Category Archives: God

Does Thinking Of Heaven Make You Homesick?

Loving God  can make you homesick.

Loving God can make you homesick.

I can’t say for sure, but I suspect that most people don’t think about heaven, because that would mean thinking about death. A healthy mind doesn’t dwell on death. Most people are thinking about today and planning for tomorrow, not the afterlife.

Hopeless people think of heaven as an escape from the pain of their lives. There’s a longing to be free of pain–anything but the pain. They’re not looking to what heaven really is, they just want out of where they are.

But people who grow close to God begin to see how amazing He is. He is powerful and good and so full of love. How awesome it must be to live in heaven where His presence is tangible everywhere. Where the fragrance of God fills the air. When we experience His peace and His joy, we want more. Who wouldn’t?

Heaven begins to call to us.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (Mat 6:21) When your heart is with God, you want to be where He is. There’s a tug-of-war going on in you. As the Spirit of God gives you peace for your day, you also long to be where the Father is. Heaven is not an escape. It’s calling you home.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


God Is More Than An Old Man Sitting On A Throne

God doesn't belong in a box.

God doesn’t belong in a box.

When you think of God, do you visualize an old man with a long white beard sitting on a throne? He doesn’t say anything, does He? He just sits there. That’s a very common image for most people when they think of God. Suppose someone described you as someone who sits in a chair, and that’s all. Yes, you probably do sit in a chair, but you probably have a life and are quite active outside your chair.

God is so multidimensional that it’s laughable to think that He’s a caricature sitting on a throne. Actually, I think that’s what the enemy wants us to believe. What are all the names of God that describe Him? Wonderful, Counselor, Prince of Peace, Lion of Judah, Lamb of God, Father, King of Kings, Savior. And there are more.

I know I mixed up names for God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, but God is a triune God.  That is, He’s three people, so all the names are appropriate. That’s what makes Him so much more than an old man on a throne.

Get Him out of the box. He doesn’t belong there. You are free to relate to Him in many ways–friend, counselor, savior, king. He is everything that we will ever need.

Another post on God: What Do You Say When Someone  Says, Tell Me About God?


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


God Wants A Willing Heart, Not A Stubborn One That Needs A Bridle

Don't be like a horse that needs a harness to obey.

Don’t be like a horse that needs a harness to obey.

When we come into a relationship with God, when we become friends with Him, our hearts and attitudes should change. We should want to be purified of wrong habits and thoughts. We should want to be made like Him so our hearts respond to Him easily.

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye. Do not be like the horse or like the mule, which have no understanding, which must be harnessed with bit and bridle, else they will not come near you. (Ps 32:8-9)

God doesn’t want to strong-arm us to do things. We shouldn’t be stubborn or require a harness and bit to know what He wants. That attitude says that you don’t care. That you’ll only do for Him what He makes you do.

Rather, God wants you to be watching Him. That’s a willing heart, eager to see what His will is. That’s a heart that God can trust, like a Joseph, the faithful servant who was given full responsibility over a house, then a kingdom.

Sit with the Lord. Quiet your spirit and listen with your heart. Where’s He looking? Where is He directing you? Let Him trust you to be a good and faithful servant.

Another post on being led by God: How To Find Your Way


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart




My Heart’s Desire Is To Be Friends With God


Imagine being friends with God.

Imagine being friends with God.

James 2:23 says that Abraham believed God and that he was called the friend of God. I’m pretty sure the two ideas are related. I wonder if Abraham was the first man who God approached. How many did not believe Him before Abraham did?

I want to know what it means to live like that today. How do I get to be a friend of God? I am not going to lay out five easy steps, because I am still working through it. I want to know. I do know that friends hang out together, so to be a better friend, I need to spend more time with Him. Friends say good things about each other, so the things I say about Him will be kind and true. Friends believe each other, so I will believe Him when He speaks to me.

Friendships are intentional. They take time and energy. They take some amount of sacrifice. But over all, they are based on mutual love and respect. I want to be known as a friend of God, by God Himself. I want to know His thoughts and sit in quiet places talking about the things of the universe I don’t know about. I want to know what it’s like to be friends with God. That is my one true goal in life.

Another post on friendship with God: Is God Your Best Friend?


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart



God Loves When We Linger To Appreciate Beauty With Him

God loves to share beauty.

God loves to share beauty.

I have found that the longer I walk with God, the more I’m impressed with the things He loves. God loves beauty. We didn’t invent it, He did. He really likes beautiful things. Look at the amazing colors and panoramas of the world. He enjoys the same beauty that we do.

Sometimes I’ll hear Him tell me to slow down and linger for a second. When I pay attention, suddenly I notice the intense golden light of the low sun just before sunset. The intensity of orange and gold reflects off of leaves and trees just for a moment. And then the light shifts and the magic is lost. But I got to see it for a second because He wanted me to.

There may be a moment of serenity that He wants me to enjoy, but I have to be open to listening to Him, or I’ll miss it. But when I pay attention, I see what He means. Sometimes there is a peace that comes from light and sound and colors. I think when we look on those scenes with the presence of God in us, we see through a lens we wouldn’t normally see. We get to enjoy the beauty that He loves and delights to share with us. It’s a grace that can’t be fully explained, but infinitely appreciated.

Another post on God’s beauty: All The Good Stuff Is Intentional


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


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Every Day Is Better With God

God makes everyday awesome.

God makes everyday awesome.

You’ve seen that bumper sticker: The worst day fishing is still better than the best day at work. I understand that. No matter how good or bad my day is, God is always with me, and that makes any day better.

When I feel overwhelmed, I can run to Him like a little child who sees Daddy come to pick her up. There is so much security knowing that He is with me. I always visualize Him holding my hand. If my hand is in His, then no matter what happens, it will be ok.

When my day is great, He makes it awesome. I am so thankful for the blessing that He sends my way. I give them back to Him in praise. I throw them up to heaven like shiny confetti. I know that all good things come from above, so I am grateful for every kindness.

I can’t imagine living without Him. I understand people who live with alcohol and drugs. Maybe I would too if I didn’t know God. He fills that place that alcohol tries to fill but can’t. I wake up everyday knowing that my God is with me and nothing will ever take that joy from me.

You Were Born For Heaven

Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart
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God Is Always The Same, Whether We Know It Or Not

God is difficult to describe, but He's always the same.

God is difficult to describe, but He’s always the same.

Getting to know God can be like a blind person trying to understand an elephant. At first it seems like a rope. Then it is like a rope attached to rough wall. And then it’s like a rope and rough wall and a hose–with big flappy wings–and tree trunks.  Every aspect describes part of what an elephant is like, but it takes time to get the big picture. If ever.

When we grow in faith, we discover God in new ways. It takes maturity to know Him in some aspects. And as we grow, we learn more about Him and see Him in even greater ways. As long as we continue to grow, this will never end. God is amazing enough to show new parts of Himself throughout eternity.

But the awesome thing is that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. When we reach a new level of growth and maturity and see God in a completely unique way,  He’s still the same. As large and amazing as we come to know Him, He was that large and amazing when we first met Him, we just couldn’t see it.  He is just waiting patiently for us to discover Him. It’s time to get excited. There is so much more of God to know. This is just the beginning!

Another post on knowing God: Who Is God?

Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart
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Give Yourself To The Crucible Of God’s Love

Allow God to purify your heart.

Allow God to purify your heart.

I heard a story once of a visit to a gold mine in South Africa. The demonstration area had a working furnace where gold was being refined. The visitors, seated several yards away, could see the glow of fire from the cracks around the furnace doors. When the doors were opened, the heat, even from across the room, was almost unbearable.

Two men wearing asbestos suits took a crucible out of the fire with long tongs. The vessel was filled with molten gold. The audience was told that the fire was heated to a certain degree to melt off the impurities in the gold. After the impurities are removed, the furnace is heated even hotter and the gold was put back in again. The impurities were again removed and returned to an even higher heat.

Each level of purification corresponds to a grade of the gold standard, i.e. 14k, 18k, 24k. The gold technician knows when the gold has reached its peak of purification when he can see his face reflected in it. Pure, molten gold is nearly clear.

When our hearts are purified by God’s grace, He can see Himself in us. His light shines through us unhindered by our selfishness and pride. Others can see Him easily. We can be a city on a hill–a light to a lost world.

Never cringe at heat in the furnace. Give yourself to it. Why hold on to anything that blocks the light of God in your life? Get rid of it. Let it all go. When the pressure is turned up and the rottenness floats to the top, confess it to Jesus and ask Him to take it from you. Ask Him to cleanse you completely. Be free. Be holy in Him.

The crucible of His love is not to punish you. It’s to make you beautiful. How much will you allow yourself to be purified? Only this far and no further? Why? Why hold onto anything sinful in your life? You were made to shine His radiance. That’s why Peter can say, “That the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ”  (1Pet 1:7)

Ask God to turn up the fire. Ask Him to purify your heart. Let Him see His face in your heart.

Another post on holiness: Holiness Takes Intention

Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

Today Is A Great Day For New Mercies

God's mercies are new every morning.

God’s mercies are new every morning.

No matter what you are going through, you can say like Scarlet O’Hara, “After all, tomorrow is another day.” Let the blessings of today flow to tomorrow and let the evils be left behind. God’s compassions fail not and His mercies are new every morning. (Lam 3:22-23)

It’s such a blessing to start the day knowing that God’s mercies are there for us. No matter what the challenge is, God is faithful, everyday. What do you need? Go to the One who will move heaven and earth for you. The challenges are not challenging to Him. He can work out anything, if we let Him.

Let go of worry, fear, and doubt. They are all of the enemy. Put your trust in God and enjoy peace. Going to bed at night worrying about the next day is allowing the enemy to win. Give it all to Jesus. He said to cast your burdens on Him, because He can handle it. He’s smarter than you anyway and knows what needs to be done.

Everyday is a fresh day of blessing. Give it to God and expect to see Him work for you. Expect to see blessing come your way, because you trust in Him. Don’t waste a single blessing.

Another post on daily mercies: Morning Mercies And Tea


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


  • God delivers His fresh mercies each day

Nothing Heals Like A Kiss From Heaven

There are times when something is going to hurt us. It may be circumstance we didn’t see coming, or someone’s words or actions that hit us right in the gut. It’s going to hurt. Your reaction to it will be important. You have to allow forgiveness to flow. Don’t hold onto anger or resentment. Bless and move on.

But while the pain is still fresh, it hurts to think about. Remember when you were little and you skinned your knee? The first thing you thought to do was run home to Mom and have her fix it. She would kiss is and make it better. Even as a kid you probably knew the kiss didn’t do anything, but it was important that you got it.

We actually get a real kiss from heaven that does a lot. When we give God our disappointments and pain, He kisses it and makes it better in ways we may never understand. When you hand over your pain to Him and trust Him to take care of is, He gives you peace. You give Him pain, He gives you peace. It’s such a great trade-off.

When God kisses an owie, it does wonders for your soul.

God Loves Through Us When We Can’t


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart