What Legacy Are You Leaving Behind?

What is the legacy that you will leave?

To live in the kingdom is to live in inheritance. We have the fullness of everything that God has given us, whether we chose to receive it or not. We are adopted into the family of God through the blood so our inheritance is sure.

But what do we do with it? If we accept the amazing blessing of being a child in the King’s house, we have more than enough to give away. God is a God of abundance. We’re not meant to hold onto what we’ve been given. We’re meant to live in community and family and bless each other.

We should be known for the blessings of God. We should leave a trail behind us of goodness, the fragrance of heaven. We should be helping the next generation to come into the kingdom and prepare them to take our place. The wisdom that we’ve learned needs to be passed on. Freely we’ve been given, freely we should give.

The legacy in the kingdom will look different on each one of us. Don’t try to be a copy of someone else. Be who you’ve been made to be and your legacy will be exactly as it should — a shining light to help others follow you to God.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Look To Other Miracles For The Faith You Need

Trust God for your impossible things.Can you believe for the impossible things in your life? It’s easy to trust God when we think we know what He will do. (We usually are wrong.) But when the impossible situation stares us in the face, it’s hard to believe for what you can’t see.

Peter climbed out of the boat onto the water because He could see Jesus standing on the waves. He may not have climbed out otherwise. So you need to set your eyes on what has already be done to give you the faith that you need. Look to the Bible.

Every miracle that Jesus did is a miracle you can stand on. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. If He did it then, He can do it now. Maybe you’ve heard stories from missionaries, or others, about miracles happening. Use them to trust God for what you need. The testimonies of God are good for lifting us up and encouraging us.

Your impossible situation is not impossible with God. In fact, it’s easy for Him. Jesus said, According to your faith let it be so. So, the more you believe, the more miracles can happen. And how fun is that!


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


You Are A Citizen Of Heaven — Start Enjoying It

Claim what is yours

Claim what is yours

It’s easy to forget that life in the kingdom is not about our daily activities. We are a spiritual people having a physical experience. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. (Eph 6:12)

Changing a bad mood is just a heartbeat away. You carry the Spirit of God inside you, so any unsavory attitude can be replaced in a second with the wonderful aspects of God. All you have to do is reject what is bad and claim what is good. Don’t over complicate it.

You have more control over how you think and feel than you realize. You should not be subject to the whims of the enemy. The authority given to you is for you to use, so use it. The kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy. That is your right as a citizen of heaven. If you are not living in peace and joy, it’s because you have not claimed it for yourself.

Don’t miss out on all the blessing that is yours. The principalities and powers of the enemy know exactly what is yours and are working to keep you distracted from it. Rebuke what is bad and claim what is good. Start enjoying your citizenship.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Are You Sinning Against Yourself?

Are you sinning against yourself? Stay with me here. I think that sometimes we may sabotage ourselves by a lifestyle that God cannot bless. And by that I mean living unhealthy. How much of your health issues are weight related or directly related to what you eat? High blood pressure, diabetes, hip, back, or knee pain, heart disease — a lot of this can all be traced to what we put in our mouths.

I don’t believe that God wants to see us living in pain, but I also think He expects us to be responsible with our bodies. Is it right to abuse ourselves and then ask God to heal us? I think He will, to a point, but then He’ll wait for us to get it together.

If you don’t know how to get yourself healthy, get help. There are all kinds of people equipped to help you lose weight, exercise, and eat right. If self-control is a problem, guess what? Self-control is an aspect of the Holy Spirit. Ask God to give you what you need. Are you eating out of pain? Give it to God. Hand over everything that hurts and let Him heal you.

You are made to live in righteousness, peace and joy. Don’t hurt yourself and miss out on your blessing.



Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Do You Have The Nerve To Be Honest With People?

Honesty will clear the air.I think there’s a lot of good that could be done in the church if people would be honest with each other. The stereotype of the church being filled with hypocrites is based on reality. I think we would all consider it shameful if we talk righteously in church and then live in an ungodly way, but we don’t consider the small ways we fail to live in truth.

Jesus said, Take heed to yourselves. If your brother sins against you,rebuke him; and if he repents, forgive him. (Luke 17:3)

How often do we allow offense to go unaddressed because we don’t have the nerve to say anything about it? Instead, we carry it around and let it fester and make us unhappy. If we would be honest about it, we can correct it and move on.

Rebuke does not have to be threatening. In fact, that’s a terrible way to deal with it. If we recognize that love is the motivation for clearing the air, then rebuke is merely pointing out something that happened with honesty. If the other person was unaware of how they offended you, it gives them revelation and a chance to ask forgiveness. If they did know how they offended you, it give them a chance to explain their motivations. (Forgive them anyway.)

