do it all. Don’t stress. The second you start to stress, you stop trusting God. Thank Him for what He is doing for you. Be happy. He is working on your behalf, because you asked Him to.

Looking for a job? Keep sending out the resumes, but know that God will take care of you. Don’t stress. Stress is agreeing with the enemy. God will do what He promises to do, and He promises to take care of you. Believe Him and be happy.

Living in faith is all about trusting God to be God and not worrying. He’ll be there for you. He really will.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Are Your Thoughts Acceptable To God | Think Good Thoughts

Are your thoughts acceptable to God?

Are your thoughts acceptable to God?

How do you think about life? What do you tend to daydream about?  Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer. (Ps 19:14)

Are your thoughts acceptable to God? Somethings will not be hard to determine. You know the bad stuff that goes through your head. You feel conviction about it. But there are other thoughts that you may be so used to thinking that you don’t even consider them as being bad. Stuff that does not honor God, like worry, depression, fear, anger. Those are all thoughts that work against the good aspects of the Spirit.

Having good thoughts is serious business. Your thoughts will solidify your attitudes and actions. Negative thoughts will prevent you from trusting God. Ask God to show you if your thoughts are unacceptable to Him. Allow yourself to be sensitive to conviction. He doesn’t want to make you feel badly, but He does want to bless you more. Negativity will block blessing, so it’s important to get rid of it.

Be honest and confess bad thinking. Ask God to help you have better thoughts. The Holy Spirit is there to give you with all the good stuff. Ask Him to fill you with love,, joy, peace, patience. You’ll start having wonderful thoughts that take you straight to the heart of God.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart



The Amazing Blessing That Comes When We Love Our Family

Family is such a big deal to God. He made it our business to love each other, royally. We are family, a body, a connected union of believers that make up the kingdom of God. And not only that, God want us connected with our actual family.

He says, don’t hide yourself from your own flesh. (Isa 58: 7) There are other commands that God makes for us to be descent and human to other people, but connecting with family is a big deal.

God blesses you when you love your family.

God blesses you when you love your family.

So what happens when you take care of your family, as well as taking care of the poor? Then your light shall break forth like the morning. Your healing shall spring forth speedily, and your righteousness shall go before you, the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard. Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer; You shall cry, and He will say, ‘Here I am.’  (Isa 58:8)

Can you imagine? When the enemy comes against you, he can’t even see because the glory of the Lord is shining behind you. And the righteousness that you show actually goes ahead of you to clear the way. And, you’ll be healed!

There is so much behind the love that we need to show each other. Far more than overlooking petty differences. Try it and see what happens.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


When The Enemy Comes In Like A Flood, Trust God To Go Before You

You know those days when Murphy’s Law goes into overdrive? I had one of those yesterday. I won’t go into details, but trust me. at the end of the day I was miserable. Everything that could go wrong did go wrong. I was bothered by it all night and kept claiming the peace of God to settle my spirit.

When I got up this morning, I wasn’t looking forward to going to work. I knew what I had to face — the effects of yesterday. But then a wonderful thing happened. The Lord spoke to me. Quietly, in my heart, I heart Him say, When the enemy comes in like a flood.

At first, I didn’t pay attention to it until it repeated two or three times. Then I had to stop and think about. What is that verse anyway? So I looked it up. When the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him. (Isa 59:19)

The Lord will go before you.

The Lord will go before you.

Awesome! Suddenly my day went from depressing to jubilant. I could easily see the angel of the Lord planting a huge flag on a pole in front of the hoards of the enemy. Planting that flag sends shock waves through the enemy ranks and the scatters them like fleas.

My day has been nothing like yesterday. The atmosphere has been completely different and I am so grateful to God for going before me. He worked because I trusted Him to work. If I had ignored His word, or failed to trust Him, I would still be stressed. So, how is your day going?



Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart