Category Archives: God

Give God Back The Glory He Put In You

Give God back the glory that He put in you.

Give God back the glory that He put in you.

Remember the story of the business man who gave his servants talents before traveling to far country? (Mat 25:14-30) We often use this story in relation to our real talents, but there is another layer of understanding to be had. God gave us His glory, and He wants it back.

When we receive Christ, God puts His Spirit in us. He comes fully loaded with all His glory. What we chose to do with it will be something we will answer for someday. If we fail to acknowledge God’s presence and His glory in our lives, we are like the servant who buried the one talent he was given. The master was furious with him.

But if we embrace the presence of God in us, our hearts will swell with praise and worship and give  back to Him the glory that is His—the glory He put in us in the first place. He is wonderful in that He gives us everything that He requires of us.

The only way you can give back to Him more than you were given is to love Him fully and freely. You cannot praise Him grudgingly. Real praise is heartfelt and uncontainable. If you are truly in love with God, your heart will magnify His glory back to Him and you will feel His pleasure.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart
  • Putting God in the Center

Your Heart Is God’s Holy Of Holies

God in us makes us one with Him.

God made your heart His Holy of Holies.

God does an amazing thing in us when we receive His salvation through the blood of Jesus. Instead of His presence living within the Holy of Holies in the temple, He tore the veil that restricted access to that private place and put His Spirit inside us. He makes our heart His Holy of Holies. He became Emmanuel.

How amazing is that? His presence makes us holy. His love is so great that He wants to be in and part of everyone of us. It’s always been His great plan to have a loving, amazing relationship with His people. We become sons and daughters, grafted into His family and can go to Him boldly, crying Abba Father.

The enormity of this realization is mindboggling. That the God who made all things would make us His Holy of Holies is beyond understanding. Especially when you read any description of God’s throne room. The power of His glory, the angels magnifying His name, the light, the noise–it all sounds hard to take in. And yet, He put Himself in us so we could be one.

God is in us to be everything that we need. If we could really understand that, we would never see Him as distant or uninterested ever again. We would pay attention and listen, because He’s with us.

Another post on the love of God: How Much Does God Love You?


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart
  • None Like God

God Will Always Do What He Says He Will Do

God will always do what He says He will do.

Your faith keeps God’s promises alive.

When God promises something, He means it. So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth. It shall not return to me void. But it shall accomplish what I please, and shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. (Isa 55:11)

In others words, He will do exactly what He says He will do. God’s promises are written in stone. They are yours to take hold of and believe for life. A good way to think about it is to think about God’s promises as sticky tape. When you take hold of it, it will stick to you forever. It’s the best glue in the universe.

The only way a promise will not become real is if you stop believing. Your lack of faith is the only thing that will unglue that sticky tape. As long as you believe, the promises will be everything God says they will be.

Have you let go of dreams and promises because you never saw them happen? Start believing again. Let the promises wrap around you and stick to your spirit. God won’t let go, so don’t you let go. There is a reason for His timing. Just trust Him and hold on. It shall accomplish the thing for which it was sent.

Another post on believing for promises: How Long Will You Believe?


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


What Does God Think Of You?

God is constantly thinking the best for you.

God’s constant thoughts of you are of blessing and hope.

It’s easy to assume that God is just like us, only bigger. It’s a natural assumption because the only frame of reference we have for intelligence is ourselves. It’s easy to forget that God is the master of the multitask. He doesn’t need to concentrate on one thing or one person at a time. He can fully engage with each and every one of us at the same time.

God is constantly thinking of us. Remember, He made all of creation so that He could have a people to be in relationship with. Many, O Lord my God, are Your wonderful works which You have done. And Your thoughts toward us cannot be recounted to You in order. If I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered. (Psa 40:5)

He thinks of us constantly because He loves us so much more than we can comprehend. His desire is for us to be blessed and happy in His care. For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. (Jer 29:11)

God is thinking of your future and the hope He wants you to have. Stop and consider that. What is God thinking of you right now? Ask Him. If you can understand that, it will change your life.

Another post on God’s thoughts of you: God’s Thoughts, Your Promise


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


God Is Waiting To Bless You. Go Get It.

God is waiting to shower you with blessing.

Showers of blessing are yours if you give yourself to God. Photo credit: kenchu

There are so many blessings waiting to be had that are never received. Such a waste. Especially since those who need it the most suffer through life needlessly. All it takes is reading the Bible and living what it says. Seek first the kingdom of God and He promises to be all that you need Him to be.

God is ready to overwhelm you with more blessings than you could ever imagine so that you’ll always be taken care of in every way and you’ll have more than enough to share. (2Cor 9:8)

How amazing is that? He is waiting to overwhelm you with blessing. So why don’t you have it? Have you obeyed His commandment to seek first the kingdom of God? Have you loved God with all your heart, your soul, and your mind? Blessings come with obedience.

And the wonderful part of that is that the obedience only brings you more joy. Setting yourself to know God is not punishment, it’s awesome. He knows your deepest concerns and wants to work it all out for you. He wants to overwhelm you with blessing. All He asks is that you give yourself to Him in total trust. Yes, it’s a lot to ask, but you were made to love and trust Him. And when you do, the blessings will flow.

Another post on being blessed: How To Block Your Blessing


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart



God’s Touch Will Heal And Restore What Is Broken In Your Life

God can fix anything.

Give God everything and He will make it beautiful.

God is the restorer of lost souls. He takes what is broken and corrupted and turns it into holiness and praise. Beauty for ashes, The oil of joy for mourning, The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. (Isa 61:3) It’s almost hard to believe the complete restoration that is possible.

Never believe that anything in your life is too messed up for God to fix. He can fix anything. What is required is your compliance. You have to want to let Him. You have to hand over every area of your life and let Him touch it with His goodness. Hold nothing back. Anything you hold back will continue to corrupt your life. You won’t lose anything. As the bad drops off, He replaces it with great. You become so much better than you were.

This is not an instant change. This is a journey, and the process will come in steps as you trust Him more and more. The more you give to Him, the more you are strengthened in faith and blessing. Give it all to Him and watch what He will do in your life. He will take the ashes of your devastation and make it beautiful by His goodness.

Another post on transformation: Spiritual Growth Takes Time


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart
  • Eternal Transformation

All Knowledge Is Yours If You Ask

Ask and it will be given to you.

All the promises of God are yours, if you ask.

God is so amazing to us that He really has provided all that we need in our lives. He said if we seek Him first, He would take care of all the basics–what we eat, what we wear, where we live. He has it covered. And then He gave us even more;

For you were made rich in every way in him, in all your speech and in every kind of knowledge. (1Cor 1:5)

How cool is that! What do you need to know? You have it. You need to explain things clearly to others? You got it. It’s all yours.

But wait, you say. How do I have that? That’s like saying you can’t drive when you’re sitting in a car with the keys in your hand. The car is yours. All you have to do is learn how to use it.

The Holy Spirit is the source of all you need to connect with the promise. You must go to Him and ask. It’s easy–“Holy Spirit, You promised that I have every kind of knowledge. How do I access that?” Now listen with your heart. The answer may not come instantly. He may wait to see how serious you are. Will you continue to ask for the promises of the Bible? Will you continue to claim them? There are so many amazing gifts that are yours if you will only ask.

Another post on pressing into God: Don’t Limit God


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

How Can You Talk To God

God always wants to talk to you as well.

Talking to God requires listening as well.

When you understand that God is a person not a thing, it makes sense that He wants us to talk to Him. We are made in His image, so our need to communicate comes from Him, not us like we like to think. He is a Spiritual being, so He made us with spirits as well. When we talk to Him, we’re actually communicating in our spirits.

That sounds a bit squishy, but that’s because we live in a physical world and tend to trust only what we can experience through our five senses. We also have a mind and imagination and that’s where God loves to communicate with us.

You can talk to Him anyway you want to. You can speak out loud or quietly in your heart. But a conversation requires communication from both parties, so be aware of how He will talk back. He will give you pictures in your mind, a memory, a song, a scripture, a conversation with a friend that touches on what you’ve been asking Him.

How you talk to God is not the issue. The issue is how you hear Him talk back. You must choose to be aware of Him talking to you, because He is. He made you to be in relationship with Him, so He wants to talk and He want you to heart Him.

Another post on talking to God: How To Talk To God


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Time With God Fills You For Times Of Need

Filling your tank with God's presence will prepare you in times of need.

Time you spend on the mountaintops will refresh your work in the valley.

The mount of transfiguration was on a…mountain. Jesus frequently went to the mountains to pray and spend time with God, then He went back to the valley to minister and do His work. The high places filled and refreshed and brought communion with the Father.

The good news is that rain always flows down from the mountains to the valleys where we live and spend our time. The valleys are the places where fields are plowed and crops are planted. It’s where the fruit trees are cultivated.

The mountaintops are refreshing and we need them, but the valleys are where the fruits of our labors ripen. Spend time alone with God. Get away to hear His voice and be restored. Then take all that you’ve been filled with back to the valley and give it away.

To carry the metaphor of rain even further–when it rains a lot, lakes and dams are filled and rivers flow. When you spend time with God, you essentially fill your reservoir of His presence for when you need it later on. The lakes are filled with the flow from the high places–those places of worship and praise and listening to His voice. You need it for yourself and for everyone you touch.

Another post on waiting on God. Wait On The Lord, Learn To Fly!


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

Obedience In The Small Things

God blesses obedience, no matter how small.

Obey in small things to see big rewards.

Jesus told a story of a man who gave his servants each a certain amount of money to invest. One servant did nothing with the money given to him and was berated for it. In fact, his money was given to the one who made the biggest return. (Luk 19:11-27)

Do you want to see God do big things in your life? Then be obedient in the small things. Can you be honorable in all the areas of your life? Can you obey the law, even when it annoys you? Can you obey God’s word, even when no one is looking? Can you obey the small nudge to go out of your way when you don’t feel like it?

If you can’t do the small things, God cannot trust you with anything bigger. But if you can, then you can expect more than you asked for. Those servants who did invest the money given to them were made rulers over cities. That wasn’t made clear to them before their master left them.

If you can obey in the small things, God will bless you in big ways. He loves obedience over sacrifice. (Sam 15:22) Big answers require big faith, and you build faith from starting small. Be obedient in the small things and watch what happens.

Another post on following God: Your Attention Is Required


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart
  • Obedience is Key