The point is, don’t sit on it. Never carry around anything that makes you unhappy or guilty. Clear the air, in a loving and kind way. We are family and we take care of each other, and that means being honest.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Knowing About God Is Not The Same Thing As Trusting Him

Let go and let GodI spoke with someone recently who needed help and encouragement while going through a difficult time. After talking to her a while, I realized that she was living in fear and not trusting God. She got a little defensive when I suggested this because she has been going to church and reading her Bible daily for years, decades.

But the fact remained that she was living in fear. For all her church attendance and Bible reading, she was not actually trusting God with her life. I know what that is. I faced the same issued myself some time ago. We can be so familiar with God that we think it’s the same thing as trusting Him. It is not.

If your first response to difficulty is to panic, you may be in the same boat. Your first response should be, It’s going to be OK, because God will work it out. There should be an inner peace regardless of what happens in the natural. God promised to take care of us, but very few of us actually let Him do that. He said we’re not to worry about our lives, what we will eat, what we will wear, etc. He promised to take care of us.

Put all that good Bible reading to practice and trust God to do what He said He would. He is faithful.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


How Will The Broken Be Healed If They Don’t Feel Welcome

The broken need to feel God's loveShould churches be a place for those who are saved to come together and honor God, or can it also be a place for the broken come to be healed? Jesus said, Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance. (Mark 2:17)

How will the broken feel safe enough to come if they are not welcome? They are not welcome when they’ve been given labels. They are gay. They had an affair. They do drugs. These lifestyles indicate brokenness somewhere. They need healing and love. They need a place where they can talk about God and receive His compassion. What about all those young people who grew up in Christian families then left the church as soon as they got older? How will they come back if they don’t feel welcome?

Sometimes we don’t need to fix people, we just need to love them. God can do what we cannot. He  needs us to extend His love and mercy, not His condemnation. Maybe the broken need a place to come that is not church. Maybe it’s a home or a park or a coffee shop. God can meet them anywhere, and so can we.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


The Real Meaning Of Peace

Trusting God is the secret to peace and contentmentPaul gives an extraordinary explanation for his ability to live in peace. I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content. (Phil 4:11) This is not an area that we are familiar with. We are always pressed to do more, go higher, be better than we are. Should we not? Weeeellll, yes and no. There’s a balance between expectancy and contentment that, like Paul, we have to learn.

Contentment comes with our close relationship with God. When we know Him, when we talk and commune with Him on a daily basis, we know that He has us completely in His hand. We trust Him for the things that pop up that we don’t understand. It’s easy to be content, even when what we have is not what we’d like, because we know that God has our best in mind for us.

If we don’t live closely with God, we don’t have that trust and contentment is elusive. We’re always second guessing ourselves and wondering how to make our lives better. There’s no faith in that. There will never be peace in that.

True peace comes with knowing that God is taking care of us. Rich or poor, He will take care of our needs. To the extent that we trust Him, He will bless us. Learn to trust God and you will learn to be content.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


We Are Friends And Family–Get Help When You Need It

We are meant to help each otherGet help when you need it. I don’t care who you are, if you are the pastor or the leader, everyone runs out of steam at some point. The worst thing is to retreat into exhaustion and stew in your miseries. Exhaustion will come, but you don’t have suffer through it alone.

We are a family. The reason Jesus said the commandment to love your neighbor as yourself was second only to loving God is because His plan for us is to live in family, community — to help each other when we need it.

But people may not be aware of your need. You have to be open enough to ask for help. Go to the ones you trust. Allow them to minister to you. If they can hear God for you, you may get the exact encouragement that you need.

That’s the wonderful part of our family. If we can’t hear God ourselves, because of stress, pain, whatever, the people who love us can. Let them help you. Let them love you. Take the step that you need to take to allow your friends to do what you need them to do. You will all be blessed in the process.

Later on, you will be able to see the signs in other people who need your help. You will know how to pray and be there for them. That’s what friends do.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


God Will Match Your Generosity

God will match your generosity

God is not stingy. When He gives, He does it right. You will lack for nothing you need, and more. But the key is that you have to be a giver first. Give to him who asks you, and from him who wants to borrow from you do not turn away. (Mat 5:42) Then God will know it’s safe to bless you.

Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you. (Luke 6:38)

He uses the same yardstick that you use. Do you need great blessing? Then give generously. It’s not like you’ll run out of anything. God has all the resources that you need. Give to fill the need and let God take care of yours.

And God gives generously — a good measure, not a fake on to rob you, pressed down so more can fit it, running over. He loves to give when He sees your generosity. You can almost see the glint in His eye and hear Him say, “That’s my boy” or “That’s my girl”.

If giving has be difficult for you, give that fear to God. Confess that you’ve been fearful of giving and let Him fill you with faith. Then try it. See if God won’t bless you back so you lose nothing.