Category Archives: Blog

Find The Part Of The Body That You Belong To

Fit in with the part of the body you belong to.

Fit in with the part of the body you belong to.

There are so many different people in the body of Christ. Personalities and differences abound. Sometimes the differences are so great that we wonder to ourselves if that other person could possibly be saved!

But that’s because we’re comparing body parts to parts that don’t belong together. You can’t put an eye lash next to a kneecap and expect them to connect well. But the eye lash and the eye lid and the eyeball will all communicate the same language and understand each other perfectly.

When we find the subset of the larger body that we belong to, we’ll feel at home. There won’t be any performance issues, no awkward lingering because we don’t fit in. We’ll connect the way we are supposed to connect. We need to be with others who understand how we operate.

It’s ok that there are different flavors of Christ. As long as everyone agrees with the Lordship if Jesus and His salvation, the variances are not that big a deal. But it is a big deal if you don’t fit in.

If you feel outside of the body that you’ve attended, go look around. There’s no sin in finding a better fit. Your allegiance isn’t to a pastor, it’s to Jesus, and He wants you to be happy.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


If You’re Not Salty, Then You’re Blending In Too Much

You have within you exactly what the world needs.

You have within you exactly what the world needs.

You know the thing about salt? It makes everything taste better. Food that needs salt always tastes bland. Guess what you are! (Mat 5:13) You are called to be the wow factor in the world around you.

But watch out for the warning. If salt loses its flavor, it’s worthless and trampled under foot. Don’t be ashamed of the gospel of truth. Don’t try to fit in so much that you don’t stand out at all. You need to be the flavor that everyone is craving.

The only reason for not being salty is fear. If you are afraid of being labeled “one of them”, then you deny the work of Christ on the cross. You hold the fear of man above the sacrifice of the God’s divine love.

You can’t carry the truth in you and look like everyone around you. If no one can see a difference in your life, then you haven’t discovered the freedom and blessing that is yours. Let go of fear and throw yourself into the love of God. Your goal shouldn’t be to blend in. Your goal should be to show the goodness of God in a world desperate for help.

Stop worrying about people and find the flavor of heaven for yourself. Once you really get it, you’ll be tasty!


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


When Is The Right Time To Pray?

Prayer is conversation that never stops.

Prayer is conversation that never stops.

When exactly is the right time to pray? Is it before the problem starts or after? Should prayer be stored up, or your first reaction when things go wrong? Actually, it’s a trick question.

Prayer is just a conversation with God. Since Emmanuel, God with Us, is really with us, we don’t have to address our petitions to a far off God and hope He will take notice. He’s right here. He sees what you see. You can just turn to Him and ask.

If your conversation with Him is ongoing, there’s never really a set time to pray, it’s always happening between you and Him. It may seem like you’re talking to yourself at first, but when you hear an answer come back that you know wasn’t you idea, then the conversation has begun.

Don’t wait until you have fires to put out. Talk to Him now. Get used to hearing His voice, so He can help you prevent the fires in the first place. If problems happen, don’t panic. Ask for help and trust Him.

Talk to Him when things are good and let Him tell you the what you can’t hear when you’re stressed. The right time to pray is now, and always.

If You Look For More, God Promises That You Will Find More

Will you search out the things of God?

Will you search out the things of God?

God is not insignificant, two-dimensional, or irrelevant. He is big, complex, and very much alive and near. If you want more out of your life as a believer, then go for it. There is so much more to have and to know.

Jesus said, Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. (Mat 7:7) One definition of the word seek means, to try to find by searching. That is not casual. How badly do you want more out of your faith? Are you glancing about when it is convenient, or are you really looking under every rock, so to speak.

Jesus promised that if we would search for more, we would find it. If we ask for more, we would get it. Those aren’t idle promises. He wasn’t teasing us, He was promising us. If you really want to know more of God, if you want to see Him move in miraculous ways in your life, then start trusting Him to be exactly who He says He is.

Ask for big things and believe that you will get them. Ask for more understanding of who God is, and He will show Himself. It’s His word, so He will do what He said He would.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Do Not Let Circumstances Or People Make You Stop Believing The Truth

If you know the Truth, do not, under any circumstances, change you mind. You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. (Jhn 8:32) You won’t have to guess, you will know the truth. The Word of God is true because God cannot lie. If He has said it, then He has spoken truth.

What happens when you run up against people who don’t know the truth? They may respond to you subtly or violently. It doesn’t matter. Stand firm on what you know to be true.

Joshua and Caleb believed God when no one else did.

Joshua and Caleb believed God when no one else did.

When Joshua and Caleb came back from scouting the promised land, they were the only ones to say go for it. They’re positive report so enraged the people that they were nearly stoned to death. (Num 14:10) But Joshua and Caleb were right, and were the only two of that entire generation to actually enter the promised land and live long years there.

Your commitment to God may not be easy. He never promised that. He did promise to be with you through everything He calls you to. That is truth. Don’t look at circumstances and don’t listen to people who don’t know what they’re talking about. Listen to God and He will bless your path, because He said He would.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Don’t Worry About How Bad The World Is | God Put His Light In You

It can be sad and depressing to see our world stray so far from God’s will. Hunger, violence, and lack of morality tear at lives and destroy hopes and dreams. We often hear that we are getting what we deserve. That God is judging this lost world.

Nothing could be further from the truth. God has poured His love out on the world over and over again. It is the enemy who works to kill, steal, and destroy. It is the enemy who works to cover the world in darkness.

You are light in the darkest place.

You are light in the darkest place.

Jesus is the light of the world, and He made us His lights as well. (Mat 5:14) God is not judging the world and at the same time saving it. He put Himself in us to be salvation to a lost people.

But it looks so bad out there! Oh, there’s a reason for that. Look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near. (Luk 21:28) I believe that the enemy goes into overdrive in a panic at what God is about to do. The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house, says the Lord Almighty. (Haggai 2:9)

God is about to pour out His glory in a way that has never been seen before. And He’s going to use you to do it. Remember, you are the light of the world. When do you see a candle the easiest? At noon, at sunset, or at midnight? You see light shine the  brightest at the darkest hour.

You are a light that cannot be missed. A light that will draw all people to Him, people desperate to get out of the darkness. They’re not going to be interested in Bible stories. They’re not going to be interested in nice counseling. They’re going to want to see God, and God will be there for them.

You are God’s chosen vessel to bring salvation, healing, and deliverance. Are you ready? Can you operate in power and in might? Because the time is coming when you will need to. If your light is dim and weak because you don’t actual live what you claim, then it’s time to start. It’s time to start believing that God is who He says He is.

Will He heal when you pray? Yes. Will He save a horrible and messed up situation when you ask? Yes. Will He bless beyond expectation because You declare His goodness? Yes, yes, and yes.

God will be what He says He is and you will show Him off to the world who is looking for Him. Your light will be amazing and grow from flickering to blazing when you begin to live in complete faith and trust. Start trusting God now, because your life is about to begin.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Three Steps To Hearing God Talk To You

Open your channel so you can hear God.

Open your channel so you can hear God.

Does it seem to you that other people have the open channel to heaven and you never hear anything? Thinking about communicating with God as a channel is a good way to look at it. If you can’t hear Him, your channel may be closed entirely or clogged so nothing can get through.

Hearing from God is not impossible. In fact, it is the call of every believer to hear the voice of God. There are some simple steps to take to make it happen.

1. Are you a believer? Have you received salvation through the sacrifice of Jesus? If not, then that is the first step. Confess your sins to Him. Ask Him to forgive you and be Lord of your life.

2. Step one is good? Then take a long, hard look at how you see God. Is He distant and scary? Or is He near and loving. If He is distant and scary, ask Him to show you why. There may be unresolved issues in your life that you need to confess or people who you need to forgive. Those issues can block your relationship with God in significant ways.

3. Dealt with all the issues? Good. Now spend time talking to Him. Then spend time listening to Him. Listen with your heart. Listen as you read the Word. Listen as you sit in church. He will talk to you all the time.

Get your channel open and clear, because God has a lot to say.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Just Because God’s Blessings Are Free Doesn’t Mean You’ve Have Them

All the blessings of heaven are waiting on you to ask.

All the blessings of heaven are waiting on you to ask.

Peter gives this wonderful salutation: Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. (2Pet 1:2) Grace and peace be yours in abundance. How wonderful is that? Grace, the favor and blessing of God to move on our behalf, and peace, the total lack of fear. I don’t know about you, but I’ll take than in abundance.

And that’s really the attitude that we need to get it. Peter says, in effect, I want you to have this. What do you do when someone offers you something? You have the choice to receive it or not. Just because someone offers you something does not mean that you own it, but it’s yours for the taking.

Just like all the aspects of God: love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, self-control, gentleness, faith, they are all available. Available if we want them and take them.

How do you get them? Picture God standing there with His hands full of all His goodness that is available to us. He’s looking around for someone to give them to. Just ask Him. Tell Him what you want and need. He’s more than willing to give you that, and then more you haven’t asked for.

I would that you had all the gifts of God in abundance. Now receive them and be blessed!


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Just Because The Gate Is Narrow Doesn’t Mean That Life Has To Be Too

The gate is narrow, but the kingdom is wide.

The gate is narrow, but the kingdom is wide.

We get into so much trouble when we over define salvation. When Jesus said, But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. (Mat 7:14), He didn’t mean that our life in the kingdom is defined by narrow limits.

He was referring to the fact there is only one way to salvation, through the blood of Christ. Don’t be fooled by nice sounding philosophies that have no power to save, heal, and deliver.

But once we get through the gate, we are not boxed in by rules and regulations. This is not Old Testament. Yes, we live with humility and a desire to honor God, but that just comes from our heart of love toward Him. We obey His command to follow Him.

And in that following is a freedom to lived blessed. The gate opens to a realm of destiny that extends far and wide. God has put inside each of us a desire to be something great in His kingdom and He’s given us the ability to go after it.

Don’t sit at the gate thinking that there is nothing more to have until you get to heaven. You haven’t begun to explore the kingdom yet. Ask God to show you what is yours and go for it.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Living The Balance Between Humility And Boldness In The Kingdom Of God

God helps us balance humility and boldness.

God helps us balance humility and boldness.

It’s a huge mistake to try to simplify God. He is complex and our relationship with Him is complex. We are called to live in different ways at the same time. We are His servant and friend. We stand in awe and dance with joy. We humble ourselves and walk boldly into the throne room.

When we narrow the definition of salvation to one aspect, we fail in other areas of our relationship with Him. We can’t just say that life in the kingdom is focused on humility. Must you be humble? Yes! Humility is foundational to salvation. God says, I dwell in the high and holy place with him who has a contrite and humble spirit. (Isa 57:15) That’s enough right there to make you want to live humbly.

But God does not want us afflicting ourselves with guilt either. He wants us to live the in the freedom of salvation. He forgives and forgets. He wants to bless, so he calls us to come boldly unto the throne of grace. (Heb 4:16) That’s His idea.

So how do we do that? How do we live in the balance between humility and boldness? We confess our sins when we know we need to. We live thankfully for all that God is to us. We receive His blessing with joy and the knowledge that we are privileged children. We allow Him to help us walk with Him. There’s where the balance comes from.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart