Category Archives: Blog

Put On The Garment Of Praise And Be A Worshiper

Give God the praise that He deserves.

Give God the praise that He deserves.

Praise is something that we initiate. It does not come bundled with faith. Just because we believe in God and say that He is Lord, we are not automatically praising Him. Praise is intentional.

Praise is an act of worship. You will often hear of “praise and worship”, as if they are separate, but really what is meant is joyful worship followed by reverent worship. Praise is joyful worship directly from your heart to God.

Praise is your delight in who God is. The scripture refers to putting on the garment of praise because it is an attitude that we take on—joy,delight, love. It is our expression to our God from the depths of our soul to the heights of heaven.

Sitting in church next to someone engaged in praise does not draw you in with them. If you do not participate yourself, then there is no praise in your heart. If you can’t praise God, then you need to talk to Him about that. Are there issues that you need to confess or forgive? You must do it. Lay down the spirit of heaviness and put on the garment of praise. (Isa 61:3) It is an act of worship that will bless your soul.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Expect The Unexpected From God When He Answers Prayer

God will answer in His God way.

God will answer in His God way.

But as it is written: Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him. (1Cor 2:9) Typically, we read that and think that means heaven. I would agree. I believe that what God is preparing for us in heaven is so far beyond our understanding that we don’t have words to describe it.

But Jesus also said to pray, on earth as it is in heaven. When we pray, our faith must be real. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. (Jam 1:6)

So in your prayers, you must believe that God will answer. And when He answers, He’s likely to do it in a way that no eye has seen nor ear heard, because He’s God. He knows how much more to bless us than we even know to ask.

The thing is, keep your heart close to Him. If He answers in a way that no eye has seen, you may not recognize it. Or you may be looking in a different direction, expecting something different. But if you believe and trust Him, you better know that He will bless you amazingly and you will love it.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

The Kingdom Of God Is Where Authority Meets Humility

Humility and authority move the kingdom.

Humility and authority move the kingdom.

The kingdom of God is all about God’s great plan for us. It has always been the heart of God for us to live in harmony and love with Him. He planned it before the foundation of the world, and He knew everyone by name even then.

Living in the kingdom of God requires that we are saved by the amazing sacrifice of Jesus.  When we are saved by grace, we become part of His family, joint heirs with Christ. That comes with the authority to speak in Jesus’ name. That’s like going shopping with Dad’s credit card. We’re given grace to use His name and all the authority that comes with it.

And God expects us to use that authority. It’s there for us to effect change and blessing to the world. We can use that authority to speak healing, grace, peace, and joy where it’s needed. When we don’t, we rob people of blessing. We rob them of the opportunity of seeing the love of God touch their lives in ways they really need.

But Jesus came to show us how to live, and His life was all about humility. The first shall be last and the last shall be first. Those who lead should be the first to serve. Humility is a character trait of the kingdom. Arrogance, rudeness, or pride are completely outside of God’s realm. Anyone walking in arrogance clearly has not understood the gospel of peace.

But when you combine the humility of Christ with the keys of authority that He gave us, you are a walking, talking, powerful agent of the kingdom of God. Your humility allows you to minister to the people who really need it. You don’t hesitate because you might look foolish or “uncool”. And when you do,  you release the power of heaven to heal, to bless, and to protect.

God is waiting on you to act for Him. I don’t know why that is so, but it is the way of His kingdom. He put everything in our hands and expects us to believe Him and follow His example.

When you step out as God’s secret weapon, you might feel a little awkward, but the first time you see God answer your prayer right in front of you, you’ll look around for someone else to pray for. Yes, it’s that exciting.

Go for it. Put on His humility, use the authority you’ve been given, and go change some lives.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

Who Do You Think You Are Anyway?

You are so much more than you know.

You are so much more than you know.

You probably have a certain view of yourself that you don’t want to talk about. Most of us have a low opinion of ourselves that we’d rather not have people agree with. But you’d be surprised how others see you.

In fact, God sees you as perfect. He looks through the blood of Christ, and you are exactly the way He wants you to be. You are astounding in beauty and grace and wonder. You are His royal heir, a privileged son or daughter of the King. He sees every bit of the destiny He put in you and smiles. You are His promise.

The enemy sees much of the same thing, and he hates it. He hates that you look like your Father. He hates that you are covered with destiny, because he can see it. He sees the work of God in you more clearly than you do yourself. The enemy knows who you are. You are the promise that he can never be.

When you look in the mirror, stop looking at the past. Start looking into eternity. You’ve been transformed into a new creation. You are a living, breathing promise of God for salvation and life. You have your Father’s eyes and His heart is in you. You look amazing.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

God Is The Source Of All Good Things

God is the source of all good things.

God is the source of all good things.

All good things come from God. Jesus said, Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God. (Mat 19:17) Whether we realized it or not, all goodness comes from God, because He is the source.

Did something good happen today? It’s because God is good. Did you actively seek His help? Probably not, but it was His presence that you felt. He is good whether we acknowledge Him or not. Most of the time we don’t. Most of the time, we enjoy when good things happen and take for granted that it was God who caused it.

There is great blessing in realizing that we owe so much to God for being good. When we acknowledge Him and give Him our praise because He deserves it, we’re more aware of what He is up to. We get in on His secret and He shows us the things what He is actively doing for us. It’s fun.

When we look at the world, so full of anger and death, it’s amazing to realize how good God is. Without His presence here, our lives would be bleak beyond description. But when we plug into  His goodness, we are filled with blessing beyond description, in a great way. And it’s good.

**************************************************************************The Key of David, by Diana Symons                                                                                             A story that’s been told for thousands of years…  The Bible’s Book 1 Samuel tells the story of David’s life – from an obscure family to an unlikely king, from shepherd to warrior, from champion to king-maker. What does it mean for a man to love God and be loved by Him? This book explores what it means to be human in the light of the Kingdom.

Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

God Is Impressed With Passion, Not Appearance

God loves passion, not appearance.

God loves passion, not appearance.

Here’s a scenario I can imagine from heaven. God looking down at church on Sunday morning. On one side is a couple sitting quietly. They got ready for church that morning without incident, greeted their friends on the way in, and listen intently to the sermon.

On the other side, a couple had a huge fight while getting ready, got to church late because of it, and are struggling to concentrate on what’s being said.

Who is God impressed with?

The first couple does not get God’s attention. Both of them have so closed off their hearts that nothing can get in. That’s why they don’t even fight. Their polite attention to the sermon only looks good from the outside. Nothing is getting in to change them.

The other couple is incredibly passionate about God, and so have huge targets on their backs. The enemy uses every opportunity to ruin their peace. They sit in church unable to listen to the sermon because they are both repentant before God and asking His forgiveness.

God loves passion. He is so willing to forgive and give grace to those who give everything to Him. Just because the enemy stirs up trouble does not mean that God is not impressed with the passion. Keep your heart open and soft to Jesus. He loves that.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

Are Your Sins Making You Sick?

Your sins could be making you sick.

Your sins could be making you sick.

You’ve probably heard the studies that say that a huge percentile of sickness is related to stress. I believe it. Stress is fear. God says, repeatedly, to fear not. So if we do, if we stress, we are disobeying God. Disobeying God is called what? Yes, sin. Stress is sin, because we are not trusting God as we should.

Stress is a fear that we hold onto because we don’t actually believe that God is who He says He is. When we hold onto sin, it affects us both spiritually and physically. I won’t diagnose anything here, but trust me, there’s a list of conditions directly related to holding onto fear, stress, what ever you want to call it.

Unforgiveness is the second big area of sin-related illness. And I’m not talking about having a cold or flue. I’m talking about huge, serious conditions–conditions you have actual control over. Stress/fear and unforgiveness are completely manageable. All you have to do is repent and give them to Jesus.

Is there ANYONE that you need to forgive? Do it. Do it now. Repent for not doing it sooner and give it all to Jesus. Ask for His healing and blessing. He’s waiting to give it to you. Stop stressing and believe God. He’s there for you. Trust Him and be healed. It will change your life.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

Where Ever You Go, Bring Some Grace With You

A humble heart attracts grace.

Grace belongs to us as believers.

Grace comes with salvation. It’s because of grace that we are saved. Grace is a big deal in the kingdom of God. It’s favor that we don’t deserve. We don’t deserve it because there’s no way we can earn it. If you could, it wouldn’t be grace.

So grace is yours as a believer. It is the Spirit of God to bless us and bring favor in the things that we trust to God. If you have given your job to God to bless, then you release grace in your job. Jesus said to give Him all our cares, so all the stress of your job you should give to Him. He will bless and give grace to it. You’ll see favor in areas that you really need.

The grace of God can be released in your family, your home, or any area that you give to God. The obvious reverse is that areas that you don’t give to God, He can’t bless for you. That’s when you hold onto control and stress–never a good idea. And in fact, is sin. Jesus said to cast ALL your cares on Him. He said to fear not, and that includes stress.

It is God’s plan for us to be blessed and live in grace. So enjoy!


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Does Thinking Of Heaven Make You Homesick?

Loving God  can make you homesick.

Loving God can make you homesick.

I can’t say for sure, but I suspect that most people don’t think about heaven, because that would mean thinking about death. A healthy mind doesn’t dwell on death. Most people are thinking about today and planning for tomorrow, not the afterlife.

Hopeless people think of heaven as an escape from the pain of their lives. There’s a longing to be free of pain–anything but the pain. They’re not looking to what heaven really is, they just want out of where they are.

But people who grow close to God begin to see how amazing He is. He is powerful and good and so full of love. How awesome it must be to live in heaven where His presence is tangible everywhere. Where the fragrance of God fills the air. When we experience His peace and His joy, we want more. Who wouldn’t?

Heaven begins to call to us.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (Mat 6:21) When your heart is with God, you want to be where He is. There’s a tug-of-war going on in you. As the Spirit of God gives you peace for your day, you also long to be where the Father is. Heaven is not an escape. It’s calling you home.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Where Is God When You Need Him?

God has you covered. Just believe.

God has you covered. Just believe.

We all go through periods when it seems like heaven goes completely deaf, when everything in the world feels like it’s falling apart. You know those times when you feel devastated by circumstances or people. We turn to God in a panic and desperation because we can’t see any hope. But we don’t hear Him. It feels like He’s turned His back on us. What’s with that?

When life falls apart on you and panic sets in, you forget to trust God. You forget that He’s got your back. You start looking around for answers and ways to fix things yourself. Don’t get me wrong, you still have responsibility, but when you forget that God promises to be with you, you only look for answers you contrive.

Once we stop trusting, we essentially pull the plug on our communication line with God. He’s still talking to us, but we stop listening. It takes courage to keep believing God in the face of devastation. You have to choose to believe that God will take are of you. A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand but it shall not come near you. (Ps 91:7) No matter what happens, you have to believe that you can trust God.

Take a deep breath and find your peace. God is with you and He always will be.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart